First Love

chapter 6

Frank's pov
The sun streamed through my window and woke me up 10.53am, it was sunday and I'd come home the day before. It felt so good to be waking up in my own bed again. I wiped the sleep out of my eyes and begun the struggle of sitting up, a fractured wrist and broken ribs didn't really make it easy to do that.
(If those aren't the injuries I wrote before I apologise, I have the memory of a
I slowly made my way to the bathroom and then downstairs. Walking into the living room I saw that my bandmates had come over. Mikey sat on the floor playing with one of my dogs, Ray and Bob were watching some cartoons and Gerard was drawing something in the notebook that he always carried around with him.
"Frankie!" they all shouted once they saw me.
"Hey guys," I said smiling. "What's up?"
"We thought we'd come over, make sure you were still alive." Said Ray walking over and patting me on the back.
"How nice of you," I said wincing.
"Oh sorry man," he said seeing the pained expression on my face. "I didn't mean to hurt you."
"It's ok Ray, if it wasn't you it would've been something else, every little thing seems to hurt." I said walking over to the couch and sitting down.
"So where's your girlfriend?" Asked Gerard looking up.
"My what?" I said confused.
"Anna or something," Said Bob turning off the tv.
"You mean Annie." I said looking around at them all.
"Yeah that's it Annie, Mikey told us all about her," said Gerard winking.
"She's not my girlfriend, and Mikey knows that." I said defensively.
'What is going on, so I have a crush it's not like it's the first one I've ever had. why's everyone making such a big deal of this.'
"Oh ok," Said Ray sitting down by the window.
Just then the doorbell went.
"There's someone outside," said Ray moving the curtain aside.
"Wow, thanks for letting us know Einstein." I said throwing a cushion at him. "How about you go see who it is?"
"Uh hello, since when am I your butler?" He asked putting on some attitude.
The doorbell rang again.
"Please will someone get the door?" I asked looking around at the guys who appeared to be stuck to where they were sitting.
"Fine, I'll go get it myself." I said standing up, "Thanks for the compassion, it's good to know that you're always here to help me out in my times of need," I continued sarcastically.
Looking through the small glass panels in the door I caught a glimpse of red hair.
'No no no! why now, I can't let her in with the guys here, mum was embarrassing enough the other day!'
She turned around and smiled as she saw me looking through the glass.
'She's so beautiful.'
Gradually I opened the door.
"Hey," I said leaning against the door frame.
"Hey, I thought I'd come by and see how you are." She said moving closer to me.
"Oh I'm ok I guess," I said keeping the door as far closed as I could.
"Is everything ok?" She asked looking a little concerned.
"Actually no." I replied.
"Why what's wrong?" She asked placing her hand on my left arm, I really like it when she did that.
"It's nothing really," I said feeling a little silly. "My band mates are over and for some reason Mikey told them that you're my girlfriend, and well if I let you in they're probably going to start teasing me or even both of us so..." I said before trailing off.
Annie just laughed and brushed her hair away from her face, it seemed more of a nervous laugh than a 'haha how funny' laugh.
Before either of us could say anything more Mikey walked over to the door.
"Hey guys Annie's here!" He shouted.

Annie's pov
Mikey was soon joined by three other guys who all crowded around the door to look at me.
‘Well this is kinda awkward.’
“This is Ray, Bob and my brother Gerard,” he said pointing towards each one
“Hello,” I said shyly before looking down at my feet.
“Aww, she’s so cute,” said Ray.
“Yeah nice one Frank,” said Bob patting Frank on the shoulder.
“Oh my God, would you guys just shut up!” said Frank almost shouting.
I didn’t quite know what to do or say so I just stood there, the guys exchanged a few looks before Gerard started to speak.
“Look guys we should probably go, Frank needs to be resting and I don't think having all four of us here is going to help him do that."
"You guys don't have to go," said Frank, "You just have to be less annoying." The others began to laugh while I still stood there.
'Oh gosh, I must look like such an idiot.'
"Nah, I think Gerard's right we should go," said Mikey looking around at the others.
"Yeah yeah we should," contiued Ray.

Frank's pov
I let Annie inside as the guys went back into the living room to get their stuff.
"Hey it was really nice to meet you," Said Ray to Annie as they left.
"Yeah you too," she replied quietly. I felt bad for her having to experience that, if there was even the slightest possibility of her feeling the same way about me as I did her I'm sure that would've put her off.
"So," I said looking over at her, "do you want a drink? we have juice."
'ooh we have juice! yay.'
"Yes, please." She said smiling.
"Ok then, follow me." I said walking towards the kitchen.
"You have such a lovely home," She said looking around.
"You think so?" I asked suprised, my mum had like hundreds of different collections scattered around the place.
"Yeah it feels like a home should feel, you know comfortable and personal if that makes sense." She said adjusting her glasses. "Our house back in California is nothing like this. My mum calls it minimalist, I call it boring." She said smiling.
"Oh right, I get you." I said as I poured out the juice. "Do you get along with your family?" I asked handing one of the glasses over to her.
"I get along with my dad really well, I guess I'm a daddy's girl. But my mum and my sister piss me off." She said with a sad look on her face.
"How come you came to live here?" I asked before remembering Mikey had upset her asking the same question during the week.
She looked up at me and seemed to search for something in my eyes, before looking down at the counter top.
"I um I had this accident and I injured my arm pretty badly, the uh the hospital put me on these painkillers and I kinda got hooked. When my parents found out they wanted to send me to like rehab but then my aunt suggested coming to stay with her." I could see that she was beginning to tear up so I walked over to her. With my good arm I took her glasses off and wiped away the tears.
"Thankyou," she said with a small smile.
"That's ok, I would've hugged you but I'm broke." I said looking at her.
We just stood there looking at each other, I didn't want this moment to end.
Before I knew it Annie moved even closer to me and kissed me softly on the lips.

Annie's pov
I couldn't believe that I had just kissed Frank. Was I meant to say anything or what? He was just looking at me with a suprised look upon his face with soon broke into a smile.
"What was that for?" he asked.
"Um, I just felt like it," I said shyly.
"Oh well if you feel like doing it again feel free to, I promise I wont object," He said blushing a little.
"Ok, well I'll keep that in mind." I said picking up my glasses.
"Why do you wear those?" asked Frank.
"Erm, to see." I replied.
"Well I know that, but..." His voice grew quieter, "but you have such beautiful eyes, you should show them." he continued.
"Well maybe I wanna save them for special people." I said smiling.
We went into the living room and sat together on the couch, we talked about everything and nothing and every so often we'd exchange quick soft kisses. I felt like I was in some kind of movie or one of those romance novels my aunt reads.
At around 1pm Franks mum came home, she smiled when she saw me and asked how I was then went into the kitchen to make some lunch, it was then that I noticed a girl that had been standing behind her. The sight of her made Frank turn pale.
"Hey cutie, how are you doing," She said walking over and kissing him on the cheek. She was pretty I guess, she appeared to be a few inches taller than me with hazel eyes and shoulder length brown hair.
"I'm fine," said Frank defensively.
"Are you going to introduce me or am I going to have to do it myself?" She asked looking towards me. When Frank didn't reply she began speaking again. "Hey I'm Crystal, Frank's girlfriend."
"Ex girlfriend," said Frank looking away.
"Oh um it's nice to meet you, I'm Annie." I replied.
"Wow a redhead named Annie, that's original." She said laughing.

Frank's pov
Geez what a bitch, I can't even think why I went out with her. Oh yeah, her blowjobs were legendary.
"Do you have to be so rude?" I asked wishing she'd curl up and die, or at least go home.
"Woah chill man, I was just kidding." She said sitting on the arm of the couch.
"Yeah right," I said trying to move away from her. "What are you doing here anyways?" I asked.
"Ashley told me about your accident so I thought I'd come over and keep you company." She said placing a hand on my shoulder.
"Yeah well I already have company so you can go," I said shrugging her hand away.
"Now who's being the rude one?" She said standing up.
"Ok look Crystal, I don't want you here right now so I would appreciate it if you left." I said standing up and gesturing towards the door.
"Fine I'll go, but I'll come over to see you tomorrow ok?" she kissed me and and then walked out before I had the chance to object.
Turning back to Annie I began to feel so awful, we'd been having such a nice time and then Crystal showed up and wrecked it.
"I'm so sorry," I said sitting back down next to her.
"It's ok," she replied taking hold of my hand. "I told you about my history and I just met yours, we're even now." she said with a little smile.
Somehow I didn't think Crystal would be just my history for very long.

Annie's pov
It was a little awkward after Crystal left, it was obvious Frank didn't want her around but by the way she was acting I guess it wont be the last we see of her.
Frank tried to liven up the mood for the rest of the time that I was there but it wasn't really very easy to do so, we'd been having such an amazing time...
I left after a few hours and went home, I thought about calling Hannah and seeing if she knew anything about Crystal but I didn't want to appear kinda obsessive.
'So Frank has an ex girlfriend, big deal. He's not the only person to do so. GET OVER YOURSELF ANNIE!!'
Oh this was definately a rant in diary moment, if only I could remember where I put it.