Telling You What You Want To Hear

Chapter Seven

Kota's POV

I have to admit, the kid put up a pretty good fight, but in the end, I was the one who finally rolled on top of him, about to pound my fist into his face without him even bothering to fight back, when I saw Jakel out the corner of my eye.

He was on his knees, tears streaming down his face.

I looked down at Sinclair, and realized what I'd done. The kid looked like shit.

Horrified at my own actions, I got off of him, looking at my bloody hands in shock. I looked back up, at Jakel, and walked towards him, but he shook his head, then turned and ran.

Shit! I thought I was over these rages.

Yeah, when I was smaller, I used to have random rages, where I would get angry over the smallest thing and just go off about them.

But what this kid was doing to my brother, that wasn't something small.

"Stay the fuck away from Jakel." I told the boy, and spit some of the blood in my mouth on the floor by his head.

Just because inside I was in turmoil didn't mean he had to know that.

I pulled out my phone and texted my best friend, Kris, telling him that I needed him , now.

Not five minutes later, Kris walked into the bathroom, worry etched into his face. "What happened Kota." He said softly, not phased by the blood covering me. He simply went to the sink and wet some paper towels, pressing them to my face and arms.

I sat silently as he lifted up my stomach, and examined the damage.

"Well, it's not that bad, you gonna have a nasty assed bruise on your rib because it's already turning purple, but nothing much else is harmed." He explained. He knew all about this stuff, because his brother who was in college now, got beat around a lot by his step-father, who now is in jail for one reason or another.

He didn't ask why I got in a fight, which is one thing that I loved about Kris. He wouldn't press you into anything, he'd just wait until you were ready to talk about it.

"He ran away from me." I said, looking up at the boy. "After I beat that other kid up, Jakel just ran...What does that mean Kris? He looked afraid. I don't know what I'd do if he were afraid of me. He's my baby brother." I whispered, "I'm just trying to take care of him." I murmured, looking at the ground.

Kris came up to me and rubbed my back. "You need to talk to him, Kota, don't try and ignore this, but don't do it right away. Give him some time to cool down and think himself, alright? He'll be overwhelmed if you go after him now." He said, and I wrapped my arms around him, hugging him.

"I don't know what I'd do without you, Kris." I whispered into his neck and he laughed, lightening the mood.

"You probably wouldn't be alive right now, Kota." He said, and I laughed along with him, because it was true.

"Thanks, Kris, for always being there for me." I whispered, and he nodded.

"Anything for you Kota," He whispered so softly, that I wasn't sure I heard him right.


I was sitting in my car, waiting for Jakel to come and get in. I watched Sinclair walk limping slightly to his own car and leave, but now, I was left wondering where Jakel was.
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here's an update. I was going to make it longer, but i wan feedback, should I

a - make it a chapter per point of view like i have been doing, with shorter updates more often


b - longer updates with more than one point of view per chapter farther inbetween.

I would make them long chapters with only one point of view, but I can't just snap into that mode, I have to tame my ADD for changing POVs first, then i can work on that, but yeah, tell me what you think, two comments for the next update? I have it written already.*winkwink*