One Summer


----six and a half years ago----

They are laughing at me. I began to cry. How could people be so mean? I know the aren't my friends, but still.

I ran to the teacher.

"What's wrong Kristina?" Mr. Vangily asked. He looked worried. Don't worry him. I'll be okay.

"May I go to the bathroom?" I asked.

"You're not answering me. What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

"I'll be okay. I just need to go to the bathroom. I don't want to talk about it." They're bullies. I don't need to cry. Why do I always cry?

He looked down and took a big breath. "Fine. But I want you to talk to someone about it. Understand?"

I nodded, took the bathroom pass, and ran to the bathroom. They were still laughing at me. I stayed in there until the bell rang.

I went home crying and didn't talk to anyone the rest of the day.

----two and a half years later----

The first day of middle school. I feel so grown up. I have a long way to go though. I'm only in sixth grade and eleven years old. I had four year old kindergarten. But yeah. It doesn't matter. I'm older and I can let go. It's exactly what I need. That's all that matters.

Life does suck sometimes.I cry way too much over every thing. It has to stop. It will stop. What better way to change than starting in a new place and making new friends? I'll show them. Those who made me cry. I can be strong and stand by myself.


Oh my gosh! We are almost there. Every year I look forward to camp. Now we are on our way. I am bringing one of my best friends this year. This year it's going to be special. I can feel it!

"Kristi?" I snapped out of my daze to turn to Danni.

"Yeah?" I asked, vaguely aware of what had been going on around me.

"You're being unusually quiet."

"I'm fine. I'm just remembering stuff from camp. Can you believe we are almost there again?"

"I know right!" Danni turned to her friend Kaya, who she was bringing this year. "You will love it Kaya! I swear!" She began going on and on about all the good times we've had here in the past seven years.

I looked at them. Kaya is going to love camp. So will Sarah. I will too. As always.

"Hey! Maybe she might get to see Fish-man!" Oh my gosh Ann.

"Yeah!" Payton yelled. Ah, Fish-man. Good times. Good times.

I turned to Sarah's confused face. I began telling her the story of the one we call Fish-man.


We just finished unpacking. Now what?

"Lunch is in about ten minutes. I think we should get in line before it gets too long." I am kind of hungry. Thank you Ann!

"I second that statement," I yelled, raising my hand slightly in the process.

Everyone else agreed and we walked out the door of our cabin.

"Do you guys think we'll have a counselor this year? She hasn't shown up yet." Oh my gosh Ann.

"That would be awesome. Then we can do whatever we want," Danni added.

"Well duh we'll have a counselor. Why wouldn't we? Not everyone shows up at the same time. She'll be here eventually," I said.

"Wow, Krista. Way to ruin our fun," Danni complained.

"Oh well."