Status: A rewrite.

Stories Yet To Unfold



“Hey, how’s she doing?”

“She’s better.”

“I hate the days I leave. I feel bad.”

“You can’t help it, it’s your job. She knows you wouldn’t choose to go if you didn’t have to. Don’t be so hard on yourself.”

“Can I talk to her?”

“Yeah let me find her, I think she’s downstairs in the living watching Dora.”

“Of course she is.” He replied back with a small chuckle. Hannah was crazy about Dora The Explorer. He could hear Sam on the other end of the line telling Hannah that her daddy was on the phone and wanted to talk to her.

“Hi daddy!”

“Hey baby girl, How are you doing?”

“Good, I got a new Build A Bear. I named his Rocky.” She told him, he could tell that she was pretty excited about her new stuffed animal.

“What does Rocky look like?” He asked her, knowing he was going to hear about it whether he asked her or not.

“He’s a raccoon! And he has a guitar! Daddy he is just like Uncle Jack!” She told him in an extremely excited tone.

“He sounds really cool Hans.” He told her. He had hardly been gone ten hours and he already missed his daughter. This was the one thing that he hated about tour. “Well Uncle Zack is telling me we have to head inside now, but I’ll call you later on tonight before bed time-”

“We’ll you tell me a night night story?”

“What ever you want. Love you Hannah.”

“I love you too daddy. Tell Uncles I say hi!”

“Okay I will, tell mommy I said I’ll be calling later.”


A couple seconds later Rian heard the line go dead and knew that Hannah had hung up the phone. They had just arrived at the venue and they were running late o they had just enough time to setup and go through sound check before they rushed back to their dressing room to wait out the remaining thirty minutes before doors opened and the venue was filled with hundreds of screaming teenagers waiting for them to take the stage and play.

It had been a week since Rian left and Samantha was surprised that Jake hadn’t tried to start up any drama since she had left him nearly two weeks ago. Her nerves weren’t as worked up as they had been since it had been a week and nothing had happened. Lately the only thing Sam has had to worry about was getting to work on time and dropping Hannah off at Pre School in the mornings. Of course her current thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door. Lisa had already left for work and Samantha was going to soon have to leave as well if she wanted to drop Hannah off at pre school and make it to work on time. The small built girl quickly made her way to the front door to see who was waiting on the other side.

“What are you doing here?” She asked the second she saw who was behind the door. She silently cursed her self for not checking through the window who was there before she just went ahead and opened the door to whoever it was.

“Come Sam, did you really think I didn’t know where to find you?” He asked her.

“What do you want?” She asked as she started trying to shut the door on him.

“You better watch how you’re talking to me slut.” He told her as he pushed her back inside the house and closed the door behind him. Sam reached into her back pocket as inconspicuous as possible to grab her phone out, she couldn’t have been that lucky though. “What do you think you’re doing? Gonna call your boyfriend?!” He asked her as he slapped the phone out her hand then back handed her and made her fall back onto the couch. “You know, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking.”

“I think you should leave.” He grabbed her wrists and pinned them up above her head and held them there.

“Ah, see, I had something else in mind that I thought we could do.”

They’re going to be home any minute.” She tried to tell him, hoping that would scare him off and he would leave before he did anything.

“What, do you think I’m stupid? I know your lover boy is out of town on tour with his friends, and I also know your room mate is gone for the day at work. There isn’t going to be anyone coming to interrupt us.” He told her as his free hand triled down her side to rest at her hip.

“Hannah is here Jake, don’t do this.” She pleaded with him.

“Keep your mouth shut and Hannah will have no idea about anything going on down stairs.”


"Yes, is Rian Dawson there please?"

"This is him." He answered the question from the unknown voice on the other end of the line.

"Mr. Dawson, I'm Doctor Anderson, from Baltimore Children's Hospital. There's been an accident." Rian felt the air get caught up in his throat, he felt like the wind had been knocked right out of him.

He had gotten the phone call less than three hours ago and already he was halfway home on an airplane.

"What happened?"

“I can’t exactly discuss this all over the phone, but there was an altercation between Samantha and Jake and Hannah got into the middle of it, we’re going to need you here Mr. Dawson. Your daughter’s mother told us you were out of town on work.“

“Yeah, I’m in New York tonight, I’ll get the next flight out.”

“Matt, I got to go.”

“What do you mean you ‘got to go’? Sound check is in an hour.” He told his as he looked up from the computer screen was currently looking at.

“It’s Hannah, she’s in the hospital, I got to get home. Get someone to fill in for me. My flight leaves in less than an hour.” He told him as he started walking out of the room to head to his bunk and pack his bag up.

“Alright, I’ll find someone. I hope she’s alright man.”