Status: Hiatus. Working on other stories first.

The Children of Darthbrooke

Chapter Three; Sold!

The lights were bright and hindered my sight. Many girls had gone into the red velvet curtains but did not return. And now it was my turn. I had passed the fabric barrier and was now stumbling nervously on a cold wood floor while an unknown pair of hands roughly pushed me forwards.

There was a raise in the floor, and I stepped up onto what I would assume was a platform. Ahead of me were rows upon rows of eerie shadows. I could not see their faces but I could hear a loud indistinguishable bustle of voices speaking to one another.

Another light turned on. This time, it was from above my head. I was under a spotlight. It was then that I suddenly became completely aware of what I was wearing and that this certainly was not a movie theater. I feel exposed and scared. What was this place, and why was I here? How could I escape? All I wanted was for thing to be back the way they were before the monsters came. I miss having a normal life. Well... As normal as it was before.

A booming voice echoed around the room, speaking so fast that I couldn't understand. There were a few words that I had caught, however. Young, blond, Payne and virgin. The last word sent a sickening chill up my spine. Virgin? Were they talking about me? What kind of place was this, and what was I getting into?

As the speedy voice continued to speak the shadows moved and expanded, long appendages reaching for the ceiling. Each time one dark figure would shoot up, others would quickly follow. My spine was rigid with fear and my breath came in short, shallow gasps. The other night had practically replayed itself in my mind. Were they going to grab me and take me away? Taken into the shadows and swallowed by the void. Was that my destiny? To meet with all of the other children from my home, in the beyond?

My thoughts grew progressively worse and more negative until the lights finally dimmed and I heard the voice shout one word,

♠ ♠ ♠
It's been a very very long time since I've last updated and I realize that this chapter is extremely short. I mainly just wanted to update to let everyone know that I'll be starting on this again and the sooner the better, right?

Anyways, let me know if you're reading the story as a little push always helps me kick start my motivation. :)