Paper love.

The Outsider.

Adelaide sat on the front steps of her two-flat with her long legs stretched out infront of her while her taranchula, Todo, ran across her skull patterened tights. She watched as guests came in and out of the mansion across the street, all of them socializing and reconnecting with family members they haven't seen since last year.

This is where the owners of her home and the rest of the two-flat and apartments, lived. The mansion took up one whole half of the block, while the other half was taken up by the land they rented out. Her Aunt Odette was one of those renters and Adelaide had been living with her for six months now. And even from her first day living there she had hated the Goldes and anything associated with them.

Another car pulled up into the long driveway, one that didn't seem to fit in with all the Mercedes and Lamborghinis. Adelaide watched with a raised eyebrow and a man who looked to be in his twenties stepped out of the vehicle. He had black hair that swept over his forehead, landing just above his glasses. His sweater was rolled up to his elbows, revealing an array of tattoos.

He was an outsider in a group of paper people. He was a jagged piece of the puzzle while all the others fit just right. He was different. On the outside atleast.

She saw the rest of the family giving him snide looks as he walked up the front steps to a girl around Adelaide's age.

He was defienantly not part of the family, She thought, he couldn't be.

But as she watched him she started to notice things about him, his face structure, his nose, his lips, his eyes, they were all simalar to those of the family surrounding him. He was infact part of the Golde family.

He might not be that bad, he was actually kind of cute.

Kind of.
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Second chapter!
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