Sequel: Great Love
Status: Complete!!!:)

Empath Love

Not part of the family pt. 2 / What the hell

Well I stayed over kassidy’s house like I said I would when the Cullen’s went on their camping trip, I’m not usually one to hold grudges so it was forgive and forget the day Alice and Bella came and picked me up from kassidy’s I was just glad to see them but something else happened that got me even more upset. I came home from hanging out with kassidy and Kerry at kassidy’s job but I came home to an empty house and a note on the counter saying

Hey Kat,
I and the others are going out for a while so don’t wait up ok
Peace out, Emmett
p.s. if u want to order porn its fine with me!!

I could just see Emmett writing this while rose shakes her head disapprovingly at him. I laughed about that but realized that they had left me once again alone and not even called to ask if I wanted to go, I’m used to being alone and left out but I thought that when I came here it would be different. As I thought this some tears silently came out and I wiped them away quickly, pulled out my phone and dialed Kerry who answered on the second ring.

“Hey there cookies and cream!!” she said in her bubbly voice

“Hey French vanilla, look the Cullen’s are out again and I don’t want to be in the house alone. So do you mind if I come over for a little?”

“Nope not at all mom misses you anyway she’s been asking me when you were coming back over plus I just thought of something exciting for us to do” she answered

“ok I’ll be over in 20” I said and hung up the phone

~~~~~~~~~~~1 hour later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

What have I gotten myself into first I’m talking and laughing with Kerry’s family and next I’m in the woods lost with Kerry and it’s getting darker every minute.

“does your phone have any service?” Kerry asked me for the hundredth time and for the hundredth time I answered

“no Kerry I don’t and it’s getting darker and I’m getting colder” I said as I tried to hug my thin jacket closer to me, yea me and her we’re lost in the woods all because she thought it would be fun and she thought she knew where she was going but of course she didn’t and now we’re lost.

“Maybe if we go this way” Kerry started to say but I cut her off

“you said that so many times already how about we just stand here and stop walking around because I think we’re getting deeper into the woods than we already were which is not helping!!” I said my voice slightly raised and she stayed quiet and that’s how it was for a little until we heard something snap.

“what was that?” Kerry said coming closer to me

“I don’t know maybe an animal or something” I said my voice coming out a little shaky

Suddenly Kerry grabbed me which scared me “what’s that?” she said in a whisper and I looked over to where she was looking to see something run by so fast I could hardly see them but then me and her were pushed down on the ground hard!!

I sat up fast and saw a man standing in front of us, long brown hair, weird clothes and scary looking eyes.

“Well look what I have here, two lost girls. This is perfect, you came right around feeding time” he said.

Me and Kerry got up quickly and she grabbed my hand and before I knew it I had pulled her and ran, I don’t know how long we did but I knew we couldn't’t stop but me being me of course I fell and my ankle made a popping sound.

“Kat!!” Kerry yelled and ran over to me trying to help me up but he had caught up with us and pinned her to a wall.

“Trying to run huh and as you can see it didn't work” he said with his throat tightening around Kerry’s neck blocking her air supply, she squirmed around trying to get away. I grabbed the nearest biggest stick and hit him as hard as I could, he flinched a little and dropped Kerry and she fell with a thud to the ground gasping for air.

He turned to me “you shouldn't have done that” he said right before he lunged forward towards me, I threw my hands up ready to push him away but instead of seeing him come closer he was thrown back forcefully and into a tree which fell over.

“What the hell” I said shakily looking at me hands. Did I do that? ... I wondered and looked over at Kerry who was passed out. I crawled over to her but was dragged back by the same guy.

“What are you?” he said throwing me into a tree which I had hit my head on, I felt pain and my vision started blurring but I saw him coming closer.

“Stupid bitch are you ready to die” he said and he pulled me up to his eye level but as his face got closer to my neck I was dropped on the ground, I looked around, my vision still blurry, and saw two dark figures fighting each other. I blinked trying to clear the haze but it didn't’t work and my eyelids got heavier but before I passed out I saw fire and someone leaned over me.

“don’t worry you and your friend will be okay I promise” a different voice said and I looked over to see an interesting looking boy before my world went black.
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So I'm sorry it took so long for me to update i just had so much going on. Anyway on a good note i am officially a high school grad and yes i am on my way to college *loud squeal* I'm excited lol oh and for everyone who is a little confused, yes my user name used to be Katoraj1958 but i changed it to match my current obsession which is...Marilyn Manson lmfao!!!!
Also thank u to vengefulXspirit and JennyQ96 for the comments!! I'm gonna bake cookies for u two haha!!!!