An Epic of Time Wasted


Someday I’ll think of you and when I do it’ll be something like this.

The night was warm and moist after the downpour, but it didn’t bother me. I was with you, so why should my dripping mascara and my dark hair sticking to the sides of my face bother me? You looked down at me and laughed as you pushed it back with a single finger. Then, cupping my face in your hand, you leaned down…

You held my hand and you held my heart but it didn’t mean anything to you. Was I not good enough for you? Didn’t I make your heart race like you made mine? Didn’t you feel like you were free-falling through the night and safely landed in my embrace?

But it’s over now. I’ll forget you eventually. There’s nothing left to remember. Just a long time’s worth of memories that will last forever.

The kiss took my breath away and when I did remember to finally draw in life it was you I breathed in and the scent of your cologne, warmer than the night and smiled as you pulled away a little and whispered in my ear, “We have something great.”

We had something great then it washed away like the fallen leaf in the gutter. You didn’t have to do it, you know? We could have been friends if we couldn’t be lovers, but you didn’t stop to think before you ripped us apart.

“It’s too bad,” you say as we separate, “that I have to leave. I have some business to attend to.”

It sounded foolish even then but the meaning was obvious. You were leaving, double-dealing, fast-fading from me. It seemed that we would be together forever and then you announced that you were about to rip the world from right under my feet. You made clear that you were up to no good and that I was left betrayed.

I froze but you kept walking, kept breaking away from the one who needed you to keep out harm. You kept walking, kept going your own way. And as the rain fell, so did the tears.

I’ve wasted so much time on you and that’s something I’ll never forget; not the good or the bad. Now it’s time to start over; maybe someday you’ll think of me. Reality sets in like the coming new coming day.
♠ ♠ ♠
Comments, criticisms, corrections, suggestions, all are welcome. ^_^