A Whole New Hell

How this all began

It was warm. Even TJ couldn’t cope. He could hardly even walk. Never mind run. ‘Guys, just give me a minute’ he panted to the rest of the group who were speeding ahead.
‘We don’t have a minute TJ. You wanting them to catch us? Ya’ll do know what happens if they do catch up with us don’t ya?’ Snapped Jenny. TJ looked at her lost in confusion and dripping with sweat. ‘TJ, if they catch us you can officially call us fucked.’
‘Where the hell are we even heading?’
‘Mexico? Fucking Mexico?! All this for Mexico?’
‘Aint that what I said?’
TJ kicked the wall in anger. ‘What in hell possessed me to come with you guys on this suicide mission? We’re running through Georgia to save our asses and you don’t think they’ll catch us? This is friggin suicide. I may as well just put a bullet in my head God damnit!’
By this time Corey had, had enough. ‘Fine! Gimme your gun. I’ll do it for ya! You seem to think we’re gonna die anyway.’
Matt whispered ‘One of us is gonna if you two don’t stop this’ He knelt down beside the bag which they had all been carrying. ‘You’ll be alright dude I promise. I told mom I’d get you back alright.’ He hugged the bag ‘And to hell I’m gonna lie to her bro. You’ll be ok. I promise you. I do’
Seeing this Jenny yelled ‘Guys! We have to stay together. Hes right. If we don’t move now one of us is gonna die. We cant fall apart now ok? We cant afford to.’
‘He’s dead already’ Whispered Corey.
‘Matt he’s not. Corey. Shut up! But he will be soon. And if he dies then you wont live to see the morning. Am I understood?’
Corey laughed coldly. He then got up, went over to Matt who was still crouching by the bag and helped him up. ‘Come on then ya big bunch of fags. Lets get moving’ He said this after him and Matt had each taken an end of the bag. ‘Lets go and get him atleast to the next safe stop if not all the way.’
They set off again. TJ walking with his gun loaded and ready to fight. Jenny put her hand on his shoulder and as she did so he jumped. ‘There ain’t no need to be tense now TJ. We’re safe for now.’ She went ahead leaving TJ strolling along a few paces behind the group.
‘Jenny!’ TJ called to her and she spun around ‘Is this suicide?’
‘Look. I don’t know. But whatever, it was suicide if you’d stayed where we found you. They’d have torn you to pieces.’
It was 5am before they reached a building which still had even a small degree of safety in it. Corey and TJ lead the way in kicking the half opened steel door open as they went. Corey raised his gun up infront of him. TJ copied like a child copying his father. ‘Its clear’ Corey shouted out to them. TJ nodded to Jenny in an agreeing manner.
‘There a bed or blankets?’ Jenny replied hopefully still holding the bag with Matt.
‘Blankets for sure I can see them. And the doors got a lock. It looks like theres even weapons and ammo top ups. Its too good to leave Jen.’
Jen looked over to Matt who nodded approvingly. ‘Okay Corey, we’re coming in.’ They all trailed in. Jenny and Matt placed the bag on a pile of blankets. Matt unzipped the bag enough to see his brother still breathing but paler than before. He then unzipped the bag and wrapped him in blankets instead.
Matt looked down on his helpless brother. ‘You alright?’ His brother let out a soft moan and a small gargle which sounded alot like he was struggling to say something. ‘Dez. You need to rest. Your not gonna die on me. Okay? You listening? You cant’
‘I’m Sorry’ He replied in a voice no more than a whisper.
Matt shook him furiously. ‘No! No Dez!’
Jenny ran over seeing this. ‘Matt! Hes okay. Hes trying to sleep. You shaking him is only gonna make him worse. You need sleep. Go on. Go with Corey. Keep your gun with you and shout if you see anything’. Matt sulked over to the rest of the group whining as he did so. Jenny looked down seeing Dez laying there. ‘Your brothers a whiney brat.’
Dez looked at her weakly and summened the little energy he had left to say ‘I know’
She laughed and got up to pull the curtain around them. She turned back around and knelt down by him laying a hand on his head. ‘Man, your sweating like a bitch. But your so cold.’ She pulled a cloth and some water out of her bag. Wetting the cloth she put it on his head then sat him up slightly and placed the cap of the bottle to his lips. ‘You need to drink’ Slowly he reacted and began to drink. After he had finished she took the water away and layed him back down. Taking a needle and some thread aswell as a bottle of spirits out of her bag she said to him. ‘This is gonna hurt k?’ He nodded. She began to pour the spirits onto the open cut on his arm. ‘What did this?’ no reply. She sighed and took the needle and thread and began stitching his arm back together.
Corey came around the curtain. ‘He k?’
‘He should be for now. Ima stay with him the night. Hes so weak and so cold. Its not looking good. But Im not letting another young and innocent person in this group die. I cant. We cant afford to..’ Corey looked at her. ‘I know Corey. I cant control fate. But I can try delay it.’ He walked off slowly reclosing the curtain. She layed next to Dez listening to his soft breathing and almost silent coughing. She weaped and hugged his arm. ‘Why was it you? Why not me? Derrick. I cant afford to loose you. I love you damnit...’ His eyes opened and he looked at her. She smiled softly. ‘Yes. I said I love you. I also meant it. They could have me to save you. Though. Thats not the way it works.’
He smiled. ‘I love you too.’
‘Well if you get out of this alive we can take this some where. Start a family perhaps. But you have to find the strength to fight this first. You got that?’ He nodded and closed his eyes again. ‘Your so weak... Its killing me to see you like this. Its killing Matt too. You need food. But your probably to weak to eat it.’ She got up and left from behind the curtain. They all looked round at her.
‘Whats happened? Why you leave him? Is he okay?’ Said Matt in a panicked tone.
‘Hes fine Matt. I need to get some food. Corey. Would you make something? Liquid. He cant chew.’ Corey nodded and got up to find something to cook the food in. ‘Matt. He’s fighting. You know hes always been good at that.’ Matt looked at her with tears in his eyes. ‘Matt... I cant say hes going to be fine, you know he has it in him.’ She went back behind the curtain hugging back up to Dez. ‘Promise me you’ll be okay baby.’ He squeezed her hand softly to reassure her. ‘You cant say that. You know you cant. We both know that neither of us know your gonna be okay. How can you lie to me like that?’
‘I... I’m sorry’ He muttered.
‘I didn’t mean to shout Dez. I just... I want you to be okay. For Matts sake if nothing else. Hes falling apart out there.’ She hugged him again and rested her head on his arm. ‘You remember when we were in school? We’d look at the skies and think about things. Talk about how we thought things would go. Never thought for a minute we’d be alone in a group of no ones in some state in America fighting for our lives together did we? We planned a real future. Families. Big houses. LA at one point. Looks like none of that is ever gonna happen.’ She wept at the thought. ‘I love you so much. And now Im gonna loose you.’ She started crying just as Corey came around the curtain. She looked up at him and wiped her eyes. ‘Hey. Im sorry. I was... I was just thinking.’ Corey smiled and handed her a bowl of soup. ‘This for him?’ Corey nodded. ‘Thanks.’ He left back to the group. ‘Sit up Dez.’ She helped him sit up slowly. ‘We got ya food.’
From that moment days passed like years but he got better. By the end of three weeks they had to move. Though still not a full strength he moved with them. Like a normal member of the group. Armed with as many guns and as much ammo as he could carry he walked on.
‘So what are we running from?’ Asked TJ.
‘The same as we were before douche. The fucking things which are rapidly taking over where we used to live.’ Corey hated TJ at the best of times. But it was times like these when all he wanted to do was kill him. ‘Jenny, why did we even pick him up? Hes no good. Dont know his ass from his elbow. Couldnt we have just left him to get killed by these fuckers?’
Derrick laughed but was soon shut up by Jenny. ‘Corey. He may be dumb. That doesn’t mean you can kill him. Nor does it mean he should die’ Corey coughed sarcastically ‘I meant what I said Corey. We have to stick together or we’re all gonna die.’
Corey murmered and walked on hitting TJ as he walked passed. ‘There are times I would rather die than be in a group with him.’
‘Corey!’ Jenny slapped him. ‘Its you we’re gonna be leaving soon. Your like a child. Only less mature.’ Corey looked at her in a hurt manner. ‘Would you two just stop it? Drop your petty grudges. Its pointless. None of us are going to make it out of this alive if you don’t. I aint dying cause of you two. Not a chance. So if you cant stop arguing we’re leaving you alone. Clear?’
Corey looked at her desperately and back at TJ who was smiling victoriously. ‘I think you may have to leave me alone’ he said. Jenny looked at him sharply. ‘Fine. One more shot. Then hes going’. They all set off again. Corey slipped behind watching Jenny’s back.
They were passing streets like houses and moving as fast as they possibly could. The temperature was rising. Derrick looked down one of the streets he knew. He wasn’t from Georgia and wasn’t going to pretend he was either. However. He knew where it went. He knew it would take them directly to Atlanta and it would be a damn site quicker than the way they were going. He couldn’t be sure he was right but as he looked ahead to see a shadow emerging in the distance he paused. ‘Guys, stop.’ They stopped and turned to him. ‘Look ahead. You see?’ Looking ahead they all realised and paused.
‘See told ya’ll this was suicide’ TJ said.
‘No TJ stop.’ Derrick interrupted. ‘Yes its suicide if we go down there. I know we’re trying to head to Atlanta. But we cant go that way.’ He looked back down the side street he had seen. ‘Im not sure Im right. But surely we should take our chances instead of walking straight into death?’
Corey looked at him in disbelief and then it was Matt who took the words out of his mouth. ‘Your not from Georgia. Your from Florida. You’ve never been to Atlanta in your life bro. It could be a trap. They might have played tricks on you. Got you to believe you were going down there so they can hae us all killed. We know their there and we’re expecting them. We have a chance if we’re all a good aim.’
Derrick looked at him furiously. ‘Matt! There are hundreds perhaps thousands of them down there and what 6 of us? We have no chance’. He headed back towards the side street. ‘Now are you trusting me and following or are ya’ll gonna die like rats?’ Jenny headed over and TJ followed her.
‘Guys, he right. We go down there we have no chance. We don’t know what they are. There’s at least three hundred of them. And we may be expecting them. But in all reality. We don’t have a clue what we’re expecting. Infected? Yes. How so. I don’t know. The best we could hope for would be minor infects of zombies. Even then we would still be like dinner on a plate to them. We have to trust him cause otherwise we are going to die.’ Jenny said this to the group hoping she could turn them to believe he was right.
Matt turned and followed the group. Corey still stood his ground. ‘Im going to them. I don’t trust it.’ He turned towards the shadow. ‘If they kill me I died to prove you right.’ He started walking away from, the group. ‘You guys go how you wanna. Like you said you cant go on with me and TJ arguing. Im dragging you back. You cant afford that. Now go!’ Corey set off in a run towards the shadow with his gun out stretched in front of him. Matt grabbed Derrick who Grabbed Jenny and they ran towards the side street. TJ paused a minute then followed them.
Once they were round in the corner and in the side street Matt paused. ‘He’s gone. We need someone who can lead this group. We need order.’ Matt looked round at the person who had followed them the whole time without saying a word. ‘That where you got six from bro?’ Derrick nodded. ‘Then lets give it a shot. Take your hood down’. Obeying the figure took their hood down to reveal a young child no more than 13. Matt stepped back. ‘Your a kid!’ He stuttered and looked at Derrick.
‘Their good at fighting Matt. He saved my life.’ Derrick murmered.
‘Begging your pardon good sir’ the child spoke for the first time and Derrick turned to their words. ‘How did you know that was me which saved your life?’
‘Its kinda obvious don’t you think?’ Derrick replied.
The child was silent. Matt broke the silence. ‘Well he cant lead hes about eight. Im the oldest. I’ll take control.’ Matt set off ahead again ‘Now lets make a move before they realise what we’ve done.’ They all set off. Jenny and Derrick formed a protection around the child. TJ followed behind taking the full weight of the weapons.
They reached Atlanta. Without a team mate and sick with fright. But they made it. They headed through the town. Which was no longer considered to be a town. It was more of a ruined mass filled with crumbling buildings, deserted cars, smoke and the odd fire along side many broken windows. Rats had taken over the town and it looked much different to what Jenny had seen when she had first moved to Georgia at 20. Every time something moved it caused the whole group to jump. The child was surprisingly calm. Walking along in the middle of the group but yet having the most confidence. As each of the members jumped the child remained calm and cool and whenever they saw a shadow they were reassured. Matt who was still in the lead stopped.
‘Now there’s a weapon shop over there. TJ, what the chances of you taking more?’ He asked.
TJ looked at him ‘I could take some more. These guys need some too. Derrick especially’ He replied. Matt nodded and lead the way towards the shop. As they entered the shop they smelt rotting flesh. An all so very familiar smell within the last 6 weeks. ‘There’s something else in here’ TJ said. Matt put his finger on his lips silencing the group but as he did so they heard a slight his from behind them. TJ’s voice must have drawn the creature out from where it was staying.
‘TJ Down!’ Derrick shouted picking up a gun and firing it at the creature. It screamed in pain but spun in Derrick direction. Derrick dodged it pulling Jenny out of its way. It recharged this time knocking Derrick to the floor. Derrick let out a cry of both shock and pain. He fought the beast. Loosing miserably to its sharp claws. TJ ran and charged the beast off him pinning it the ground with its jaws still snapping. Matt pulled the trigger of his gun shooting the creature in its head making its jaws cease their snapping.
‘Not a word from any of you’ Matt said. They were playing a game. The aim of the game was simple Stay alive. The rules? Work as a team and don’t make a sound.
They sneaked through the gun shop taking what they needed. They did this as quietly as they could so if there was another creature in there it would be less likely to spot them. They fully equipted all members with as much as they could carry and use. They worked their way back outside. ‘I don’t know when there is going to be anywhere we can stay and where our next weapon stop is. How much food we got?’
Jenny checked her bag. ‘Not much Id say Matt’
‘We need a grocery store then.’ He scanned the road looking for any intact store which may still contain even the smallest bit of food. One shop caught his eye. But so did the thing outside it. He knew what it was and didn’t want to fight it. ‘Stay here’ he whispered to the group. ‘Be as quiet and aware as you can. If Im not back in 10 minutes don’t come after me’ He walked ahead leaving the group behind. He reached the store and went inside. He slipped silently through the isles stuff his and Jennys back packs to the top with any food he could find. He was leaving the shop when the creature that had been waiting outside was making its grand entrance. He looked it in the eye and as he did it screeched deafening him. ‘So, mommy sent you to do the shopping did she? Well you aint got the money boy!’ He dropped the bags and smashed the creatures face. It yelped in the pain and went for him its teeth showing. He pulled out his knife and slashed at its throat cutting it. The creature was backing away. ‘No you don’t!’ He grabbed it and pulled it closer. ‘Dont pick a fight with someone you cant finish it with.’ He threw the creature to the ground killing it as he did. He picked the bags back up after placing the knife back in his pocket. He left the store and headed back to the group. ‘We got food’ he shouted to them. This was a mistake. It attracted unwanted attention and a lot of it. He had broken the rules of the game. He had left the group and he had yelled. Derrick saw what was happening. He grabbed his gun an ran towards his brother.
‘Matt bro look out!’
Matt span round to see what was happening. He saw what the others had already seen. Whilst he had been in the store the street had filled with all kinds of creatures. They had them all to deal with now. And their only hope of survival was slim. They had to be good fighters. The other hope was they would all notice each other and attack each other. It was known that the vamps hated the Zombies and the Zombies? It was there natural reaction to attack. They had that chance. Derrick ran towards his brother signalling to Jenny and the others to run towards the weapon shop. There would be enough ammo and weapons in there to keep them safe if only for now. Matt started shooting frantically and Derrick joined him.
‘You done it now Matthew!’ he shouted whilst take out the creatures in vast numbers. He was younger than Matt and a faster shooter. Not only that he had a better aim. He was taking out three for every one Matt hit. ‘Why did you have to yell?’ Matt looked at him as if to say sorry. ‘We don’t have time. Apologise later. Right now we need to get them to acknowledge each other cause when they do we can run.’
‘Where will we run to?’
‘Towards the weapon store, when we get there close the door. We should be safe till this calms down. Just whatever you do don’t stop shooting.’ Derrick turned to see if Jenny and the others had made the weapon store. He couldn’t see them and he saw the door was closed. All he could hope was that they were in there alone. Right now though he had bigger worries as he felt the ground shake he knew they had reinforcements. He went in his pocket and pulled out a dynamite stick. He lit it with his lighter and threw it between one of the vamps and zombies which were heading towards him. It exploded at the right time. A vamp looked towards to zombies and saw them. It let out a high squeal and charged at it. It attracted the attention of all the creatures. This was their chance. Derrick grabbed Matt without thinking. He pulled him sharply towards the store and when he got there Jenny opened the door. They fell into the store as Jenny closed the door behind them.
TJ looked at them both on the floor ‘Genius move from our leader there ey?’ Derrick looked up at him as if to tell him to shut up. TJ backed towards the counter and Jenny helped them both up. Derrick looked towards Matt.
‘Don’t ever do that again. You damn near got us all killed.’
Matt looked at him in sorrow. ‘Dude... I didn’t mean to.’
‘Save it. From now on we stay quiet got it? If your alone or we don’t know what’s there we don’t talk. I value my life. I quite like it.’
It was dawn before they moved out of the store. The coast was clear and it was time for them to move. They headed out of the store taking everything the could carry. TJ lead the way Matt a close second with Jenny and Derrick still protecting the child in the middle.
‘You said we were going Mexico Jenny?’ Asked TJ.
‘Yeh’ She replied.
‘Ma’am’ The child looked up at Jenny who looked back in pleasant wonder. ‘We cant ma’am its where this started, you’ll find nothing there except a bigger hell.’ Jenny looked at them all in fear. ‘Canada? Would that be a option’
‘We’re too far out kid’ Derrick said.
‘So where now? You mean all this so we can die. Perhaps Corey had the right outlook the whole time!’ TJ exploded. ‘You mean Mexico started all this? I knew Mexico did nothing but cause our problems.’
Jenny looked at Matt. ‘You can fly? You said you can fly Matt.’
‘I can.’
‘We’ll head to California. Head to the airport.’ She looked at Matt. ‘Would you fly us outta this hell whole if I get you a plane?’ He nodded. ‘Right. From here we make a advance to Cali.’
They headed off in the direction which they thought was California. ‘If we make the right speed and the right amount of miles for the speed without too many cock ups with these fuckers along the way then we should make Cali in 12 days’ Derrick said. ‘I just hope that’s fast enough.’
‘Not meaning to sound rude Derrick. I don’t think it matters how long we take to get there. What matters is when we get there, there is a flyable plane and someone to fly us out of here. Something tells me American Airways wont be hosting many flights right now.’ TJ replied. Jenny laughed and Derrick punched him.
‘Whats that for?!’ TJ yelled in outrage.
‘You took the piss asshole, now lets get moving.’ They all set off. It was mid day and heating up fast. They had to keep moving though it was impossible for them to get anywhere with any great speed. ‘At this rate its gonna take us a whole year to reach the Floridian coast never mind Cali.’ Derrick murmured.
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This isnt completed... sorry look out for more of this