My World Went Black

Zacky Baker is told to walk home after school one day with his siblings. Johnny tells him about a recent kidnapping event leading to the disappears of Brian Elwin Haner Jr. Zacky meets the face of the kidnapper and is taken away from his life. When Zacky opens his eyes to Brian will they run away or will Zacky find out who Brian really is?

They quickly turned around, “Okay run.” Matt said and we did. We were all pretty fast so we were able to keep up with each other. I tried to pull my phone out when something struck me hard against the back of my head. My phone raced out in front of me along with my brother and sister as I fell to the ground. I let out a scream in pain. They turned around and race back to me. I could hear footsteps from a different direction run to me. I tried to get up, but the pain wasn’t letting me.

Disclaimer: I do not own Avenged Sevenfold. Plot is original.

Warning: Rape, violence, death, drugs, kidnapping, depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts.