My World Went Black

Recent Events

Thank god! The last class of the day, English. Its one of my favorite classes since it’s a breeze for me. I don’t really know anyone in it. So when we can have partners I go with whoever hasn’t been chosen. I sit in the way back corner so I’m pretty much an outcast compare to the rest of the class.

I sit behind the quarterback of the schools football team. Matt Sanders. I don’t really know him too well, but lucky for me he doesn’t go around beating the shit out of people. His teammates do that shit. I just stay out their way.

The teacher was going on about nouns. Which really I’m getting sick of hearing about it cause were in the tenth grade. Why do we need to learn the same thing every year? Nouns are a person, place or thing. I get it! Its not rocket science.

My phone vibrated in my pocket. I made sure no one was looking before I opened it up. Mom, Zacky you need to walk home tonight. I have to work late and your father as a plane to catch tonight. Sorry.

I texted my mom back, Its fine mom. Thanks for the heads up.

She didn’t text back since she was probably busy. Of course I didn’t like walking home since my house isn’t exactly close. It’s like almost an hour away by foot. Really it’s like ten minutes away. That also means I had to go find my brother and sister; since mom doesn’t like it when we walk home alone.

The bell rang and I texted my younger brother Matt and younger sister Zina to meet me in the library. I left class and walked over to my locker and opened it up. Deciding which books I’ll needed for tonight. Johnny came up to me.

“Hey Zacky, You walking home tonight?” Johnny asked.

I looked up, “Yea. Why?”

“Well I was… till my mom told me she was gonna pick me up. I don’t know if you’ve heard, but there’s been a lot of kidnapping happening around the area.” Johnny words were starting to make the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

“Well I’ll be with my bro and sis. No need to worry, and I have a phone and so do they.” I was trying to convince myself that I will be just fine.

Johnny shook his head as he opened his locker, “Zack. It doesn’t matter. They grab one of you and that’s all it takes. This dude down my street disappeared a week ago.”

I was getting really nervous. I did my best to hid it, “Who? Does he go here?”

Johnny pulled out a few books and stuffed them in his backpack. “He goes to Ocean View High School and his name is Brian Elwin Haner Jr. He was coming back from a friend house supposedly, but he never made it home. It was around ten at night and his friends’ house was just around the corner.”

“Johnny that’s different. People don’t kidnap people if it’s after school.” I was using my logic on this to calm myself down.

Johnny shut his locker and shook his head again, “Dude, all they need to do is grab you and throw you in their car. Anywhere at anytime. They will break in just to get you.”

I was going to have a panic attack if I didn’t walk away. I took a long deep breathe and exhale. “Well Johnny,” I slammed my locker shut, “I gotta go.”

I turn away from Johnny and walk to the library where I was going to meet up with my siblings, “Wait Zacky!” I turned around to face him, “If something happens call 911 stat and write down the licenses plate number if you can. “ Johnny was concerned for me and I was glad for that. I nodded to him and rush over to the library.

I got there and Zina and Matt were talking about music. “Hey dudes, sorry I’m late.” My voice was shaking slightly.

Matt looked at me closely, “You okay?” He asked.

I shook my head, “We can talk about it while we start walking.” Zina said. I nodded.

We headed to the front doors of the school. “So Zack, What’s up?” Zina ask.

I was thinking hard about what Johnny had said, “Did you guys hear about a dude name Brian Elwin Haner Jr. disappearing last week?” I ask.

Matt nodded, “Yea. He doesn’t live far from us. I don’t really know him, but I saw him on the news. He was kidnapped while walking back from a friend’s house around the corner.” Matt explained.

“That must be scary. Your walking home thinking about what your gonna do for the rest of the night and suddenly a car stops next to you. Next thing you know your held against your will.” Zina decide to go into detail.

“So, why did you wanna bring it up? You know they don’t just come to groups of kids. They like to watch that one person who walks by themselves.” Matt said.

I shook my head, “Sadly they’ll tried to grab one person of the group and all is good for them right there.” I was making myself worry.

“Dude, don’t worry about it. We all have cell phones and as long as we stay together on busy streets we’ll be fine.” Zina spoke calmly.

I still couldn’t believe they were calm as fuck with this. I mean being kidnap could mean the end of your life. All the years that you had plan could change after that. You think your going to do theses things and suddenly they change for good. Even if you are found your mental state is gone into the worst.

I didn’t even realize we had been walking for a bit and happen to be next to a Starbucks. Coffee could really calm me down right about now. “Hey dudes, rest stop?” I ask. They both nodded and we walked inside. We were the only ones inside besides the dude behind the counter.

“What can I get you?” He asked. He seemed middle age, bald, and was really tall.

“Venti Green tea.” Matt ordered.

“Um… Grande Banana strawberry smoothie.” Zina ordered.

“Grande Regular coffee.” I said.

The dude type that in the cash register. “That will be ten eighty one.” He said and went to one end of the shop to make the drinks. Zina and Matt sat down at the nearest table and drop their bags on the floor. While I pulled out my black leather wallet and pulled out a ten dollar bill and eighty one cent from my pocket and left it on the counter for him. I join the rest of them at the table.

They were now talking about homework and school. “I got a shit load of work tonight. Why give three hours of homework after seven hours of school? Really that’s enough.” Matt said.

“Well if you think about it makes you smarter.” Zina stated.

“So for being smart you can only do school, chores, study, and sleep. Fun life.” I spoke sarcastically.

“I’m with Zack on that one.” Matt pointed at me. Zina sighed, and the dude called out the drinks were ready. I went over and got them. When I was walking back to the table I saw some couple walk inside. He was with his wife. I sat down pass out the drinks and watched them.

“How can I help you?” The man behind the counter asked.

The husband looked about his forties and was holding a folder. He was dress causal while his wife was wearing a dress and had long blond hair. The husband had short blond hair. “Were looking for our son. His name is Brian Elwin Haner Jr. He went messing last week. Do you mind posting a picture and information here to help us find him.” The husband asked.

The man behind the counter nodded, “Of course. “ He said. The husband slipped some papers to him and the couple left.

“Hey Zacky?” Matt asked.

“What?” I turn to face him.

“You still on that whole kidnapping thing?” Matt asked.

I pause for a sec and look down at my lap, “No. I just feel really bad for that family.”

Zina nodded, “Yea must be hard. Thinking your son is coming home one night, but never does.”

I finish my coffee, “Let’s go home.” I said. We got up, grabbed our bags, and threw away our cups. We walked out the door.

We walked a few minutes in silence when a car was driving slowly behind us. I happen to be the first to notice; since Zina and Matt were texting their friends. “Um… Guys can you put your phones away and start picking up pace.” I ordered really nervously.

Matt slipped his phone in his pocket and looked at me, “Why?” Zina did the same and looked at both of us.

I was so scared I spoke in a whisper, “That car is driving really really... really slow.” Zina and Matt turned around to see and the car stopped.

They quickly turned around, “Okay run.” Matt said and we did. We were all pretty fast so we were able to keep up with each other. I tried to pull my phone out when something struck me hard against the back of my head. My phone raced out in front of me along with my brother and sister as I fell to the ground. I let out a scream in pain. They turned around and race back to me. I could hear footsteps from a different direction run to me. I tried to get up, but the pain wasn’t letting me.

My vision was becoming blurred and I was having trouble keeping my eyes open and my breathing normal. Someone picked me up and I knew it wasn't Matt or Zina. I screamed for help. The man slapped me hard across my face as I squirm and screamed. Matt yelled to me, but I couldn’t make out what he said.

Someone knock the man over with me in his arms and we both fell a few feet away from his car. I tried to keep my eyes open and get up. The man hissed under his breathe and pressure was being force onto my leg.

Zina ran around to the back off the car while Matt was yelling and kicking the dude, “Get away from my brother!” He yelled repeatability.

I saw a knife was jammed in my leg and I screamed in pain. “Somebody help!” I yelled at the top of my lungs. The dude grabbed Matt and threw him to the side of the road and quickly picked me up and threw me in the car. He got in after that, shut the door, and drove off. I still was screaming till the dude hit me hard on my head. My world became black.
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I've read this many times checking for errors, so if you catch something please let me know I'll take care of it ASAP.

This is my first story on Mibba, but not my first posting on a writing site. I do most of mine on livejournal. I've taken them all down because I've neglected those stories, but this one almost done, so I'm gonna wrap it up and post.

Tell me your thoughts on it please.