Telling You What You Want To Hear

Chapter Twelve

Kota's POV

I woke up early, the sun shining in through my window hurting my eyes. Grumbling, I put a hand over my eyes, then looked down at Kris, who was looking up at me, biting his lipthat I wanted to bite.

"You look so adorable in the morning." I whispered, and the boy giggled, burrying his face into my bare chest.

"Kris..." I said softly, and he looked up at me. Now how to tell him I've been in love with him longer than I can remember.

He looked like he was waiting, then suddenly his eyes widened, and lit up. "Oh, Kota, I forgot to tell you, you know that gay kid in our biology class?" I asked him, and I raised my eyebrow.

"Yes..." I said, not liking where this is going.

"He asked me to the dance this Friday night." He says, blushing and giggling.

My face fell, and he noticed that. "Oh, are you alright Kota? Does your head hurt?" He asked, "Do you have a fever?" He put the back of his hand on my forehead, and laughing a little, trying to shake off this overwhelming feeling.

"No, I was just wondering what you were going to about me, I mean we both know I can't pick out anything to wear to save my life." I said, playing along with my facade.

"Sure," He laughed out, "As long as they're not those sluts and pricks you have gone out with before." He continues, and I stop, giving him a long hard stare.

"You think the boys I've dated are sluts and pricks?" I asked him, disbelievingly. "All those times you told me how you liked my boyfriends, and thought they were nice, you were really thinking that they were bitches behind my back?" I screamed. "Fucking great, Kris." I said.

"Kota! You know I didn't mean it like that, you know I would never say that-"

"If I freaked out about it!" I screamed. "I don't want to hear this, Kris. I'm going to leave, and I expect you to be fucking gone by the time I get back." I hissed, and walked out of the room.

I needed Jakel, I needed someone to talk to.

Sinclair's POV

It was early Saturday morning, and I had told Jakel I'd meet him and pick him up to go somewhere and do something.

But when I got there, what I saw left me distraught.

There was a boy, crying, pulling his shirt on and leaving the house.

"Hey," I stopped him with my arm, "What happened?" I asked.

"Fuck off!" he screamed, and went to run past me, but I caught him easily.

"I'm not letting you drive, no matter who you are." I said, "You look distraught..." I murmured, "What happened?"

"Fucking Kota happened. I say one goddamn thing, and he flips out on me!" He screams, falling to his knees on the lawn, sobbing.

"Well what did you say?" I asked, and he mumbled something I couldn't hear. "What did you say?" I asked again, because i honestly couldn't hear him.

"I said that all his old boyfriends are whores or pricks or both, because it's true, and it makes me angry that he would do something like that, the way he flipped out on me and threw me out of his house...He's never done anything like that to me before, and i don't know why he's so angry. I mean I've hinted that I don't like his boyfriends but he never took it wrong until today, and then he took it really wrong." He was close to whispering near the end, and his eyes were red and puffy.

"Well what else did he say?" I asked, "Or did you say before that could have made him angry?" I questioned.

I didn't know why I was helping Kota, or Kota's friend I guess, but whatever. This kid obviously needed someone to talk to.

"I told him that I got asked out on a date to the dance this Friday by a kid in my Biology class." He said, "But that wouldn't make him flip like he did..." He trailed off, and I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Did you ever think that he might be jealous?" I asked, and the kid gave me a funny look.

"This is my best friend, Kota, we're talking about, not someone-"

"Because it sounds like he's rather jealous to me." I said, and the boy defeated, shook his head.

"No matter how much I love him, he'll never reciprocate the feelings." He whispered, another tear falling down his cheek as I pulled him close, comforting him.

Kota’s POV

I stared into Jake’s room. He was sitting up in bed, looking at me pointedly.

“Well, what was all that about: He asked.

I glared and put my hands in my hair, getting ready to pullit all out.”I just can’t believe that he would do something like that!” I screamed.

“What did he do Kota?” Jakel asked, as he got up off the bed. He leaned over and grabbed my arm as I walked by.

“Lay down.” He commanded, and I listened to my brother, laying down andglaring staring at the ceiling.

“He said that all the boys I’ve dated were whores and pricks,” I growled, looking at Jakel who was uncomfortably looking at his hands in his lap.

“Well they kinda were. You know at least half of them tried to sleep with me when it was just us and one of your boyfriends in the house.” He said, avoiding my eyes.

“I know this, but the thing is, he lied to me.” Jakel sighed.

“Ah… What’s the real reason, brother?” He asked, and it was my turn to sigh.

I gave up, “he said he Ben, a kid from our Biology class had asked him out on a date.” I managed to spit out, and Jakel giggled, abruptly stopping when he realized that it wasn’t a good thing because it was the thing I was angry about.

“You like him, just tell him” He said, and I stubbornly shook my head.

“Just stop that crap Jakel. Neither of us likes one another that that’s not going to change.” I screamed at him.

“You do too like him.” The boy beside me said, and I growled.

“Jakel, man I’m trying to deny it to myself don’t talk to me.” And just like that the boy shut up.

“I just think you are both going to end up hurt if this happens. I don’t know why or how; I just get this feeling, this really bad feeling, Kota,” He whispered, and I rolled my eyes.

“I don’t even know wny I’m trying to intelligibly talk to you at all,” I groaned, and left his room, glad to find that Kris was gone.

Emotionally, I couldn’t deal with him right now. I think my head would explode.

Signing, I laid down on my bed and cursed myself; His scent was everywhere, and it made my eyes watered up and spilled from my eyes.

Why Kris, why did you have to do this to me?

Sinclair’s POV

I had helped the boy, Kris, I learned his name was, calm down so he could drive himself home. Then I went to the door, about to knock when the door opened for me, to reveal a softly smiling Jakel there.

“Thank you so much. Kota’s just angry and shit and I think they’re both hurting,” He whispered as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

“Mhm…” I said, “You’re warm, like just got out of the bed warm.” I murmured.

“That would be because I did just get out of the bed.” The boy said, “So, where are you taking me, you think of anywhere yet?” he asked.

We had agreed that we liked one another, but we wouldn’t go out with one another officially yet until we decided we really wanted to commit, and so we decided to just date until then.

“Yes,” I told him, but I am not telling you.” I whispered a smirk on my face but I stopped when he frowned.

“Just go put something on,” I told him, “I promise you’ll love the surprise.” I said, and he rolled, his eyes, as he walked up to his room, I screamed, “Make sure it’s something you can get wet in.”

“Pervert!” He yelled back, and I chuckled while following his footsteps.

When I got to his room, I saw him standing in the middle of it, the blues of the sheets reflecting against the brown walls were much like his blue eyes and his hair. Then I noticed what he was holding.

It was a shiny sequined Speedo. My eyes widened as I looked at it, “You have to wear that.” I said, a smile growing on my face.

He smirked at me, “You’d like that wouldn’t you.” He said, and quickly, I nodded my head. “Well, it’s probably good for the health of my ass if I don’t. Tempting you? I don’t think so.” He smiled, grabbing a normal bathing suit and going to change.

I looked at him, watching as he walked into the room, and then came back out a second later, in pants slipping down his hips. “C-can you help me?” he asked, and I smiled gently.

“Sure, doll.” I said, and tied the strings on the shorts. After I finished, I stepped away, and for a moment, Jakel was just staring at me, before he shook his head slightly and went to grab a shirt, sliding it on.

It was only then I hadn’t used the time I had to look at his body, oh well, we were going to a water park.

“Let’s get into the car.” I said smiling as he followed me out of the door.

He wrote a note for Kota and left it on the fridge, locking the door behind him as we walked outside.

We got into the car, and I drove for a few hours, denying Jakel any chance to know where we were going.

Finally, we arrived, and Jakel squealed when he saw the sign. “You took me to a water park!” He screamed, practically jumping into my lap, hugging me and kissing me forcefully.

It was a good thing I parked the car, or we’d be crashing into something as I wrapped my arms around his tiny waist.

Today was going to be a good day.
♠ ♠ ♠
shit yeah, this was like 1750. i should get an award.
there's a lot of POV shifts, but i couldn't see it working well if id didnt, so yeah...BUT
in about 3 minutes, i'ma go and look for a picture for Kris...but until then,

thank you to my lovely commenters:
Danny Worsnop.
Deanna Dangerous


you guys are going to hate me in the next few chapters:D....or i guess thats not really something to smile about...but oh well, hope you enjoyed:D