Status: A rewrite.

Stories Yet To Unfold


Once everyone finished eating Jack headed home, Alex headed to his bedroom and Rian and Samantha were getting Hannah ready for bed.



“Can you read to me tonight?”

“Oh course baby doll. What story do you want to hear?”

“This one.” She said as she shoved a book onto her lap, then climbed back into her bed, and Samantha laid down next to her while beginning to read the story that she had picked out. Once Hannah had fallen asleep Samantha stood up and pulled the covers up around her so she wouldn’t be cold. She headed into the bathroom to brush her teeth ad get ready for bed. She was looking forward to sleeping in a quiet room without having to listen to any monitors beep continually., not to mention her own bed and pillows.

It didn’t take her long to fall asleep once she settled into bed, but once she did she began wishing she hadn’t.

It was like she was reliving that morning all over again in her sleep. She wished so badly that she could wake up, but couldn’t. He pushed her into the living room and soon onto the couch. Then started taking both our clothes off starting with hers. Samantha heard herself start to scream at him to stop what he was doing. Trying to tell him that Hannah was in the house and begging him to just leave. Hannah came down the stairs and yelled at him…Sam told her to go to her room, but she didn’t listen she went to the phone, but before she could Jake got up after her and hit her in the stomach and then pushed her, he pushed her hard down on the ground and yelled at her not to get up. Sam got up and picked up coaster off of the coffee table and threw it at him and that just made him angrier. He hit her a couple times in the stomach and sides and then threw her back down on the couch and finished taking her clothes off. Samantha was balling by now and wished it would all just go away. Once he had finished undressing him self he moved in between her legs where she was trying to keep her knees tight together. He slapped her once and she lost focus of what she was trying to keep him from doing and next thing she knew she let out a blood curdling scream when he rammed into her. “ Samantha!”

“Sam!” She heard the voice call again. Her eyes opened and she saw that she was safe in her bed, with Rian sitting on the edge pulling her into her arms. She had no nightmares the whole time during her stay in the hospital and she wasn’t sure why they were starting now. “Shh, it’s okay.” He told her as he rocked their bodies back and forth while he was trying to calm her down.

“It was so real.” She cried as she buried her face in his neck.

“I know, it’ll be alright Sam.” He continued to rock her and trying to calm her and soon she was beginning to fall asleep again.

Sam was awoken a little when she felt movement and realized it was Rian laying her back down. “Rian?”

‘Yeah?” He asked.

“Can you lay with me?” She asked as she began to feel afraid again, she didn’t want to fall asleep and have the nightmare come back again.

Rian thought for a minute about what she had asked. And quickly answered her, telling her that he would but first he was going to get ready for bed and make sure all the doors were locked “Rian?” She asked once he was back in the room and laying on the opposite of the bad across from her.

“Yes?” He answered, she could tell by his voice he was tired and would be falling asleep at any moment, She, on the other hand wasn’t, every time she felt herself start to doze off a memory would pop back into her head and she would find herself back to being wide awake.

“What are you doing tomorrow?” She asked as she laid there trying not to think of her nightmares.

“Me, Alex. And Lisa are going to go pick out some new living room furniture and then the band has a phoot shoot, then I’ll be home.”

“Is Hannah not going back to school yet?”

“The doctor said she could, but I don’t know. I would hate to take her and then her start hurting and then her teachers not know how to calm her down.”

“… I hope these nightmares go away.” She stated out of the blue, but currently that was the only thing that had been going through her mind.

“I’m sorry Sam.”

Sam looked over at the alarm clock on the bedside table and saw that it was already going on five in the morning, she quickly and quietly got out of bed, being careful not to make any movement on the bed or sounds that wake Rian up. She figured since she couldn’t sleep she would make herself some tea and watch some television down in the basement. Surely there had to be something good on to keep her entertained until the sin decided to rise.

She found her way into the kitchen and filled the tea kettle with water and set it on the stove so it could get hot. Once she set it on the burned she back up and leaned against the counter that was opposite of the stove top and watched as the steam began to spill out of the top. Once her tea was made she walked slowly and soundlessly down the stairs and into the basement where she got comfy on a couch and turned on the television. She must have dozed off after finishing her tea because the next thing she remembered was Rian gently shaking her shoulder trying to wake her up. “Come upstairs, I’m making breakfast. Hans will be up any minute.” Samantha slowly stood up from the couch being careful not to hurt herself as she did then headed towards the staircase on the other side of the room. “Do you need any help up the stairs?” He asked her as they got closer to the stairs.

“No, just walk behind me so you can catch me if I fall.”

“Are you sure?”

“Positive.” She told him as she made her way up the steps to the main level. “Are you sure you don’t mind staying home with us? You can go with Al and Lisa if you want.”

“I’m sure. It’s not that big of a deal.”


“Yes baby girl?”

“When can I go back to school?”

“Monday, darling.”



“When are you going back to school?” Samantha chuckled at her daughter’s question. She always called her work school.



“Yes Hannah?”

“Do you still hurt?”

“Just a little. Are you feeling okay right now?”

“Yes. Do I still get to have a Dora birthday party?”

“Of course sweetie.”

“Can I watch Dora right now?”

“You can watch Dora after breakfast, okay?” Samantha began to wonder if they were playing twenty questions now. She was used to Hannah’s questions, but not this many at one time.


Sam was surprised that she didn’t try arguing with her and throwing a fit that she couldn’t watch it right now like she normally would.