Status: updating every day for 30 days. =]

Binding Masquerade.


Your dreams


I can’t wait to fall in love with the right person. And when I say person, I mean man or women, I’m not going to judge you so please don’t judge me.

I want to find it because I think that your life is complete once you find love. No matter what anyone thinks love that person with all your heart.

I think that love will find me, I hope I don’t give my heart to the wrong person. It might be hard or tough but I know deep down me and my love will make it through.


I want to be an artist. I’m the creative person from, writing to graphic design. I love writing, drawing, painting, sketching, graphic design, and photography.

I’m already planning out my life around this career, I might not succeed right away but I know that I will.

Art is just passion of creativity.


I want a small family, maybe just even one kid. I don’t even know if this is what I truly want right now but if I do happen to get pregnant I’m not going to get rid of it. If I got pregnant then it was meant to be.

I was meant to have the child and I would give it all of my love. I would give it everything it would need.

It would be my everything.