Status: Complete!

Lacrimo Crystallinus

Septimus Decimus Lacrimo Crystallinus

Sometime during the night, I wake up afraid and unable to remember where I fell asleep, but moments later, I remember the bath with Satoru. I sigh in a mix of relief and embarrassment, sitting up in the darkness. Down the hall, I can hear a lovely sonata playing on Momo’s radio. A thin beam of light crosses the room and my chest from the hall light. I look over and see a silhouette standing silently in the door. It causes me to jump, but I realize it is only Satoru.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you,” he murmurs in the darkness, having crossed the room soundlessly. His rumbling, deep voice makes the slight waver in his voice almost unnoticeable. The light falls across his face, illuminating the bridge of his nose and one eye that looks down at me almost coldly. “I only wanted to check on you.”

Check on me? “I’m perfectly fine, Satoru,” I say as he sits at the edge of the bed.

“Maybe so, but I needed to be sure all the same.”

“Did something happen?”

“I wanted only to see you, Bao.” He pauses, his eyes carefully avoiding me. “Will you come to bed now, please?”

I blush. “You mean . . .”

“My bed,” he finishes for me, rubbing his hand down his face tiredly. “Will you come?”

“If that’s what you want . . .”

“It is.” He stands, offering a hand to help me up from the bed. I slide out from under the bedclothes and into his embrace, pleased by his comforting warmth. He says nothing, but his touch is enough. He leads me down the steps and into his ‘castle’. The stone is biting cold on my feet, but I do not complain. Soon enough, we have entered his bedroom and the two of us pause for a moment. Looking briefly at the bed, it appears as though he had not touched it since the incident in the bathroom. I wonder what he has been doing all this time.

Wordlessly, he pulls back the blankets and waits for me to climb into the fresh bed before doing so himself. Though it is cooler here than upstairs, the sound of the water is relaxing and the candlelight also heightens the ambience of the place. Satoru moves to put his arms around me, his warmth a comfort at my back.

“I was afraid that I had upset you,” I say, snuggling closer to him. I feel the rise and fall of his chest as he breathes. He says nothing and I feel a strange sensation in my stomach, aching and tingling up my chest. “Did I?”

“I don’t want to talk about it,” he says, a finger skimming my shoulder. “I just want to sleep.”

I don’t say anything. Instead, I slide my fingers across the back of his hand, hanging over my waist. In the candlelight it isn’t as obvious, but his skin is still quite pale.