Chillin' in the Summertime


It wasn't hard to figure out that something with Adam. When he wasn't on stage performing, or off doing some type of radio interview or whatever, the glam singer was kept to himself, his iPod in hand, ear buds in his ears, completely shut off from everyone and everything.

This didn't set right with Tommy at all. It just wasn't like Adam to cut himself off from everyone, Tommy especially. So, Tommy made it his mission, for the week, to figure out what was up with Adam and why he'd suddenly become so attached to his iPod.

It became quite obvious, an hour into his mission, that getting Adam to separate from his precious iPod was going to be harder than Tommy had figured. If Adam wasn't listening to something on it, he was stuffing it into his pocket, his eyes shifty almost like he was looking around to see if he was being watched. Tommy just smirked because yeah, Adam was being watched.

Step number two into 'Mission iPod', as Tommy had decided to call it, was to point blank ask his boyfriend, lover, whatever you wanted to call him, what was up with his sudden addiction to the damned thing, only so that Tommy could gauge his reaction.

“I don't know what you're talking about.” Adam snapped as he very quickly shoved his iPod into his pocket, his eyes slightly wide as he looked at Tommy.

“Uh huh.” Tommy said to Adam's retreating form. If iPod's could have mind controlling abilities, Tommy wouldn't put it past Adam's to be possessed. That was just their lives. But seeing as they didn't live in a TV show, Tommy figured it was something else entirely.

Tommy tried, he tried harder than ever to get that damned pink iPod away from Adam. He'd wait til the younger man was in the shower to check his pants. Nothing. He checked everywhere he could think of that Adam might hide it but in the end, Tommy only scowled when Adam came walking out of the bathroom, white towel wrapped around his waist, iPod in hand.

“What?” Adam asked, eyes wide.

For one thing, no Tommy was not, absolutely not jealous of how much time Adam was spending with the damned piece of electronical shit. It was an iPod, for Christ's sake! So no, Tommy was not jealous of all the attention Adam was giving it, except for the part where he kind of was and really, who the hell was jealous of an iPod? And a pink one at that!

For two days Tommy walked around Adam's home with a permanent scowl on his face. They'd finally gotten a few days off from touring and where Tommy had assumed, where he had hoped to be spending his free time with Adam, Adam it seemed had other plans. Ones that involved said possessed pink iPod.

If Adam was dancing around the kitchen, eating shit that Tommy could have sworn Adam was completely against, dancing with his black ear buds in, the singer was laying by the pool, the hot summer rays baking his delicate pale skin.

“Adam, you're gonna burn!” Tommy yelled with a smirk on his face as he walked past Adam who was lounging back with his legs dangling into the pool.

Instead of answering, Adam just held up a bottle of SPF 75 and went back to mouthing along to whatever song it was he happened to be listening to.

And that was when Tommy finally started to pay attention to the words Adam was mouthing. They weren't lyrics Tommy knew, so it was obvious that the song Adam was listening to had to be a new one, one that Tommy hadn't heard yet. After that, instead of pestering Adam about his weird attachment to his iPod, Tommy started watching his lover as he mouthed along to the new songs he was singing.

I'm open to suggestions, I'm dreaming of you and me dancing

Okay, that didn't seem like an out of place lyric for Adam to be singing. Tommy was stumped as to why the younger man seemed to be hiding his new lover for, whatever it was, from basically everyone.

The two of us tonight, We can make it last forever, We didn't realize, Its just you and me forever

So, Adam was suddenly really into love songs. Tommy had no problem with that. Actually, the more he thought about it, the more he really liked whatever it was that had gotten into Adam. It was no secret that the Glambert himself didn't like all that girly-girly love song shit, Tommy didn't either, for that matter. But knowing that Adam was suddenly singing them, that he was dancing around the house, singing what appeared to be sappy love songs, made Tommy's heart jump in his chest.

I may not know where we are but I know who I am, baby, I'm your biggest fan

It was that lyric that stumped Tommy. Why would Adam be singing about being someone biggest fan? It was just odd and out of place to the bass player. So much so that it wasn't too long before he literally had no other choice but to just confront Adam about it and demand some answers...soon and before Tommy pulled his pretty hair out of his head.

Making his way up the stairs to Adam's room, Tommy stopped short of pushing the door open. Adam was singing, quite loudly, and a song that Tommy had never heard before, one with lyrics that the older man had seen the singer mouthing days before.

“...don't wanna fuss and fight, no, life's to short to waste time, Oh no, every little things gonna be alright...”

Tommy carefully pushed the door open so that he could look in. He stifled a laugh when he saw Adam dancing and swaying his hips along to whatever music it was blasting in his ear buds.

“Cause we're chillin' in the summertime, not a cloud in the sky, everybody's feelin' fine, and everything will be alright, Cause we're soakin' up the sweet sunshine, not a worry on my mind, everybody's feelin' fine and everything will be alright!” Adam sang, loudly, so loud that he never heard his bedroom door open or Tommy step in.

Tommy stood, arms crossed over his chest, in the doorway, a smirk on his face. He waited for Adam to notice him. It wouldn't take long, not with the way the glam god was dancing.

Adam opened his mouth to sing the next verse of the song when his eyes landed on Tommy. He yelled, screamed even, and jerked the ear buds out of his ears, fumbling with the iPod in his hand.

But Tommy was too fast.

Moving quickly across the room, the bassist pulled the evil pink thing from Adam's hands and scrolling so that he can see the playlist Adam is in, knowing the singer always plays things by the individual playlists. Not surprisingly, its a 'Summer' titled playlist.

“What the...?” Tommy's eyes widen before he looks up at Adam. Adam, who has reddened dramatically and is looking anywhere but at Tommy. “This, this is what you've been listening to like a crazy fanboy lately? Really?” Tommy raises an eyebrow at Adam.

Adam groaned and reaches to snatch his iPod out of Tommy's hands, just barely missing it as Tommy jerks it out of his reach.

“Shut up.” Adam pouts. “Its good music and I like it.”

“Never said it wasn't, idiot. But how would I know? You wouldn't even tell me if was...” Tommy looked down at the iPod again, chuckling as he said the name of the artist Adam had been obsessing over lately. “its the Jonas Brothers, Adam, not something I'd hide. I don't think anyway.” Tommy smiles.

“Really?” Adam dares. “So you'd be totally cool broadcasting that you actually went out and bought their album? Like, went into a music store, saw the cute little CD cover and not only bought it, but ended up loving it?” Adam's eyebrow rose in question.

“I dunno. Haven't heard anything on the album yet.” Tommy said, coolly.

Adam rolled his eyes at Tommy, jerked the iPod out of his hands and marched over to the dock that sat on his dresser. Seconds later 'Feelin Alive' started up and Adam turned, his eyes locked onto Tommy, waiting for his reaction.

When the final lines of 'Set This Party Off' faded through the speakers, Adam once again turned to look at Tommy, who had ended up spread out on the bed halfway through the album.

“And...?” Adam said, waiting.

Tommy hesitated before answering.

“The youngest one? Uh...what's his name?” Tommy asked.

“Wha...Nick. His name is Nick. Why does it matter?” Adam asked, slightly confused.

“He's like, what, the lead singer?”

“I guess so. But why does it matter?” Adam just wanted to know what Tommy thought of the music, not give the older man a rundown on the three brothers.

“Oh, it doesn't. Not really. I'd just like to know the name of the one I'm fucking.” Tommy smirked.

Adam's mouth dropped open.

“The one that you...Tommy Joe, you asshole!” Adam yelled as he picked up and threw the closest thing he could find.

Just Tommy's luck, it was the evil possessed pink iPod full of Jonas Brothers music.
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A/N: If this was horrible, overlook it. I've been listening to the Jonas, LA soundtrack like crazy for days now and the theme is obviously 'summer' and w/ a prompt for summer on my card, this wouldn't leave me alone until I wrote it. Lol It was also my lame ass attempt at humor. =P