Status: updating every day for 30 days. =]

Binding Masquerade.


Your parents

Parents? I just have my mom.


I conceder my ‘father’ a sperm donor. He isn’t an important to me at all. I hate him with so much of me, sometimes I tire myself out just thinking about how much of an ass he is.

And he wonders why I hate him?

Buddy, you just weren’t there for me.


My mother is the only true parent I know. She is truly the only one I want, and I’m glad she is really the only one I have. We celebrate mother’s and father’s day together. She is funny and super intelligent.

She has taught me more then any of my teachers combined. She is currently disabled because of events that has happened in her life.

That doesn’t stop her at all though. She gets us everything and anything. She is one of the best people in the world.

Thank you.