A Photograph of You & I

It Was All A Mistake

"So what did you want to talk about?" I prompted as he led me down into the field. It was pitch black and freezing out. I'd forgotten a jacket and shivered involuntarily.

"Nothing in particular." He replied, placing his cigarette in his mouth and pulling off his jacket. I watched as he pulled it off his frame and hung it neatly on mine.

"Ville, I don't want you to get sick." I protested beginning to remove the jacket.

"Don't worry about it, Sweetheart. I'm always sick." He replied easily. I frowned but pulled the jacket closer around me, surreptitiously inhaling the scent that clung to it.

Tobacco, wine, and cologne. He always smelled like those three things and for some reason it was intoxicating.

"So, what have you been up to for the past few years?" He asked, a hint of a smile in his voice.

"Nothing really...I moved to London after I finished school. I've been holding down a few jobs to pay for my flat. And that's pretty much it." I replied quickly.

"How's your dad?" He asked. I shuddered. Mom hadn't told him. She'd left the horrible deed to me. I silently cursed, keeping my silence.

"Aina?" He prodded. I couldn't be upset - he didn't know. He had a certain right to I supposed.

"He's...dead, Ville." I said softly, still unwilling to allow there to be a reality to it, even after this long.

"Oh God, I'm so sorry..." He said, his voice filling with emotion. "Do you mind telling me what happened?"

"This ridiculous war is what happened." I said, knowing that he would gain everything he needed from that statement. My father had always told me that he knew it was his destiny to die in the line of duty, as he put it. I exhaled slowly.

"I'm so sorry..." He repeated, turning and opening his arms to me. I didn't go to him this time.

"So what have you been up to?" I asked, diverting the attention from me. He held his arms down.

"I'm in a band." He replied with a tone of confusion. "You didn't hear about that?"

"Should I have?"

"We're pretty big. I'm surprised Bam hasn't forced you to listen to our albums a thousand times."

"You have albums out?!" I exclaimed. "Ville, that's amazing."

"I honestly cannot believe you've never heard of us." He said, seeming amused.

"So what else is going on?" I asked, my excitement getting the better of me.

"Nothing." He replied quickly.

"You had a fiancee and you call that nothing? Ville Valo I am shocked." I brought the topic up rather bluntly and he stiffened beside me.

"That was all a mistake." He said quietly.

"It couldn't have been if you were willing to marry her Ville."

"Well it was."

"And why is that?"

"I've already told you."

"Refresh my memory."

"I belong to you, Aina." He told me seriously. My heart sang, my face frowned and somewhere in the middle, I ached.

"Ville..." I began, wanting to cry.

"Aina, will you hear me out?" He asked desperately.

"No, Ville...I -" I tried desperately to speak and I failed miserably.

"VILLE VALO AND AINA MARIANI GET YOUR ASSES IN HERE!" Bam's voice echoed over a loudspeaker. I had no idea how he'd known we were together but knowing him he probably had surveillance all over the place.

"We'd better go." I prompted before another word could be said. I handed Ville his coat and jogged back toward the house, leaving a sulking Ville behind me.

Moments later I arrived back in the house where I was greeted by Bam. Ville trudged in a few moments later.

"Its like five minutes to midnight, Dico's around here somewhere with the alcohol. Come on." He led us both to the living room where a whole mob of people stood in front of the huge television mounted on the wall.

"For you, my lady." Dico said from beside me. He wore a suit of armor and a very long velvet cape. I smiled and took the shot glass he offered me. I watched as Ville accepted one as well and turned his attention back to the television.

"Ville, come here a minute!" Bam shouted from across the room. Ville turned toward our friend and walked toward him. I watched as they spoke with their heads bent together as if sharing a secret. When Ville left, Bam was all smiles.

"What was that all about?" I asked Ville as he came back to my side.


"I don't like secrets Ville."

"You'll find out soon." He told me, winking. I couldn't help but smile.

"ALRIGHT BITCHES, A MINUTE TO GO!" Bam screamed excitedly as he stood on the pool table. Every eye in the room turned from the television to Bam and back to the television.

"Aina?" Ville whispered in my ear. I hadn't noticed he'd moved behind me. A shiver passed through me.


"TEN...NINE...EIGHT..." The crowd began the countdown, but I was in my own secret reality. He whirled me around to face him. I gazed into his emerald orbs and in turn, he stared into mine.

"FIVE...FOUR..." I watched his lips form words I couldn't understand.

"THREE...TWO..." I watched as he quickly downed his shot glass.


In that split second his lips were on mine. I hadn't seen it coming and yet I'd yearned for it without even realizing it. People all around us began making-out and downing multiple shots in celebration of the near year.

My hands snaked their way under his beanie and flung it off. I entwined my fingers into his dark curls as his hands planted themselves on the small of my back, bringing me closer to him as our kiss deepened. I was absolutely euphoric but the feeling was fleeting and soon replaced with horror. I pulled myself away and he looked absolutely devastated.

"That...shouldn't have happened." I said aloud without meaning it. His devastation went further.

"W-what?" He asked. I couldn't face his despair. Bam was plowing toward us and I'd only had a moment to get away. Without another word I made a mad dash for the front door.

Destination: my car for a quick get away.