Telling You What You Want To Hear

Chapter Six

Jakel's POV

I watched as the two started going at it on the floor, their punching had turned desperate, and I'm sure that the blood flowing from Sin's lip was from where his peircing used to be.

I had tried telling them to stop, but here I was now, tears slipping down my cheeks. I couldn't do anything. When I tried to get close to them, they'd shove me away and do whatever they wanted, but I couldn't go get someone, because Kota would get in trouble, and he's never gotten in trouble badly before.

"Why won't you two stop!" I screamed, and once again they ignored me.

I felt so sad. Why did I have to be too weak to stop this?

Is this how it feels to be powerless?
♠ ♠ ♠
i know this is major short, but i went crazy on contests and have like 8, and i found this under drafts, and i'm doing homework (kill me now) and i was like, y'know what/ i'll add more to this later, but for now, i'll just put this up there. wow, i think this AN might be longer then what i wrote. that's just sad