Sequel: Great Love
Status: Complete!!!:)

Empath Love

A Month!

Waking up in the hospital is honestly the worst feeling ever, you’re discombobulated, in pain, you have a headache and sometimes you have needles in your skin and you just want them out. I woke up like that and I was alone that’s the worst thing in the world, waking up in the hospital alone makes you feel like you’re unwanted and I was feeling like that now. Kerry, where is she? Is she ok? I wondered I tried to sit up but it hurt to ‘I know there’s a button I can press somewhere’ I thought looking around until I found it and pushed the button so many times I thought I broke it, a small nurse came rushing in

“Oh hello honey I’m glad your awake we thought you would be out for longer than this because of the head trauma” she said in a chipper voice

“W-where is Kerry?” I asked my voice scratchy and hoarse from not using it.

“Oh she’s fine, she signed out last week” the nurse told me while checking my needles probably to make sure I hadn’t pulled any out.

“What!! Last week? How long have I been in here?” I asked her

“For a month dear, I’ll let you doctor know you’re awake” she said turning on her heel and made her way out the door, leaving me alone with my thought.

‘A month…it feels like all this just happened yesterday and who was that guy who chased us, and the guy who saved us?’ I thought until my door opened and not only one person came in but a big group which consisted of the Cullen’s and my friends. No one said anything they just stared, was I supposed to say something first?

“Hi” I said unsure of what to say or do but that was all I had to say to get Kassidy and Kerry to rush over to me and hug me, they were relived and sad but also happy. I hugged them back ignoring the pain and just taking comfort in my friends I stopped hugging them and looked over at Esme, I never called her mom but the name just fits for her and it seemed like the appropriate time to say it.

“Mommy” I said reaching out for her like a little child wanting to be picked up. She smiled walking over to me and taking me into her arms and stroking my hair being careful not to hurt me, I loved every minute or second of it, my biological mother never did this and it was different but comforting.

“C’mon dad u got to get some love too, even though it doesn’t look like I missed you I really did” I said laughing and Carlisle smiled coming over joining in on the hug. I beckoned everyone else over making it an even bigger group hug. After about 5 minutes of hugging I said “ok that’s enough love” I laughed and so did everyone else, I’m glad all the tension was gone out of the room the emotion was giving me a headache.

“Come here Nessie, I missed you” I told the little girl who jumped up on the bed and gave me a big hug.

This is what I needed, love, and yes the Cullen’s made me feel a little out of place with the times they spent together without me but it didn’t matter. They were here now and that’s what I appreciated but we are definitely going to talk about the situations, no getting around it.

3 days later
Finally I get to go home I hate the hospital, it makes me think of the asylum. I was driving in the passenger seat of Jasper’s car and it was pretty quiet until jasper started talking.

“What you thinking about darlin’ ?” he asked

“Umm Jazz something happened when I was in the woods, I just I don’t know what it was” I replied butterflies in my stomach from him calling me darling.

“Well try to explain it” he said softly

“ok, I was trying to I don’t know push the person back and all I did was move my hands up and he flew back and hit the tree pretty hard, I-I don’t know if I did it or the person who saved me did but the guy was nowhere around me when it happened so I’m pretty sure it was me.” I said leaning my head back on the headrest. I was frustrated and confused and I knew jasper could feel it but being the great empath that he is it didn’t affect him like it would me.

“We’ll figure this out I’ll be right beside you through all this craziness and I promise you we’ll find the man who did this and we’ll find out what’s going on with you” he said

I slid my hand over to his (he was driving with one hand ha he’s good like that) I grabbed his hand and his eyes met mine “thank you” I said to him, he squeezed my hand and kissed it.

“No problem darlin” he said keeping hold of my hand as he drove the rest of the way home

There’s those damn butterflies again…
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awww so we finally see more interaction between Jasper and Kat:) Anyway my lovely readers i'm sorry this chapter is shorter than my others but i just haven't been inspired *sigh*
on a awesomely fantastical note i saw Transformers 3!!! Has anyone seen it its the best transformers movie...seriously although i did miss Megan fox:'( its not like the other girl was a horrible actor i just prefer Megan cause i'm kinda like in love with her lol but anyway people Subscribe and Comment please!!!!