Nuclear Reign

October 13, 2047

I’m not quite sure what to do to keep occupied anymore. The power grid, all power grids actually, have been destroyed. The only source of news we have left is an old battery powered radio from the early two thousands.

The president came over the radio and discussed the possibility that it was Russia who struck this time. He also said to be prepared for others to strike as well. That if we weren’t already there, to head to any bomb shelter or basement nearby.

You know, we used to be the most powerful country in the world and now everyone’s attacking us. It’s like when the bully who used to shove you in a locker finally gets what he had coming and you can’t help but want to throw a few punches yourself. I have to stop writing now, my candle is about to burn out. Tomorrow, I’ll write during the day.
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Only one day left.