

She felt as if her life had ended right then and there as he turned his back to her and walked away, like she didn't exist.

Like she wasn't crying for him to comeback, she could do nothing, he was gone, never to be seen again.

She would never again feel his black hair brushing against her cheek as they kissed, never feel his strong grip protecting her, never again know what it felt like to be whole.

Her shining angel was gone.

Walking away, walking, walking. Until he became no more then a dot on the horizon of the grassy field.

She knew he wouldn't hear her now so she let and agonized cry rip from her throat. She wanted to run to him, but her legs refused to work.

She couldn't get up.

Never again would she be whole, she was broken by the one man she thought she could trust.

The one man who had taken her, protected her, saved her from the dark. the man who had
turned to it himself.

Severus Snape, was gone, gone, gone. Gone from her life forever.

She knew she was being selfish but...she needed him back.

She needed her dark angel back.

She needed her potions master.

She needed her Snape.