Status: Tireddd.

The Fallen Angel

The Breakdown

After about two hours of questions, Keith and I were laying next to each other, just staring at my ceiling. We did share a few glances at each other, but always looked away fast. Most of the questions he has asked were either simple, or just plain random, but I always laughed.
“What would you pick to eat, Big Mac, or a salad?” He said, and I couldn’t help but really smile.
“Big Mac.” He laughed, “What?” I looked at him.
“Nothing, its just funny,” he smiled.
“I don’t think its funny,” I said looking at one of my posters.
“You look like it seems funny,” he spoke suddenly, which made me mad. I shot up, and glared at him.
“That’s not funny!” I yelled, and started to get off the bed. Just because I smile all the time doesn’t mean I find small things so funny, I wanted to scream.
“Hey Elizabeth,” Keith’s voice stopped me from moving, “I’m sorry, that was unlike me. I didn’t mean to insult you,” I looked at him, and saw that he wasn’t kidding about being sorry. He also looked scared of me leaving him. I laid back down next to him, and it was quiet. Completely silent. None of my brothers or sisters thoughts, and not even his spoke a word. Which made me so curious. I sucked in a full take of air, and let out a deep sigh.
“Uhm, if you don’t mind me asking, but why do you smile all the time?” I held my breath. No one really knows why, and my accident has always been a secret, even Israel doesn’t really understand it. Well mostly, I’m emotionally damaged by my mother but just there are other issues with why I smile all the time. I guess I started breathing hard because I felt Keith’s hand rest on mine. I then met his eyes.
“I’m sorry. Just forget that I ever asked that,” I nodded, and let out a yawn. From my surprise, Keith laughed again.
“Tired again?” he asked, brushing my hair out of my face.
“Well, it’s been a long day, and my head still hurts a little,” I said loving the almost touch of his hand near my face.
“It has been a long day. I guess I should leave and let you get some sleep. I’ll walk you to school tomorrow?” I thought for a few minutes, if Keith came by early in the morning and my brother answers, who knew what could happened.
“Sure. Your choice. Come by at seven, and I should be ready.” He smiled, and leaned over, kissing my forehead.
“Sweet dreams,” he whispered, leaving me in my room with a deep blush on my face.

Laying in my bed at midnight, I opened my eyes and looked at my window. It was raining again, and the rain drops were slamming against the transparent glass, making a loud thud every few seconds. The first thing that came to my mind, was the obvious, Keith. I turned over and laid on my back, looking at my ceiling. Why am I thinking about him so much? He’s so…ugh. He’s too much, but I like that. I love how he’s on my mind, and I love how I can’t get him out. I want him to lay next to me again, I want to feel his fingers against my skin. I bit my lower lip, and turned to the side, nuzzling my face into my pillow, and fell into a deep sleep.
I found myself in Keith’s arms. I felt completely warm, and safe. His lips were whispering wonderful things in my ear, till suddenly, I was let go. I looked at Keith in confusion, and he shook his head. I reached out to him, but he took a step back. I was going to speak, but then someone appeared who looked exactly like me, except she had brown hair and brown eyes. She looked dark. Her eyes were full of hate, annoyance. A smile formed on her face as Keith kept walking away. Whoever this person was, came closer to me, and grabbed me by my wrist and yanked me close to her, and her head slammed into mine. I yelped in pain and fell back, rubbing my forehead. I tried to speak, but my voice was gone and my throat went dry. I tried to scream for Keith, but he wouldn't come to me. He wasn't there anymore, but then I saw someone behind this clone. He had black hair, and deep purple eyes. He was extremely pale, and as I started to see his face a lot better, he looked exactly like Keith.

I woke up and started to pant. My heart was beating fast, and my head was pounding hard against my skull. Tears were forming in my eyes as I looked around my room. The air didn't feel right against me. It felt like it was dirty and pressing hard against me. As Keith's face comes to mind, the way he looked at me in my dream....I broke. It was as if he hated me.
Stop crying!
I jumped and covered my ears.
It makes you look ugly,
Tears were falling.
...and if you don't smile right now,
Tears started to fall faster.
I'll kill you.
I screamed.