Telling You What You Want To Hear

Chapter Five

Kota's POV

I was bored out of my mind in this class. I'd already finished my English paper and the teacher was just going over how to write the introduction. I couldn't help it that I finish everything early, I just do, because it's all so easy for me, and this is the highest class they offer, at the college level at this high school. Confused? Imagine trying to take the class.

So I decided to think, and that thinking led me to thinking about how good Jak looked in those skinneys. Don't get me wrong, I love the kid as only my brother, but it's kinda like friends with benefits, like a brother with benefits. Yeah, we kiss sometimes, but only when one of us really, and I mean really needs a help out off the ground.

I sighed, looking at the clock. There was no way in hell I was going to stay in this class for another hour.

"I'ma go to the bathroom." I state, and the teacher watches me walk out the door. She doesn't care what I do as long as I get my work done.

I began aimlessly walking around, literally I just started walking in about a four-foot wide circle, but something down the hall caught my attention. A noise.

My ears perked up, and I decided to be Sherlock Holmes, and investigate the noise. So what? I had a rather active imagination, leave me alone!

What I did see, pissed me off more than just about anything.

I saw the new kid Sinclair pushing my brother up against the wall.

Hard against the wall.

Standing very close to him.

With one thigh between his legs.

His hands on the wall on either side of him.

And Jak, eyes squeezed tight in fear.

His body rigid, flattening himself to the wall.

It was obvious he didn't want to be in that position, so I decided to do something about it. I had no problem when he kissed that Sinclair kid this morning, because it was just that, a kiss that he wanted. This, obviously was not.

"Hey Jackass, get the fuck off my brother!" I yelled, and heard Jak squeak.

I had expected to see Sinclair jump back in shock or something, and give Jak a moment to get away from him, but he stayed in the same position, only turning his head.

"I don't think so." He said, and licked the side of Jak's face.

"You've fucking had it." I growl, and stalk toward him, moving slow so he wouldn't do anything to Jak.

"Have I? Because I haven't had anything until I've had this." He said, and slapped Jak's ass.

Now I was close enough, and did what I've been holding back on for the past five minutes.

I punched him square in the jaw.
♠ ♠ ♠
well, this is shorter, but i had a reason, ebcause i wanted to write the next chappy in Jak's POV

I have a contest! it's my first so please enter, or tell a friend? it's this Original Slash Song/Picture Contest

Thanks to these lovely commenters:
Danny Worsnop.
The Future Is Nigh
