We`re young and in l o v e ; heartattacks waiting to happen !


Insta, puppy love between Rain and Jeramiah. Rain, being twenty and in college, Jeramiah being sixteen and in highschool. This is written by two different people, so the story will be switching between the characters and POV'S.

I wrote the Jeramiah part, my friend wrote the Rain part.
I do not own either of these boys; the title is from a Bring Me The Horizon song. Don't sue me, I'm not bathing in money.
  1. Chapter One
    He had wild hair, different colors all mix together in one cute puff atop his head.
  2. Chapter Two
    "Well what I really wanted to know was just simply three things, one, are you single, two, how old are you, and three, do you want to dance?"
  3. Chapter Three
    Oh P.S ; I dig the piercings