

Everyone has their phobias. Some people are afraid of the dark, others are terrified of heights; some are afraid of clowns, others are afraid of mice. My phobia, though, is more common than a bird without wings. I’m afraid of my reflection. Anywhere I go, I avoid the mirror and, sadly enough, I will freak out and cry. It’s not because I think I’m ugly or I am ugly, it’s because of the unknown. I fear the unknown realm that hides behind that thin sheet of reflective glass. It terrifies me to think, because I do a lot of empty thinking, that what if there really was a second dimension?

What if the ‘us’ in the second dimension are all of the bad things we fear we will become? They could be, in all cliché sayings, our evil twins. What about the thought that the flaws and features we hate about ourselves in this dimension are those most prominent on our second dimension being? And that the image we see staring back is only the trick of illusions, trying to tell us that this is what we look like in our first dimension, and if we’re not careful, the greedy hands of those ugly monsters that are imitating us will reach out and grab us, pulling us in and making our vain ways all we know.

I’m terrified of mirrors, are you?
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I really hope you guys liked this short little story thing x]