Sequel: Great Love
Status: Complete!!!:)

Empath Love

i can't control them,help!

I looked at each one of them and recognized who they were from the descriptions that Carlisle and Esme gave me. Edward the one with the bronze-orange colored hair and lopsided smile, Bella who was married to Edward had brown hair and a little girl who i guessed was Renesmee ,renesmee was so adorable she had the same colored hair as her father and warm brown eyes, next to them was Alice the pixie like girl with the cute short haircut she was holding hands with another guy who i was told was her husband andrew. Next there was Rosalie she was beautiful with blonde hair and full red lips,she could definitly be a supermodel and next to her was her was Emmett a really big and tall muscular guy.

Last but not least Jasper,blond,tall and muscular but not like Emmett.
As i stared at Jasper and those beautiful golden eyes looked back at me it seemed like we were the only people in the room, it would have been the perfect if i didn't have a total breakdown right then and there.
All of there emotions hit me and i couldn't handle it i dropped down on my knees and grabbed my head,it felt like it was going to explode. I heard their thought and felt their worry.

"Will it help if we get out of the room?" i heard a girl's voice say a little panicked

"no she still can feel everything she needs to learn how to control this, Jasper help her please." i heard Carlisle's voice say then i heard another voice a little deeper than Carlisle's and it had a southern accent, smooth cold hands grabbed mine which made me open my eyes to see Jasper in front of me our eyes connected once again and i saw worry and determination

"Katora come on i know you can do this, you can shut these feelings out you've done it before" he said he was right i did do it but then it was easier.

I started crying as the pain got worse

"no i can't it's too much, i--i" i said not finishing the sentence because the television blew up and i passed out but before i passed out i heard Jasper say

"her powers are stronger than i thought"
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Okay so i think this chapter is crappy but i updated for my new friend shay_beauty !!!!! She's 100000% awesome and inspired me to update, this chapter is for you hun i hope u like it!!!! :D

This is my second inspiration its my favorite episode of charmed called primrose empath it's when prue becomes an empath but can't control the powers but at the end she kicks ass haha!!!! If you have time u should watch the episode it's really good!!:D

comments are my air people so please don't let me die!!!<3<3