Sequel: Great Love
Status: Complete!!!:)

Empath Love

Not part of the family pt. 1

It’s only been a few weeks and I’m already feeling a little out of place with the Cullen’s, they account me as one of the family members but sometimes the way they act goes against that, but let me tell you about my new friends that I have made first! Kerry, the bubbly blonde that has big dreams to be on Broadway one day, her family’s filthy rich so I believe she’ll get there when she graduates high school. Rosalie asked me how I could be friends with someone as snobby as her and I told her

“because I’m just like that sometimes” but she hasn’t seen Kerry when she’s not trying to intimidate people and be the most confident girl in our school, she’s just a regular girl with regular feelings and problems and she’s an awesome friend who cares.

Then there’s Kassidy, the raven haired beauty with equal the sex appeal of…Megan fox ha! She may look like an over confident, slutty, bitch but she’s not she’s a shy person but also very outspoken and determined in what she does, Kassidy also has dreams of being famous but not because of her voice, and may I say it is a very beautiful voice, but because of her writing, poetry, stories, haiku’s, plays, whatever is dealing with writing she’s with it. Now that you’ve learned about my two new best friends back to what I was saying about the Cullen’s.

The first thing that made me feel like I wasn’t part of the family was when I came home from my second week of school, Jasper had drove me home and me being me ran straight for the kitchen but I stopped when I heard Carlisle, Edward and Emmett talking

“it’s supposed to be sunny tomorrow are we going umm…camping this weekend?” Emmett said “yea sure I’ll just let the others know” Carlisle responded and right then I walked into the kitchen

“Can I come too?” I asked walking to the fridge and getting a bottle of apple juice, my favorite kind of juice, and looked at them. I saw them look at each other for a split second before answering

“ummm well—“ Edward started but I cut him off

“it’s ok I understand it’s a family thing that you all have been doing before I got here it’s cool”
“no its not that—“ I cut him off once again making my way out the kitchen

“it’s ok special ed I’ll just stay over my friend’s house this weekend, no problem” I said going pass Jasper, who was in the side room right next to the kitchen, and made my way onto the back patio to do my homework.

30 mins later
I came back into the house to find no one in the kitchen or side room so I went to find someone I mean I know it’s only Esme, Carlisle, Jasper and me that live here (yeah the couples are living together so Rose and Emmett live in an apartment in town, Alice and Andrew live in their own house not too far from here and Edward, Bella and Renesmee live in the cutest cottage)but gosh there should be at least a little noise that lets me know they’re alive. Wait there’s a noise it sounds familiar and as I got closer up the stairs I hear it clearer, it was the strumming of a guitar and it was coming from jasper’s room. Where have I heard that beat before I thought and then I realized that it was demi lovato catch me

“See this heart
Won't settle down
Like a child running Scared from a clown
I'm terrified Of what you do
My stomach screams Just when I look at you
Run far away So I can breathe
Even though you're Far from suffocating me
I can't set my hopes too high 'Cause every hello ends with a

I sang along with the second course before the strumming stopped and I was caught red handed when jasper opened the door, I gasped then smiled

“ha…ha you were playing it so I said what the hey I might as well sing along” I blushed as he smiled “it’s okay I enjoyed the singing, didn’t know you could actually” he said

“well now you know but really the only reason I came up here was because it was so quiet I thought everyone just disappeared” I explained

“oh…well everyone’s here, Carlisle’s in his office Esme’s probably cleaning something and well you know what I’m doing ” he said

“oh okay I’m bored so do you want to watch army wives with me?” I asked him and I felt that he was confused, ugh I hate being new to this empath thing because when I feel an emotion from someone it’s like it hits me hard and I end up stepping back a little but at least I’m not breaking down in pain thanks to jasper and his help.

“What are you confused about?” I asked

“What is army wives?” he asked genuinely confused and I gaped at him

“what you don’t know that show, oh we are going to watch it right now” I demanded and grabbed his hand, trying to ignore the tingly feeling, and hurried down the hallway to my room to watch the show. As we watched the show I ate some popcorn and soda, Esme brought it up to us, jasper didn’t want any so more for me. When the show was over I was devastated

“no how is he just going to leave her like that?” I ranted
“ugh that sucks, can’t wait for the next one” I said and turned to jasper to find him looking at me

“Well that was very interesting, I liked it” he said and smiled
“yay you’re my army wives buddy then” I said laughing and he joined in.

“Anyway goodnight Kat, see you in the AM” Jasper said getting off my bed and kissing my forehead before he walked out the room. My stomach was doing flips from that simple gesture and I flopped back onto my bed and smiled a goofy smile.

Kat's Outfit
Kat's PJ's
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Well this is just part one of showing why Kat doesn't feel like part of the family if you read the book then you know why they go "camping" when it's nice and sunny...yea ha!! Can anyone guess the second thing that makes her feel like the Cullen's don't see her as part of the family? i'll give u a deals with thunderstorms and baseball bats ha ha yea it should be easy cause that's one big ass hint lol!! Well i hope u all enjoyed part 1!!:D Oh and thanx for the comment minidiva12 it made my day when i saw it!!!!:D