Telling You What You Want To Hear

Chapter Eight

Jakel's POV

I walked out of the school, deciding that I was going to head straight home. I wasn't riding with my brother, no, I needed time to think, because honestly? I had no idea what to think.

Was I supposed to be afraid? Greatful? Happy? I didn't know, and so I left without telling him. He's a smart guy, he'll figure it out eventually.

I was trudging through the wind, when a car pulled up next to me.

I tried to ignore itwhat if it's a creeper? and kept walking but soon the window rolled down, and I heard a voice, "Jakel, get in the car." I froze, because I recognized that voice.

"N-No." I said, not moving my line of sight, staring at the sidewalk in front of me.

"Oh come on, don't be like that. You'll freeze out there." He said, and I shook my head ignoring him. "Stop being so damn stubborn!" He growled, and parked the car on the side of the road.

"That's n-not a legal parking spot." I said as I watched him climb out of the car, now that he was making this a problem, I couldn't very well ignore him now.

"It's alright, I don't plan on being here very long." He says softly, looking down at me. "Come on, it's just a ride home, how much harm can I do with one car ride?" He said, rolling his eyes.

"More that I'd like to find out." I say quietly, my eyes edging to the street I wanted to cross to get away from him.

"Please, I don't say that to many people, now please get into the goddamn car." He said, looking like he was tiring of this conversation. Good, maybe if he was tiring of it, then I wouldn't have to put up with him much longer and he'll leave.

"I'm not leaving until you get in the car." He said, and looking him directly in the eye, I sat down.

"That's rich. You're going to act like a four year old." He said, rolling his eyes once again.

I stared at the dead grass by the edges of the sidewalk that was so cold. I felt it through my skinneys.

"I'm no more useless than a four year old." I whisper to myself, frowning.

"You're not useless." I heard his voice softly, a lot closer than I thought he was.

I jumped a little, and turned my body slightly so I could have him in my sight at all times. "Just go." I whispered in defeat, as I felt tears begin to form in my eyes. I would not let him have the satisfaction of watching me cry. "Please go." I say as one single tear begins to fall, resting on my nose, still under the cover of my hair, hanging in my face.

"No," He whispered, and his voice was so soft, so caring that I had to look up into his eyes, and I was shocked at what I saw.

When the two boys had been fighting, before I ran, when I saw him, he looked sad, lonely almost, broken, like he had no idea what was up and what was down anymore.

Now, he looked like I could trust him. He looked confident, sure of himself, gentle, but there was a touch of something else in his eyes that I couldn't quite place.

He gently held out his hand, and whispered, "Come on, it's just a five minute car ride."

I looked at his hand, and after a moment of hesitation, I held out mine, and he pulled me carefully up, wrapping an arm to steady me when I lost my balance.

I looked up at him when he did this, and he looked hurt as he whipped the tears out of my eyes.

"You're too pretty to cry." He whispered, kissing my forehead, "Now get in the car, 'kay?" He asked, and I forced a smile for him.

"'Kay," I answered softly, and climbed inside.
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well, i only got one commenter, thank you Danny Worsnop.

can anyone guess who Jakel's talking to? i know but do you? hehehe.

and I have 14 subscribers, and only like 7 comments for 7 chapters, 5 of them being from aforementioned Danny Worsnop(i love you:D) but can i please have some feedback? stand up silent readers and UNITE!!!!!

ok, i'm a dork, but it'd be wonderful if i got more comments?