Sequel: Great Love
Status: Complete!!!:)

Empath Love

She's one of them now

“Come on everyone I got presents for everyone and when I mean everyone I mean everyone here!!” I yelled through the halls running around. Demetri had Lyric in the throne room already and it was my job to round everyone up. Once I got everybody we made our way to the room and I heard an intake of breath as I opened the doors.

“Beautiful right? I know, I decorated last night” I said

“Ok presents!!” I yelled running over to the tree and started handing them out to everyone. I was thanked multiple times and was also given surprised looks especially from Caius.

“Open it” I said excitedly and he looked at me skeptically before opening the box, once he saw what was in it he looked at me raising an eyebrow.

“Silver bullets so if you ever run into a werewolf again, just shoot it” I said smiling and Aro laughed loudly. I caught Caius’s smile before it disappeared again and turned to Aro.

“This is for you!” I said giving him a box and his eyes lit up as he ripped it open

“I’ve wanted one of these for so long, what is it?” he asked intrigued and I laughed

“It’s an iPad silly it does a lot of things but I think you’ll like using the internet best” I said pushing the button to turn it on and it lit up.

“You’ll get the hang of it once you use it for a while” I told him and he kissed my forehead

“Thank you, love, this is wonderful” he said and went to go show his wife.
I walked over to Marcus with his present, which was big and heavy, in my hand.

“Ok so I really didn’t know what to get you but I got this picture in my head and it took me a while but I got it perfect” I handed it to him and he smiled at me ripping the paper open.

“You painted this?” he asked and I nodded

“Yeah took me forever!” I said

“It’s beautiful my dear, thank you” he said and I hugged him

I had painted a picture of his beautiful deceased wife, I only had seen one painting of her and thought that he would appreciate another to hang in his study or wherever he’d like to put it.

“Well my dear I do believe you got good gifts for everyone” I heard a voice with a slight French accent say and I turned seeing Louis and I blushed

“I got something for you as well” he told me handing me a small box

“You didn’t have to really, oh wow” I said opening the box to see a charm bracelet, it had moon, sun, and stars charms on it.

“Love the reaction, I guess that means you like it” he said taking it out of the box and putting it on my wrist.

“I love it, thank you so much!” I smiled shyly

“You deserve beautiful things darling” he told me before kissing my cheek and going to talk to Aro.

“I must admit that I’m jealous” Alec said walking up to me

It was then that I remembered the kiss and mentally face palmed, I should have talked to him about that earlier but was too caught up in everything else.

“Oh I umm yeah” I said not forming any sentences

“You don’t have to explain anything to me, we can talk later yes?” he asked and I nodded.

“Merry Christmas” he said handing me a present and I hurriedly opened it to find a new iPod.

“It’s from me, Jane, Felix and Demetri. We realized how bored you’ve become without your music so we got this for you” he told me and I smiled seeing all my favorite artists in it.

“Thanks so much guys” I said knowing that the others could hear me

“Do you like my present?” I questioned Alec and he nodded

“Of course I do can’t wait to start using it” he told me going back to his twin

I got him a kindle, he was a bookworm just like me and it seemed like an appropriate gift. I got Jane a diamond bracelet and I got Demetri and Felix an Xbox 360 to keep them from being bored.

“Hey first family do you like your gifts?!” I said making my way to the Cullen’s.

“Oh yeah we do!” Melody said answering for everyone and I laughed as she and Nessie continued to play with their toys.

I got Esme some more cooking and interior decorating books, Alice and Rose got clothes (Of course), Emmett got a big book of pranks that I had a feeling he would start using ASAP, Bella and Edward got books from their favorite artists along with some music I knew they liked, for the kiddies, toys of course, and for Carlisle I got some books about Demons, particularly incubi and succubi, since I had a feeling he would have questions about me.

“Ok so everyone who got books should read them slow, and everything in your books Carlisle are true, I made sure” I said smiling

“So where’s Jazz?” I asked realizing he was nowhere to be seen and I wanted to give him his present.

“Oh he went outside, you know fresh air” Alice spoke and by the way she said it made me feel like something was wrong.

“Ok” I said slowly leaving them there and following his scent to the garden, it was then that I saw him sitting up in a tree.

“Hey what are you doing out here, I’m missing you!” I called up to him and he looked down at me.

“Looks like your perfectly fine without me” he answered I noticed an emotion in his voice that seemed like anger or agitation, I couldn’t feel his emotions he seemed to have blocked them from me, I didn’t know he could do that.

“What’s that supposed to mean!” I said and he jumped down from the tree landing in front of me.

“It means that you obviously don’t need me because you’ve found others who crave your attention and it’s not like you don’t like them in return” he said

“So what if I do Jasper, things have changed between us did you just think I would come running back to you?!!” was he really doing this now of all days, my anger was getting the best of me and the Demon was staining to get out.

“It doesn’t even matter anymore just stay with your lovely human killing vampires!!” he yelled back at me and that was it, my demon took over.

“You used to be just like them too so you can’t go talking bad about people you don’t know!!” I growled out, everything in me telling me to attack but before I did a group of vamps circled us.
Demetri, Felix, Jane and Alec in front of me, while Emmett, Edward, Rosalie and Andrew were in front of Jasper. Aro, Caius, and Marcus came up behind me while Alice, Bella and Carlisle all were pulling Jasper away.

“Love, look at me calm down it’s ok, fighting isn’t going to resolve anything” Aro said and the Cullen’s all looked shocked.

Was this really Aro talking because usually war solved everything with the Volturi? Maybe Kat being here was good for them, all of them, they realized that they had no problems with anyone until this moment, was it all Kat’s doing?

“Come on dear let’s get inside, get you something to calm you down” Aro suggested gently grabbing her arm and leading her away from the scene and out of the garden, the rest of the Volturi guard left right after them leaving the Cullen’s with a still fuming Jasper.

“She’s turned into one of them!” he complained angrily before running off of the palace grounds and into the woods.

The Cullen’s all looked at each other and realized something. Yes she may be one of them now but she was surely changing them, for the better.
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So i know it's been a while since i updated but i have a good excuse, my internet has been off and i haven't been able to go anywhere with internet because i'm always working but here it is everyone a new chapter!!:) So sad news guys the next chapter will be the last but wait don't be sad yet, there will be a sequel!!:) So who is excited for breaking dawn part 2? I am honestly i just want to see the so called battle scene lmao.
Team Volturi forever ^_^