Paper love.


A balloon bobbed up and down as the wind carried it farther and farther ahead of Emery's car, leading him towards his old hometown where he would be spending the holidays with his family.

He knew just how it would go, it was the same way everytime he visited. His uncle Alec would pat him on the back and ask him if he had gotten any new tattoos and Emery would reply with a "No, sir" and then once the old man moved on he would make violent motions behind his back. His cousin, Brad, would tease him about never going to college while he was up at Dartmouth studying to be a doctor. And then his mother would start talking about her friend's daughter, Barbara, she really wanted him to meet her and maybe they should have a cup of coffee sometime. Emery was used to this, the teasing, the mockery, the badgering. But that didn't mean he was okay with it.

Someday, he swore, someday, he would tell them all how much he hated them and then he'd leave and never come back. Someday, though, would never actually happen. Emery never had the guts to do anything like that.

He had always been different from the rest of his family, they all were posh country club goers while he was more down to earth and didn't believe wealth and glamor were needed to be happy. He was the odd ball and stuck out like a soar thumb when among his family. Infact, the only family member of his that he got along with was Francesca.

Francesca looked like she fit in physcally, but not mentally. She was only 14, though, so he couldn't of taken her with him when he left when he was 18, she had only been 12 at the time. But he did plan that someday when she was older he would take her away from there. Someday.

But that was just another one of Emery's 'someday's. Someday he would become an illustrator like he had origanilly wanted to be. Someday he would get a better car. Someday, when he had kids, he would raise them to be kind and fair, unlike his family. Someday he would move out of the same state his family lived in. Someday he would take Francesca with him. Someday he would tell his family how he felt. Someday he would find a girl to fall in love with.


But he was already 20 and he hasn't even done one of those things. They all still remained somedays.
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Short, I know.
This is just alittle something about Emery.
The next one will be more about Adelaide.