Status: Completed

'And He Was Humbled'


The Assembly of God has come together. See Ezekiel, the oldest angel, in his flowing white robes, wings beating softly. See the teenage angels zip through the crowd, pushing to the front. See God, making an entrance, a scroll clutched tight in his hand. His voice booms through the celestial palace “Good-“
See the littlest angel suddenly flit into the auditorium, his barely formed wings pushing back and forth furiously.
“Morning.” God finishes, his lightning bolt pupils sparking slightly as the littlest angel cowers, his thin form flickering.
God gestures to a elaborate painting behind them, snapping his fingers once, twice…and the painting becomes real. Spinning through the air, it presents itself as a wheel. An intricately painted wheel, words spelling themselves on it, shoving and pushing to make it to their spot.
With another snap of God’s fingers, the wheel stops moving, the letters freezing in place. A proud smile graces His face, stretching the substance that makes it up as he speaks again “One of the great responsibilities we share…is deciding. Deciding which humans must be saddled with disabilities, with genetic diseases, with mental illnesses.” The Assembly of God nods, their heads bowed.
“However..” God murmurs, and the Assembly looks up “I have created a way for us to avoid that responsibility. To let the humans…choose for themselves. This wheel” He turns to gesture at it “Is what all souls will spin, before they descend upon the Earth. It will determine if they have been marked with suffering.”
The Assembly of God nods, they claps…they call out encouraging remarks, whistle admiringly. All but the littlest angel, who is observing carefully, flying closer and closer to the wheel until he can touch it, the glow of his insubstantial fingers highlighting each word.
God smiles down at him indulgently “Do you have a question, little one?” The little angel nods “But…if You made the wheel, and You make the humans spin it…is it not still your responsibility?”
And God bowed his head, and He was humbled.
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Reviews are lovely :) This is a very different...drabble for me, and I'd really like the feedback.