Status: A rewrite.

Stories Yet To Unfold


“Do you not have a sweatshirt here?” Rian asked as he made his way into the room to get Samantha’s bags for her and carry them out to the car so he could load them up in the back. He already had Hannah in the car waiting with Jack and Alex, and now he was coming get Samantha so they could all leave and go home.

“No, I sent the one I wore yesterday home with you last night so it could get washed.” She told him as she packed up the rest of her things, now it was just her shower stuff, like her shampoo and soap.

“Well it’s freezing outside so let me go get you a sweatshirt from out in my car.” He told her as he grabbed one of her bags and headed out the door to his car to get her a sweat shirt. It was the middle of October and in the Baltimore area so it was chilly outside now.

A few minutes later Rian made his way back into the room and handed a sweatshirt of his over to her. Once she put it on she took note of how much bigger it was on her than it was when she saw Rian wear it two days ago. “Alright, lets get you home.” Samantha felt Rian place his hand on the small of her back as he led her out of the hospital room and down the hallway, making their way to his car out the front doors.

“Momma!” Was the first thing she heard as both her and Rian neared the car, she quickly opened the back door of the vehicle and wrapped her daughter in a hug, being careful not to hurt her. She couldn’t stop the tears that were flowing down her cheeks. “Mommy I missed you.”

“I missed you too baby girl. I am so sorry Hans.” She said as she placed multiple kisses on her daughters forehead.

“Lets go home girls.” Rian said as he helped Samantha over to the passenger’s side door and helped her into her seat. Once she was settled Rian made his over to the drivers side and got buckled then pulled out of the parking lot and headed towards their home. Rian glanced over at Sam, she was being extremely quiet and he could see the tears beginning to make their way down her face again. He reached over and place his hand on her knee giving her a reassuring smile, she looked up from her lap over at Rian and did her best to show him a smile. She wouldn’t tell anyone, but she was scared to death to walk back inside that house, she didn’t want to go there, but she knew she had. She couldn’t let Jake win.

Once they pulled up into the driveway Jack got out of the backseat and helped Hannah out of her seat and took her inside. Rian got out of the car and came over to Samantha’s side and helped her stand up out of the car and followed her up the steps to the front door. She paused before she reached for the handle. She didn’t want to go inside, she didn’t want to see the living room, she didn’t want to be in this house anymore at all. Rian grabbed her shoulder and gave it a squeeze letting her know he was there for her. She started crying and couldn’t stop, she felt like an idiot standing outside of the house on the doorstep and crying like a baby. Once Rain realized what was going on he turned her around and wrapped her in his arms letting her cry into his chest. “It’s alright, calm down.” He cooed to her as he ran his hand up and down her back trying to soothe her.

“I can’t go back in there Rian.”

“Sam, everything is okay, Jake is in jail, he can’t hurt you. You need to be strong for Hans, Sam she is freaking out on the inside, she needs you to set an example. You can’t let what Jake did ruin your life.”

Samantha looked up at Rian and slowly nodded. She wiped her tears off of her face and took a couple breaths in trying to calm her nerves. “You okay now?” Rian asked and waited for a reply. She silently nodded and turned back towards the door, once again Rian placed his hand at the small of her back and led her through the front door of the house. As soon as she took notice in the room she noticed that the whole room was empty of any furniture.

“Where is the couch and love seat?” She asked as she turned around to look at him.

Rian reached his hand up and rubbed the back of his neck, he wasn’t exactly sure how she would react to the fact that he threw out their living room furniture, ”I uh, Alex, Jack, and I threw it out. I plan on going tomorrow sometime to pick some new stuff out.” Samantha took time to survey the room as she let out a sigh of relief.

“Thank you.” She told him as she walked towards the kitchen going to get a bottle of water then over to the kitchen table to sit and relax, seeing as they had no seating in the living room at the moment.

Samantha didn’t know how long she had been sitting at that table thinking, but the next thing she remembered was Rian walking into the kitchen asking her what she wanted for dinner, she quietly told him her order from the restaurant he was going to. He told her that Hannah was upstairs in her room asleep and Jack and Alex were both down stairs in the basement which was the guys normal hangout zone where they would normally go when they wanted to be loud, but at the moment it was also the only room that had a comfortable place to sit. She nodded her head letting him know that she heard him and then watched through the window as he made his way out to his car and pulled out of the driveway. She watched out the window until she could no longer see his car then turned her attention over to the kitchen where she saw a couple dishes piled up in the sink, she had nothing better to do so she figured she would load them in to the dish washer while she waited for Rian to get back home.

“Dinner is served!” Rian called out as he entered the kitchen with the bags of fast food he had gone to pick up. He set them down on the table then let Samantha know he was going to go wake Hannah up for dinner and bring her downstairs to eat. A couple of seconds later Jack and Alex both made their ways up from the basement and into to the kitchen and both took a seats at the table.

“How are you feeling Momma Bear?” Alex asked her as he leaned down and placed a kiss on the top of her head before sitting him self down in the chair next to her. She shrugged as a reply. “Do you hurt at all?”

“A little.” She answered.

“Well enough time has passed, you can probably take some medication to help with it, but you have to eat first. You can’t take the stuff he prescribed you on an empty stomach.” He told her as Rian made his back into the kitchen carrying his four year old daughter and setting Hannah down in a chair then taking the one next to her.

Hannah rubbed the sleep from her eyes and let out a yawn, she wasn’t in a very happy mood since she woken from her nap and she was already grumpy from the constant throb coming from her ribs and her arm. Needless to say she was not at all a happy camper and she was sure going to let everyone sitting at the kitchen table know about it. “Here’s your happy meal Hans.” Rian told her as he placed her dinner down in front of her along with the chocolate milk he had ordered to go along with it..

“I’m not hungry.” She said as she pushed the chicken nuggets away from her and towards Jack.

“Hans you gotta eat baby girl.” Jack told her as he tried to cheer her up a bit and move the food back in front of her.

“I don’t want to. I want to sleep.” She said as she began to cry. Hannah hardly ever got into moods like this but when she did she usually had a good reason as to why, like now.

“Hannah, that’s enough. You need to calm down and eat some food.” Rian never liked having to be stern with her, especially now with everything that had happened.

“But I h-hur-hurt.” She told Rian through her tears.

“That’s why you need to eat. After you eat I can give you some more medicine that will make the hurt go away. But first you have eat otherwise it will make you sick.” He told his almost five year old daughter as he placed her food closer to her so she could reach it easier.

Hannah simply nodded her head and picked up one of her chicken nuggets getting ready to eat. “Mommy?”

“Yes baby?” Sam answered her as she turned her attention to her.

“Can I has some ketchup?” She asked as she looked over at her mom.

“Yeah, you may, let me get-”

“I’ll get it.” Rian jumped in.

“I can, you don’t have to.” She told him.

“Well I’m closer. Just eat.” Rian said as he stood up put of his chair and headed to the fridge to get out the ketchup and bring back over to her.