
Chapter 1

Shane Daniels was different, well, those were his words, the kids at school would chose strange, weird, creepy, or one of the many others that he couldn’t remember. He didn’t like football, or any of the other mindless sports played at his high school, he actually did well in his studies and did his best to make sure he stayed at the top of his class, but the thing that made him stand out the most was that he was absolutely obsessed with graveyards. Shane never knew how this obsession came to be, he just always remembered passing them while driving and feeling a compulsion to walk through the heavy metal gate and enter the final resting place for hundreds if not thousands of people. He remembered running away when he was nine and hiding in the mausoleum located in the local cemetery until the cops finally found him… three days later after living on nothing but kool-aid and Twinkies.

Shane knew something was different about this obsession, it wasn’t just a need to be in the graveyard that made him return time and time again, it was a feeling of rightness when he finally allowed himself that one pleasure.

The dark haired boy thought about that as he sat next to the grave marker, his IPod blaring so loud that it blocked out the cars on the nearby highway. It was one of those nights that all the horror books showcased, the moon was full, casting silvery light down over the earth; the night was alive with the sounds of the werewolves howling on the preserve, something not even an IPod could cover completely; the owl in the tree to Shane’s left was looking down at the stones below with a look of what could only be classified as disgust; and the strong wind seemed to be carrying in a thick fog that anyone else would have thought was extremely creepy. Shane thought it was cool.

As the time neared one in the morning, Shane could feel himself starting to drift off, his head hitting the stone marker before waking again to a completely different song then the one he remembered playing. That’s when his life changed forever.

When the teen turned off the music player with the goal of getting home before his parents woke to find his bed empty, he heard a rustling in the fallen leaves to his right. The wind was still blowing, so Shane immediately put this off as being a natural occurrence, but then it happened again, closer this time. As he turned it the sound’s direction, it stopped, but when he turned to start walking out of the cemetery, the same noise came from his left, this time though it sounded as if someone was walking through the newly fallen leaves. With a deep breath and a prayer to what ever god was bothering to listen, the boy turned to find… absolutely nothing.

“Shane?” Said person’s head whipped to his right, and standing there was a young woman, no older than he was, with crimson colored eyes and a smear of blood on her cheek. “We were not expecting you so soon.”

“Oh god, I’m going to die. I should have known better than to go out during a full moon. The crazies come out during the full moon, the vampires feed during the full moon, oh god, werewolves escape from the preserve during the full moon.” Okay, so maybe Shane was being a little over dramatic. There were crazies out all the time, this was 2310 AD, and everyone was crazy. Vampires were on their own lands, far far away from here and hadn’t been seen in the wild since before he was born, and while werewolves were known to escape it hadn’t happened in decades. That still didn’t make the freaky girl any less freaky.

“W-who are you?” He asked with a step toward the exit. Shane would be ready to run if this turned nasty, he might not get far, but he’d run.

“I’m Anastasia, do you not remember me?” The blonde girl took a few steps toward Shane and he immediately backed up, she smelt vile, like she had eaten something that had been dead for a while… a long while. “Of course you wouldn’t remember me; one doesn’t remember their past lives.” Okay, psycho chick need help, a lot of help actually.

“Alright then… I’m going to leave now.” Said Shane but as he turned to do just that a boy no older than fifteen suddenly appeared and gripped his arms, forcing them to his sides. This boy had the same red eyes as Anastasia and unfortunately, smelt the same as well. “Oh, dude, tic tac.” Shane gagged as he was roughly turned in the direction of the blonde woman.

“I am very sorry for this Shane, but it is of the most importance that you come with us.” Nothing happened for several seconds, the wind stopped, the howling ceased, and it seemed as if even Shane’s heart had suddenly stopped beating in order to continue the silence; then they appeared.

Hundreds of them, they weren’t human that much was obvious, but Shane had never seen people like these and couldn’t tell you if they were vampires, werewolves, hell, they could have been pixies for all he knew.

They slowly grew closer, some of them leaping over the iron gate, others standing outside it, but all of them seemed genuinely interested in him. He imagined the looks they were sending his way were similar to those the Queen of England received.

Shane should have been paying more attention, because by the time he thought of where Anastasia might be, he felt sharp teeth sink into his neck.