My Immortal

My Immortal Ch. 1

Syn sighed as he stood upright leaving his latest victim drained at his feet. The dark moonless night cast everything into a seemingly endless shadow. A smirk spread across his face at that thought. For the past two years his life had been nothing but shadows. No light or even a hint of anything but darkness in his damned existence or cold heart.
His smirk faded as he thought about his heart. Could he even call it that anymore? No. It was nothing more than a cold unbeating lump that filled the space between his useless lungs. What he would give to feel it beat again. What he would give to forget it had ever beaten.
With a slow sigh, he wiped away the remaining crimson fluid from his lips. A sick feeling swept over his body at what he was. He was noting more than a creature forced to walk the night, but nothing less than a nuclear bomb. He plunged his fists deep into his trench coat pockets and slowly made his way to the exit of the alley.
When he emerged from the alley, havoc filled the streets but none of it fazed him. Nothing did anymore. Huntington Beach wasn’t what it used to be or what was described in travel brochures. It was more like a playground for the dead, hostile breeding grounds for Satan’s angels. Well, at least downtown was anyway.
Letting his gaze fall to the ground, Syn blocked out every noise. Some big, some small but all equal in annoyance.
Silence was the only place that he felt a twinge of safety or sense o home. There, he could forget everything even himself. There he could pretend he still had her.
His jaw clenched as Mercedes’ image clouded his thoughts. He could see her clearly. Hear her voice and laugh perfectly, but there was one thing he couldn’t do…touch her. He longed to reach out and stroke her soft skin, kiss her perfect lips, just be around her. He forced her out of his thoughts with a growl. It hurt to remember her but it killed him to try to forget her.
“You really shouldn’t be walking around all alone. It’s not safe.” Syn cringed at the familiar voice but didn’t stop moving. Viper raised a fine onyx eyebrow as she ran to catch up with him. Her midnight colored what skin her halter-top left bare. Syn glanced over to her, grateful for that small favor.
“You really shouldn’t be stalking me. It’s not healthy.” His voice was monotone but it still held a harsh undertone.
“Ha-Ha. So you do have a sense of humor?” She snorted matching his pace.
“No. I’m a realist. I call em’ as I see em’.” His voice never changed as they passed building after building, and him hoping she would wander off into one. No luck.
“Why don’t you come home with me? I can take care of you, if you let me.” Her smile widened as she pushed him up against a building wall. He tried to push away, but her strength matched his.
“I’m a big boy. I can take care of myself.” It wasn’t that Viper was ugly on the outside. There was just something about her that made his skin crawl and bile rise in his throat.
“Oh really?” She purred. “Then why do you let some human slut effect you so much?” Syn’s dark eyes narrowed as he pinned her against the wall.
“Don’t.” He basically barked. “Go find another play toy, and make sure he wants to play before you throw yourself on him.” He pushed himself away but not before bashing her head against the concrete behind he. Unfazed by the blow, Viper crossed her arms over her chest.
“ Whenever you decided to let go of those pathetic human qualities you hold so dear. Give me a call and I’ll make you forget all about her.” Before he had time to respond, or rip her head off which was an option he was seriously considering, she vanished. He sighed and cursed under his breath before continuing to walk off into the night the way he like it
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