Sequel: I Will Not Fall
Status: Finished, but is going through editing to fix errors.

I Will Not Break

My breathing sped up, and my heart rate excelled as he turned the corner. He cocked his head to the side as if he was sizing me up, and my brain was screaming at me to run. I rose, cautiously with my back pressed against the sliding door. He stepped into the moonlight, his face became visible and I struggled to surpress a gasp of horror.

His skin was whiter then anyone I have ever seen. His cheeks were sharp, and his jaw was strong and firm, He towered over me even from a distance but that was not why I was scared. He was beautiful. The most beautiful man I have ever seen... He eyed me waiting for my reaction but I kept my expression impassive, I held all my fear and panic inside so he wouldn't know I was exploding with terror from the inside out. His blood red gaze flickered to my hand as it hover over the doorknob ready to run for it. His smirk tranformed into a grin, and He flashed me sparkling white teeth... And Deadly canine fangs.

I couldn't surpress my fear any longer. I slammed open the screen door and ran as fast as I could. My heart beat pounded along with my feet smashing into the wood, and I grabbed ahold of anything in my reach and chucking it behind me. "Get the hell away from me!"I screamed. I rushed through my house and Gripped ahold of the front doorknob, and flung it open, but the moment I stepped out I smashed into something hard as rock and cold as ice. It was him. He grabbed hold of my wrists, and pressed me against the door frame, trapped against his murderous hold.

The rain poured down our faces, and dripped down his hair. It clung to his face around his ears and blended in with the pitch black night sky. His gaze stared into my eyes, and I desperately tried to tear them away from his but it was no use. His eyes were mesmerizing, and not in the good way. They were the color of crimzin blood, Deeper then any volcanoe known to man, and stronger then any gaze I've ever seen.

He brought his hand up, and gently stroked my cheek. I tried to pull away from his frozen touch but an inhuman growl escaped his cold dead lips. He leaned down to where his face was inches from mine, His nose touched mine, and his eyes never broke their hold. His touch sent electrisity through my body awakening every nerve inside me. His gaze felt as if it was ripping through my soul and into my darkest secrets.

I hated him with every fiber in my body, but I also wanted him more than anyone in my entire life... That is the moment I decided he would die. I would not rest until this beautiful monster was dead. The next thing he said was whispered so softly I would not have heard it, had he not said it right in front of me ear. He will one day regret saying it. " Welcome to the slave trade sweet heart. We will break you. ”
  1. Auction
    An inhuman growl escaped his cold dead lips as I tried to pull away. He leaned down to where his face was inches from mine, and softly whispered in my ear." Welcome to the slave trade sweet heart. We will break you. ”
  2. I will Kill him
    I eagerly gulped it down. My eyelids fluttered open, and I yearned to look at the Delicious substance, but once my gaze landed on it I froze in fear.
  3. My Master the creeper.
    Just before she shut the door, I wedged my foot in between it blocking it from shutting completely."Yo master Creeper," I bellowed.
  4. Roommates
    I'm going to be strait with you. We won't have any problems unless you start crap with us. Got it?" She smiled, as she walked toward me, and stuck her hand out to shake.I smirked, and shook it." No problem. Now if you'll excuse me I have to pee."
  5. Blood Slave
    Slave for life
  6. Cat fight
    Grace is a word that rhymes with witch.
  7. Creeper hates disobedience.
    I hate master creeper so much.
  8. Am I human?
    I have to be human.
  9. Hate is the minds natural defense against attraction
    His cold lips,my hot cheeks.
  10. Mine.
    I am his.
  11. Creeper's Evil Layer
    My Emotion's are so screwed up.
  12. Yearning blood
    My blood,and body wants him,but my mind screams no.
  13. My nameless song.
    My mothers song haunts me.
  14. My transformation
    I can try to hide myself but it never works.
  15. I can't dance
    I know Being scared on dancing,and not creeper is weird but right now I'd rather fight him...
  16. I one was a Blood slave.Now I'm a Blood mate.Lucky me.
    I thought creeper was creepy.Well his family is ten times worse.
  17. The monster I am is not human
    I am not human.I am not a vampire, but I am a monster.
  18. Fallen Angels
    The worse type of immortal
  19. Sometimes The only way to Protect the ones you love is to keep them in the dark
    I trust Beth with a lot more then I have anybody else,but She's keeping things from me,and I think I'm about to find out.
  20. The beginning of immortals
    MY teachers a fairy and I'm a descendant from a dead guy.OH great.
  21. My short talk with Miss weathers
    Miss Weathers, and her lovely Personality.Psh okay.
  22. The first big start of my Change
    Agonizing pain coursing through me.They're fear colored in my clear eyes.
  23. The Bad guys
    They want me for something,and they know what I am,but I don't trust them worth crap.
  24. Quinn's war begins
    Quin will stop at nothing to make me be with Rubin.
  25. Battle of the teen immortals
    Do I classify as a immortal teenager or a pissed of human girl?
  26. MY blood thirst awakens
    My kind have always had blood thirst so what am I?
  27. How could I?
    Graves oh God Graves
  28. He bites
    Bloody bites eh?
  29. Werewolf me
    Rubin's cocky smirk formed on his face as i finished snapping, took one look at Graves before replying,"Because Graves will make you because he obeys mothers wishes,always.Your mate here is a mommy's boy,"He grinned.
  30. You are the monster
    I scowled down the hall he disappeared to and shouted back,"Pmsing vampires shouldn't be aloud here!"
  31. Freedom at Last
    .She is no blood mate of mine,"He growled.
  32. Broken bonds
    Slowly I look at Graves to see he was right next to me. Two inches from my face was... His lips.
  33. What am I?
    Graves didn't kill my mother...
  34. Beth to the Rescue
    Five minutes of impatient torture flew by before the door to my cell opened and Beth stood on the other side of the bars with her pliers. "I don't have the keys so these will have to do," She smirked.
  35. I am Changed
    "Come human. I must find my mate so I may feed. My hunger must be satisfied," I beckoned for her to come.
  36. Rebonded to my mate
    "Mine," I growled. Graves gripped me tighter in aproval but Quinn let out a roar of anger.
  37. The fallen will rise
  38. Awaken
    "What must I do?" I demanded. Anything that could save his life I would do in a heart beat,because my heart only beat him him now. I see now the blood bond we shared before was merely adding to the attraction we already felt. Those were our feelings