Status: A rewrite.

Stories Yet To Unfold


“Just get your stuff and we’ll go. Just grab what you need.” As soon as they walked into the house the yelling started.

“Where have you been?!”

“I was at Sarah’s house.”

“Bull shit!”

“I’m not lying to you.”

“Sure, you were with your band boyfriend! Don’t lie to me you little bitch!”

“Samantha go get your stuff.”

“Who the fuck do you think you are?! She isn‘t going anywhere. Get the hell out of my house!” Rian socked him once in the face left him behind in the room, while he left to go find Samantha.

Sam was already in Hannah’s room working on the third bag.

“You about ready?” He felt bad for her, watching her toss things into bags as she was trying to keep her crying down and trying to keep the tears at bay. Even in her current state with tears falling down her face and her busted lip that matched her blackening eye Rian couldn’t deny that she was a pretty girl. He thought she was pretty the night he met her, he thought she was pretty when he brought her back to their tour bus, he thought she was pretty two months after when she asked to meet him at the coffee shop downtown where she broke the news to him about being pregnant, and she was just as pretty now as she was then.

Not too long after they left the house Sam’s phone was going off constantly. All of it was from Jake. Calls, text, voice messages saying anything he could think of to hurt her and scare her. “We’ll go gt you a new number tomorrow.”

“He’ll probably turn it off before then, it wouldn’t be the first time.”

“Well I’ll just add you to my plan, then we’ll get mobile to mobile and all that jazz.” He said as looked over to the small girl and tried to give her a smile. She tried to return it, but it was easy to easy it was forced. Hannah was asleep already by the time they had gotten home and now Rian and Samantha were sitting across from each other at the kitchen table both had a cup of coffee in hand and they were talking about things. Rian absolutely refused to let her pay any kind of rent while she was staying here. No matter how much she tried to argue with him about it, she eventually gave up. “Can I ask you a question and can you be completely honest with me?”


“Was it really only once? I just find it hard to believe Hans would wake up from a nightmare about it if it had only happened once.”

“It happened a lot more than once.”

“How bad has gotten?”

“… I don’t really know. He’s hit, punched, kicked, slapped, cut.”


“He had a knife, he chased around the house, Hannah was here at your house thank God. I tripped him and he cut the back of my leg a little. Not a lot.”

“How long has this been going on for?”

“About six months.”

“So for half of the relationship.”

“No, we’ve been together for almost two years now.”

“That long?”

“Yeah, crazy to think its been that long already.”

“Why did you stay with him?”

“… I don’t really know. I guess because I remember what it was like before him, it was lonely, just me and Hans and on the weekends just me. I don’t have close friends, my parents don’t talk to me, no sisters or anything. You have the guys and girls are throwing themselves at you nonstop. It’s not the same for a single mother. I thought I was blessed to find someone like Jake, but he ended up being a total monster.”

“ The guys like you. They would be your friends if you gave them a chance, you used to be so close to them before Jake. They were all so pissed at me for not making a move on you after our mess was cleared up and I grew some balls,”

“You can take the guest room and of course Hannah has her own room. Lisa of course will be here.”

“Thanks again Rian. I feel bad, I don’t want to add any more stress on to anyone or put anyone out.”

“Don’t be crazy, You’re not putting anyone out, if anything you’re helping Lisa out, she gets so bored when we’re all out on tour and she is stuck here at home.”
