I met her on the streets

Ice king meets his match

Alex was the heart throb of the school but not for his friendliness but instead for his aloofness and mysteriousness. He was a silent loner with good grades and tons of money.

Alex was driving home from a late night party at his friends house when he saw someone run in front of his car.

His eyes widen and he stomped on the brakes.

Thank god he stopped in time. He scowled and got out of the car slamming the door hard.

As he walked towards the front he started screaming.

"Are you crazy?! I almost ran over you, are you stupid or something?! If you want to die choose another car to hit you!"

He came up to see the head lights focusing on a girl, she sat there staring at him with an emotionless expression.

He cleared his throat and regained his composure.

"What you scared or something?"

He was met with silence.

"Hello? Earth to idiot, you just ran into my car. Hey?"

The girl finally mustered the strength to pull out a small notepad from her front pocket and stared scribbling something on it.

"Great. I'm talking to a complete retard." Alex says as he shoved his face into his hands, shaking his head in bewilderment.

He felt a pull on his pant legs,

The girl shoved the notepad into his line of vision.

he read it out loud, "I'm sorry I scared you"

"So.... You're a mute?" He asked.

The girl nodded,

Alex sighed.

He observed her throughly. Her eyes were a deep brown almost making it black and she had dark circles surrounding it.

She has shoulder length black hair much like the color of his own while the back seems to stick up into a slight duck's butt, she was wearing a old black hoodie and some ripped up jeans that were covered in mud.

What weirded him out is that she wasn't wearing shoes and the fact her hair looks like someone had grabbed it and chopped it of with a blunt pair of scissors...

Her feet and hands were bleeding under all of the grime that covered it.

He glared at her as he crossed his arms, he felt sorry for her.

"Where do you live? I'll drive you there."

She picked herself up and limped towards the car.

He came up to her and helped her. "Did I do that to you?"

She shook her head.

Inside the car was a horrible tension, well it was only coming from Alex.

The only thing going thought his mind was "What the fuck am I doing?"

In the corner of his eyes he saw the girl busy writing down the instructions.

She showed it to him and he started driving, gripping the steering wheel tightly.

Finally after a while they reached the place her notepad told him to go.

It was a corner of a dark alley way.

"Are you sure this is where you live?" Alex said warily.

The mysterious girl nodded.

She scribbled down more words into the notepad.

The messy hand writing says, "I never said that I lived in a house."

Alex stared at her, she smiled.

"Don't you have a place to stay instead of the streets?"

She didn't say anything as she quietly stepped out of the car.

Alex growled, annoyed by her silence.

It was a first for him to see a girl so quiet when he talked to them.

"You know what? Get back in the car."


He stood there in front of his mansion thinking of how to explain the fact that he almost ran over someone, who is currently standing right next to him and how she is gonna stay at their house to his family.

Surely his father would kill him, he winced at the thought.

Before he was ready his brother opened the door.

His brother smirked at him sadistically, amused by what's going on in front of him.

"I see you brought home a present, little brother."
♠ ♠ ♠
To explain her lack of expression is because simply that's how she is...
But don't worry! She opens up within time!