Status: A rewrite.

Stories Yet To Unfold


The next morning Rian had set his alarm for eight so that he would be up and dressed by the time Samantha got to his house to drop Hannah off for the day. Not long after he got out of the shower and dressed himself he hear the doorbell sound from the other side of the house. He quickly made his way to the front room of his house so he could answer the door.

“Hey, thanks again for watching her today.” Samantha said as she lowered Hannah down from her hip and let her stand on her own.

“It’s no problem, really. What time do you get off?” He asked her as he took her back pack that held everything she might need throughout the day.

“I’m working till nine, but Jake will be home by five thirty and he‘ll come by and pick her up.”

“I’ll watch her till you get off.” He said as soon as the words had left her mouth. He didn’t want his daughter alone with Jake, especially if he was more than able to watch her.

“You sure?”

“I don’t want her alone with him.”

“Rian, he would nev-”

“You don’t know that Sam. He beats you, what would keep him from going for Hans? I’d rather not risk it, plus I leave for tour in two weeks. I wanna spend as much time with her as I can.” He told her

“Fair enough, call me if you need anything.”

“We will. Tell mommy bye.

“Bye Momma.” Hannah said as she walked over to her and hugged her legs, Sam bent down and kissed her forehead telling her to be good for her dad and that she would see her later on tonight when she came to pick her up after work.

Rian shut the front door and turned towards his young daughter asking her what she wanted to do, she replied with a simple shrug not really knowing what it was at the moment that she felt like doing. “Should we go over to Uncle Jack’s house?

“Yeah!” Rian wasn’t surprised by the excitement in her answer, he was sure that next to him Jack was her favorite person after him. It wasn’t that she wasn’t close to either Alex or Zack, she just spent so much more time around Jack since Zack spends most of his off time in California and Alex has his girlfriend who he spends a majority of his home time with. “Daddy?”

“Yes baby?” He asked as the two of them walked hand and hand out to his car so they could leave.

“When do you have to leave again?”

“In two weeks.”

“For how long?”

“Three weeks.”

“How manys days is that?” She asked him as she looked up at him while he buckled all of the safety straps to her car seat.

“Twenty-one.” He heard her let out a disappointed sigh from the backseat of his car.

“That’s a long time.”

“I know babe, but it’ll pass faster than you think. And I promise we can talk on the computer screen and telephone every day.”

Once they got to Jack’s house they made their way inside to see if he was awake yet. “Uncle Jack?!” Hannah called from the doorway trying to locate his whereabouts‘.

Once they had finally found him and got him up out of bed Hannah had talked the two men into going to the movies. Rian and Jack agreed, seeing as the young girl had the two of them wrapped around her little finger. Afterwards they drove around a little bit until they came to the park and decided to stop and play for a bit. Hannah was currently making her way up the stairs to the slide while the two guys sat on a bench and talked while watching her to make sure she didn’t get hurt. “So what time is Sam coming to pick her up tonight?”

“Nine Thirty. She was gonna have Jake come and pick her up, but I told her I would just keep her ‘til she got off work. I don’t want her around him, I don’t trust as far as I can throw him.”

“Well you definitely have a reason not to. Has Hans said anything more about it?”

“No, I’m kind of glad, I don’t want her saying something then him finding out about it and getting mad. We obviously already know what he does when he gets angry.”


After about another hour the three of them decided to make their way back to Rian’s house. It was already nearing three and Rian figured Hannah would be getting sleepy. Once they got back to the house Rian put on Dora and brought her blanket to her and not too much later she asleep on the couch.

It was near ten at night when Rian heard the knock on the door, he quickly opened at and let Samantha into the house. “Sorry I’m a little late, I had some paper work I had to finish tonight before a deadline.”

“It’s no problem, she’s upstairs in her bedroom, she fell asleep a little after eight-thirty so I just laid her up there.”

“Was she good today?”

“Yeah, she had a busy day though. We went to Jack’s, a movie, lunch, the park, then home.”

“I bet she had a good time.”

“Yeah, I hope so. I just wanted to remind you that I leave in two weeks for tour and I’ll be gone for three weeks, so I won’t be able to take her those weekends.”

“Alright. If you want her at all before you leave for extra days so you can spend more time with her before you have to leave just let me know, I can drop her off with you.”

“Alright, I actually wanted to take her to the Children’s Museum she won’t stop talking about, and I know we’re throwing a big cook out before we do leave and the three of you are more than welcome to come.”

“She’ll like that, she has been asking for ages to go there, and I’ll ask Jake about the cook out, you know how he is though, he’s not much of a people’s person.”

“If you ever need a place to go, if things get bad back at the house we have guest rooms and you’re more than welcome to use one.”

“Thanks. I should go get her and get home, Jake is probably hungry and the man has no skill in the kitchen.” She told him as she started to head up the stair case to go and bring down their daughter so she could head home.

Rian helped her with all of Hannah’s things and helped carry the small girl out to her car. Once they had left he headed back inside.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know it's short, but the next chapter is really long.

Give me some feedback and I'll post it sooner. :)