Sequel: Great Love
Status: Complete!!!:)

Empath Love

I'm hungry

When I opened my eyes everything was blurry and my head was pounding, faint voices filled the back of my head and I could only feel one emotion…pain. Weather it was mine or the people around me or just pain as a whole in the world I will not know but I did feel it. I closed my eyes once again and opened them to see that the blur was fading so I tried to sit up

“ow” I said touching the back of my head as I felt a sharp pain

“whoa you got to be careful, you went through a lot not so long ago” I heard someone say as they helped me sit up.
“Thanks” I said as I leaned against a smooth headboard putting the back of my head against the cool wood and looked over to see the beautiful Rosalie looking at me with concern in her eyes.

I laughed “you like me” I stated she looked confused at first but then smiled

“I see you’ve heard about me, well I don’t dislike many people just a choice few” she laughed

“that’s good because it wouldn’t have worked if I liked u but u didn’t like me” I said

“how is it that u could like me before meeting me? She asked

“I like everyone but if I meet them and they show me why I shouldn’t then that changes things” I explained she nodded and I tried to move to get comfortable but stopped when that sharp pain returned and I groaned

“here let me go get Carlisle and tell everyone you’re awake they’ve been worried” she said and I nodded but before she could leave out to get Carlisle he walked into the room and rose slipped out.

“so how are you feeling” he said

“well I’m really hungry like don’t you know that feeling when you’re like starving but you feel like you’re about to throw up, yeah that’s exactly how I feel like I’m starving” I explained knowing that that was not what he was asking about but he laughed shaking his head

“you know that was not what I was asking about” I sighed

“okay, my head hurts really bad especially in the back” I said

“okay well I have pills and ice for that and as for your hunger you’ll have to come downstairs to the kitchen for that” he said

“oh I am so there” I said getting up a little too quickly and then sitting back down on the bed as I got dizzy

“you’re going to have to take it easy I don’t need you passing out on me” he said as he took my hand and put his other hand on my back helping me up and keeping me from falling as we made our way out into a hallway

“okay I’m good” I said and he let me go as we got to the stairs. I walked down them with Carlisle behind me and as we got to the bottom I looked over into the living room and frowned

“sorry about the tv” I said
“its okay we didn’t need it anyway, Emmett bought it just to buy it saying that we needed a bigger screen but he’s never here to watch it” Carlisle explained
“yea but still I feel bad about it” I said but then my stomach growled taking my mind off the tv and on food.

“sooooo where’s the kitchen?” I asked rocking back and forth on my feet. He laughed as he led the way past the staircase and into a big and very beautiful kitchen
“wow I love this house it’s beautiful” I said as I saw that there was another room that you could just sit and chill in and a glass door that led out to a back patio

“thank you I decorated it myself” Esme said with that warm motherly smile that I could get used to “so how are you feeling?” she asked as she put her arm around my shoulders and led me over to sit at the counter

“honestly I’m hungry” I said smiling
“oh good I ordered pizza the boys went out to get it and they should be back any minute” she said and right when she said that we heard the front door open and some deep voices talking. I got up and ran towards them taking the two pizza boxes from Edward and then running back into the kitchen as I heard them laughing at me and my eagerness.

I set the boxes on the island top and opened them grabbing a slice of my favorite pepperoni pizza

“thank you” I said to esme before I stuffed my face.

“wow someone was hungry” Edward said and we all laughed.
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okay so i'm soooo sorry that i haven't updated in a while i just had no inspiration but that is over ever since i started watching army wives which made me think of jasper...but yea it's a long story but anyways i'm back and i'm going to update this story much more believe that!!!:D
So there was some more interaction with rose and kat in this chapter and yay rose likes her haha!!
Please comment guys i haven't heard from the fans of this story in a while oh and silent readers should comment too:) Love you guys <3