


January 23, 1994

Why is it that every time I meet her violet eyes, I hear her voice in my head? “Vampires.” The words echo in my mind, torment me, baffle me, tease me to realize what they meant. But surely this means nothing. Vampires are no more than a figment of a girl’s imagination. I am sure that the only reason I fuss over it is because she does not appear the type of girl to speak rubbish. Then why did she say it? Did I hear wrong?


“Sunny, you look worried.”


“Sunny, is there something you would like to tell me?”

A pause.

“Can you promise me something?”

“Sure thing, Sunny.”

“Don’t get good marks on the exams tomorrow.”

A pause.


A pause.

“Have you ever heard of Nightstone Academy?”

“Is it the school a couple streets down from the orphanage?”


“What about it?”

“They take the students with the best scores.”

“What’s you getting at, Sunny?”

“No matter what you do, don’t get involved with the school and never, ever get admission into the school.”


A pause.

“Because they do horrible things. Things that you should never see or experience. I’d rather you hate me than for you to go to Nightstone.”


March 15, 1994

Two weeks ago was the physical and academic examinations. I was assigned the physical section for 4-6 years old children. It was fairly uneventful. After all, how fast can those small children run?

I was particularly interested in the new girl’s results. At the end, however, they too were average. This I found very strange. I have seen her fight and take on five adults at one time. I have seen how fast she darted out the orphanage every chance she got in her first month. And I could not help wondering, with all the time she spends with Ryn, if she knew how important the examinations were. How the wrong results could change her whole life in the nastiest way possible.

I wanted to ask her if she purposely lowered her results in the meetings the next day, but was hesitant. One, I did not want to hurt her feelings, and I selfishly did not want her to stop talking to me. Two, she was far too close to Ryn, and no doubt, he would bear his full anger on me. Being terrified of him as he normally is, I shiver at the mere thought of him angry. Therefore, I decided to hold back my curiosity. After all, did curiosity not kill the cat?

At 3 o’clock sharp, the girl was brought into the disclosed room. The v-word swept through my mind, but I have learnt days ago to ignore it. She sat in the chair, not moving and her eyes lowered. I went through the routine questions. She only answered a few in brief sentences. When I reached the final question of whether she wanted to talk about anything, she slowly raised her head to hold my gaze with her deep violet eyes.

“What is Nightstone Academy?”

I was struck cold. The doom school.

She stared at me with those eyes that see right into your soul. And still I could not answer.

“I’ll give you an easier question, then,” she said with an almost unnoticeable edge of anger. “What happens to the children that get sent there?”

I swallowed, my worst fear confirmed. She knew. Not all of it, but enough.

Her face turned into one of such hateful ferocity that I cringed. “You owe me this much. Trapping me against my will in this orphanage. Lying every step of the way. Promising that we will have a future, that it will all get better. Pretending that you actually care about us, even when you’re stabbing us in the back every day. You owe me this much.”

I was shocked at her words. But deep inside, I knew they were true. So I took a deep breath and began, hoping that this would not have horrible consequences.

“Now and then, there are children that are stronger than others. They are both physically and intelligently elite. That is what the examinations are for; to tell the special ones from everyone else. But in case they fake their results,” she glared at me, realizing that I knew what she had done. “There is also other ways to tell. One; if they try to escape. Two; if their family was murdered and they were the only ones that survived.”

She stared at me in shock. Apparently she had not expected that.

I continued. “After it is confirmed that a child is special, they are then sent to Nightstone Academy. I do not know what happens there or why the school is interested in these types of children, but every single student tries to run away, and every time they are caught and brought back. There has never been anyone who successfully escaped.”

“The boy in the black car…” the girl whispered in a trance-like voice.

“He was a Nightstone student.”

She suddenly stood up, her eyes cold and her jaw clenched. She turned sharply and walked towards the door.


She turned around, training her deadly violet eyes at me.

“Do you know who is in charge of the operation?” I asked.

Her expression stayed the exact same. So she didn’t know.


She left the room without a word. Little did I know that that meeting would be the last time she ever said a single word to me again. The last I heard of her was when one of the staff members mentioned that a girl with violet eyes was sent to Nightstone Academy.