Status: This takes the place of anything after 6.3 (The Maggots in the Meathead). Everything before that happened.

Actress to Anthropologist

What Happened?

Angela told me the face was of our victim. It's pretty cool how she can do that.

Dr. Brennan arrived and Seeley was shortly behind her. I almost dropped dead laughing.

"What happened?" I asked.
"I walked into a wall this morning."

I smiled. He had a contusion under his left eye. Probably from when I hit him in the face with the bathroom door.

"Since when are you clumsy?" Angela asked.

Seeley just shook his head.

"The case?" he suggested.
"Oh right," Angela said.

She handed Dr. Brennan a picture of the projection she had made.

"Thank you Angela," Dr. Brennan replied.

This world was very strange to me. Not the world of anthropology but the world of their communication. They speak with very business words, but in extremely friendly tones. I suppose that could be because they work together so much. Or, with jobs like these, they are each others only friends. A sad thought, that these people may become my only friends. Then again I can't trust much anyone else.

We finished the case a few days later. It was the dead guy's son. Seriously, how can you kill your father? Seeley and Dr. Brennan have him in custody right now. They are questioning him and I have decided to watch along with Lance.

"What did he ever do to you? He was your father and he loved you," Booth taunted.

Dr. Brennan leaned in and whispered something to him and whispered something back.

"I didn't kill my dad, if that's what your implying," the guy fired back.
"I wasn't implying anything."

Dr. Brennan leaned to whisper something again but Seeley motioned her to stop.

"What do I have gain from killing my dad?"
"The business. The house. The money."
"All of that was signed over to my brother. You should be talking to him."
"No. I was all in you name."

Seeley slide a copy of the document in front of him.

"I-I thought it was in my brother's name. That's what my dad told me."

Lance and I both looked at each other.

"He didn't do it," we said together.

We laughed for a brief moment before Lance tapped on the glass. Seeley and Dr. Brennan came out from behind the glass.

"Yes?" Seeley asked clearly irritated.
"He didn't kill his father."
"He has everything to gain."
"He didn't know that though."
"What if he did kill his father and we let him go?"
"He didn't kill his father."

"Can I see the document?" I asked.

Seeley went in and got me the copy. I looked at it carefully. I couldn't tell if anything was out of the ordinary. I was going to take to Angela, but before I left I had to put in my two sense.

"He didn't do it. You should let him go."

I had my back to them and walked out. I went into Angela's lab. She was doing something that I didn't recognize.

"Hey Angela?"
"Yeah Sweetie."
"Could you scan the document and check out and thing that might seem strange?"
"Most defiantly. Is this for the case?"
"Yeah, Lance and I don't think Kevin killed his dad."
"Why not?"
"Because he didn't know that the document was in his name."
"Let's see. The document was issued a week before this guy was killed. There was one before this. That will, the old one, says everything would go to Kevin's brother. This one, the new one, says it would go to Kevin and if anything would happen to Kevin it would all go to his brother."
"So his brother knew we would link him to the document if he was the beneficiary-"
"so he revised it and framed his brother."

Angela printed off a copy of the unrevised one, which I took to Seeley and Dr. Brennan. I also explained the story. They let Kevin go and went to go chase down his brother.