Telling You What You Want To Hear

Chapter Eleven

Kota’s POV

I got home tired. I had waited for Jakel for only a little before giving up and heading home. I was Kris’s ride home, and he decided to come over.

So here we were now, sitting on my couch watching t.v. aimlessly. It was on some stupid reality show on MTV but neither of us were paying enough attention to bother to change it.

“I beat up that kid for kissing Jakel.” I said, and Kris looked up at me from where his head rested in my lap. Yeah, he got to lounge all over the couch in my house.

“Why were you angry about him kissing him?” Kris asked, looking up at me, “Because they’re both boys, because you don’t want Jakel kissing anyone but you, you think the new kid’s hot, was he doing something to Jakel that he didn’t want?” He asked, and I gave him a look.

“He was kissing him and Jakel looked scared, afraid, and I just flipped.” I said softly, gently playing with his hair.

Kris stood up, tugging me by the hand, and I had the thought to turn off the t.v. before we left the room. Kris pulled me up the stairs into my room.

He pushed me onto my bed after he pulled the covers back, and then slid in beside me as he pulled the covers over us. I kept the house cold so we could snuggle up into warm blankets.

Kris pressed him against me, and I rested a hand on his waist. I couldn’t help but rub his side softly, loving the feel of him.

Kris nuzzled his face in my neck, snuggling into me, and making himself comfortable much in the way a wolf pads down his bed before he lays down for the night.

Finally, he rested himself against me, and I held him close as he whispered into my neck. “You can’t help but be protective of your little brother.” He told me, and I smiled.

“True, but,” my smile disappeared, “I enjoyed it, and I was horrified that I did.”

I looked down at his closed eyes peacefully, “You just need to work on your….anger issues.” He said softly, and then kissed my collar bone, “I’ll help you with that, Kota.” He said, and arched his back a little, stretching.

I didn’t answer, not thinking of anything to say, and instead, took the time to admire my best friend.

His body fit perfectly against mine, and I loved how he was so free and easygoing when he was with me, how he didn’t bother to do things like this. Sometimes he could be hyper as shit, but when he was like this? I loved it.

I gently slid up his shirt on his hip and ran a finger over the bone, tracing patterns there. He looked up at me, one eye closed, and smiled, pressing closer to me.

I’d thought about Kris a lot, and I know Ilove like him, but he would never like me back. He liked laying like this, just cuddling as friends, and I didn’t want to be friends, I haven’t ever since I realized I was biwhen I kissed him at a party when playing spin the bottle.

I lifted my hand to his face, tracing it down his to his cheek, and I felt him lean into my touch.

If only he could ever love me back…

Sinclair’s POV

I loved this. Jakel was in the passenger seat, and we were driving home from the mall, he was playing one of his CD’s and was singing along.

I laughed at him, and he stuck his tongue out at me. He was adorable, there was no doubt about that, and I think this is about the fifty millionth time I’ve said it, but it bears repeating, because he’s fucking adorable.

I watched him as he tried to dance, and couldn’t help laughing more. He hit my shoulder lightly, and I complained.

“Hey, you can’t be hitting the driver, what’s that about? I could crash or something!” I said, and he gave me a disbelieving look.

“If you’re going to crash, then it’ll be because you’re all googily eyes over me, and you won’t look away from me amazingness.” He said, and I laughed once again, him cracking up too this time.

“My cheeks are hurting, Jakey.” I told him, “You make me laugh too much.”

“No, I think that you didn’t laugh enough before you met me” he said, and I smiled softly.

“Maybe,” I whisper, and take his hand in my own, kissing it gently before laying our intertwined hands on the center console.

Jakel looked at our hands, then back up at me, smiling. He leaned over and kissed my shoulder tenderly.

The rest of the car ride, we shared a comfortable silence, well, other than Jakel’s music, which actually wasn’t that bad.

Later dropping Jakel off…

I looked over at him, to see him looking back at me.

I grabbed a bag of clothes that he had bought somewhere else, or that I had bought for him really.

“Uh, you probably shouldn’t come inside.” He said, and I shrugged.

“I think we got all our differences out earlier today.” I said, “I…had some-“

“-Fucked up thoughts, yeah I know, but still, Kota doesn’t know that you regret those thoughts, and he’s really protective of me.” He said, and I smiled.

“That’s good, but I’m going in anyway. I’m not looking for a fight, and I promise if he hits me, I won’t hit him back.” I said, and honestly, I would.

Jakel gave me a sidelong glance, looking back at his house, “All right, but you better not start anything.” He said forcibly, the little kitten trying to roar like a tiger.

“I won’t I promise, Jakel.” I said, and he nodded, grabbing the bag of CDs, slipping the one that was playing out of the CD player and putting it back into its case, stepping out of the car.

We headed towards the door, and Jakel pulled out a key, unlocking the door and stepping inside.

“Hello!” He yelled, “Kota, I’m home!”

I looked around the quiet house, admiring it. “You have a really nice house.” I told him, and he blushed a little.

“Thanks,” He smiled, and ventured into the house. “He’s probably sleeping.” He said, and walked up the steps, grabbing the bag from me, placing them at the bottom of the stairs.

I followed Jakel to the front of a bedroom. He opened the door. And put his hand on his mouth, then he looked at me and smiled. “Aw, they’re so cute together.” He said, and I peeked around the door to see the two boys laying against one another, pressed close together, Kota’s arm around the other boy, and one of his hands on the boy’s bare hip. “They’re not together, but I’ve been telling the both of them for years that they need to hook up, they just don’t believe me.” He says and shrugs.

“Well, I guess he won’t be bothering me after all anyway.” I said, smiling, and Jakel smiled back lightly.

“Well, I have to go now…get home so the ‘rents don’t worry about me going missing and stuff.” I said, as he gently takes my hand in his own.

He leaned up and placed a soft, chaste kiss on my lips, lingering there once he pulled away.

“See you tomorrow.” He said, and I could taste him on my lips as I licked them, feel his warmth as he breathed.

“Yeah, see you tomorrow.” I said, and stole one last kiss before leaving.
♠ ♠ ♠
this one's a bit shorter, but still over 1,200 closer to 1,300 i think:D

thanks to my subscribers and these lovely commenters:
Danny Worsnop.
glitter and slash

i'm up to 24 subscribers!! just for the last update, you guys rock!


if you comment, then I'll put Kris up in the character's thinggy:D huh? huh? you know you want to see his sexyness:D