Nuclear Reign

I could never picture it happening here.
No one could. Not until it happened, anyway.
But now it's too late. The bombs have been dropped...

Note: This is an assignment for my English class. It's written in journal format. Some days may be skipped, so mind the date of the entry. I just sort of thought I would post it here to see if any one liked it.
  1. October 3, 2047
    Day One
  2. October 4, 2047
    Day Two
  3. October 5, 2047
    Day Three
  4. October 7, 2047
    Day Five
  5. October 9, 2047
    Day Seven
  6. October 12, 2047
    Day Ten
  7. October 13, 2047
    Day Eleven
  8. October 14, 2047
    Day Twelve