My World Went Black

Life Changed Forever

“Agh.” I groan and rolled my head to the side. I was in a lot pain. My head was throbbing with pain along with my leg. I was trying to remember what had happen. I tried opening my eyes and I was in a shed it looked like. I was laying on the ground; when something crawled on my hand. I began to scream. Someones hand was over my mouth.

I push the person away from me and scooted to the corner of shed, my knees pulled up to my chest. My breathing began growing faster like I ran the mile, and my chest was tightening into my ribcage. “Dude. Dude. Calm the fuck down. You’ll be fine.” he placed his hands on my shoulders, “Breathe with me okay.”

I nodded and he began inhaling and exhaling slowly, I tried to follow him. He held my numb hand in one hand keep his other hand pressed on the floor boards. My breathing began slowing down and he kept inhaling and exhaling slowly with me. Till I was able to breathe normal again.

“You okay?” he ask. I shook my head feeling sick to my stomach now. He gave me a long hard look, “I wish I could give you some water or something, but I can’t sorry.”

“Its fine. Where are we? Who are you? Where’s Zina and Matt?” I was asking a million question now.

The dude lend against the wall next to me, “I don’t know where we are sadly. If I knew I wouldn’t be here. I don’t know Zina or Matt. Unless your talking about Matt Sanders. I know him. “ he tried his best to give me answer,

“Zina my sister and Matt my brother. I was walking home from school and we stop at a Starbuck.’ I pause trying to remember. “A couple came in looking for their son Brian Elwin Haner Jr. and we left….a car. It was driving slowly behind us.” I was afraid to go on.

The man made hand gestures, “Keep going I’m listening.”

I laid their for a few seconds, “I warned them and the car stopped. It stopped and someone was getting out. Matt said run and we ran. Then something hit me hard against the back of my head while I was getting my cell phone.” I pause thinking about the events that just happen, “I was screaming in pain and the man was running to me and Matt and Zina were coming over to me.

“He picked me and started taking me to his car, I was in and out of it…. Matt tackled him, but he threw Matt to the side of the road and I’m guessing Zina was calling 911 and getting the licenses plate number. He took me in his car and drove away with me. He hit me in the head… to knock me out.”

“I’m sorry. Can I see your head? Bet that bastard didn’t give much of shit to fix you up.” he said.

“Yea, and it really hurts.” I bit my bottom lip, “I know Matt Sanders too. I still don’t know who you are?” I explain.

“Well you’ve mention me.” he reminded me.

I thought hard for a second, “Your Brian Elwin Haner Jr.?” I ask,

“Your looking at him, but just call me Brian cause I’m not a king you know.” he laughed and carefully made sure there was no blood or anything.

“Your alive, Everyone is looking for you and talking about you, I think I saw your parents at Starbucks.” I was ranting about it now.

He laughed, “I bet they are. Who are you?”

“Zack Baker, but everyone calls me Zacky.” I said.

“Final someone to actually talk to. How old are you anyway? I’m seventeen.”


“So do you go to Huntington High School?”

“Yea. I don’t have a lot of friends there.”

“Sucks. I’m like a football player. So everyone is always like ‘Brian is amazing.’ Well I was till a couple of months ago.” he said standing up and walking over to the window.

“What happen?” I ask wanting to stand up, but Brian just gave me a look that told me to laid back down.

He sighed. He had shoulder length black hair, and he was wearing a black shirt with Pantera written on the front and a black hoodie. He wore black baggy pants. His shoes also happen to be black too. He was slightly tan, “Well I got into a fight again and was suspend and my grades aren’t the greatest.”

“A fight? What for?” I ask. I think I was getting too personal.

He laughed, “Some kid heard that I had a fake ID and went out drinking last night. He told me he was gonna blackmail me if I didn’t do what he said. So I beat the shit out of him. He thinks he should have been on the football team. Really he sucks.” Brian laughed some more thinking about it.

“I like how you think its funny.” I commented.

“Well it is. So you in any sports?” he ask.

“Baseball. My dad said I’m really good. I’m on the schools baseball team, but I guess to most people it doesn’t matter.” I said.

“Baseball cool. So Zacky? How are you in the music world?” Brian ask with a grin on his face.

I thought for a second, “I play guitar, and listen to a lot of punk and metal bands.”

“Really? That’s awesome. I play guitar too. I listen to a lot metal and rock. Almost the same taste.” Brian was really excited over this.

“ Yea.” I bit my bottom lip, “Can I ask you something?” I ask.

“Ask away.” Brian grin. He seem happy for some weird reason.

I pause for second making sure I had the right wording in my head, “Is it true you were coming back from a friends house?” Brian turned his head away from me and stared at a wall hard and long. I wonder if he was upset about this topic.

He sighed, “Yea… I was over at Jimmys’ house and my parents called me and told me to come home.” he took a deep breath in, “Jimmy and I were talking about this band we were gonna be seeing tomorrow. We were really excited about it. I told him I would call him when I got home.”

“Jimmy Sullivan?” I ask. I knew a Jimmy, but wasn’t sure. He picks on me a lot in school.

Brian smiled, “Yea, he’s a crazy guy. He gets in a lot of trouble through.” he paused, “I left his house and this car was parked around the corner not too far from my place. I turned the corner and the dude inside the car grabbed me. I couldn’t find my voice and I couldn’t find the will power to kick. I felt weak.

“He threw me in the back; where I was knocked out. I woke up in here. Never to see my family or friends again. My plans are gone and I bet some people think I’m dead. He rapes me, feeds me a little, and then he makes me sleep in here.” Brian was getting pissed over the topic.

I gulped, “Rape?” Kidnapping one thing, but rape? I was a virgin, and I was waiting for the right person to have my first time with. I don’t want my first time to be with him. I want to go home. I want to see my family, my friends, the people I hated, and be free.

Brian nodded, “Rape. He likes to be hard and rough. He bites till you bleed. He likes it when you bleed.” the last thing Brian said sounded evil. His voice sinister in way. It was horrible.

I shook my head really fast, “No.” I begged. I don’t know what I was begging for, but I was. I slammed my head against the wall really hard. Probably not a good idea. I felt dizzy, my vision blurring, and shaking uncontrollably.

“Zacky! Zacky!” Brian yelled, “Calm down. You need to calm down. Keep doing this to yourself and you will give yourself a heart attack. Please calm down.” Brian pleaded. He grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

My breathing becoming fast again, my vision still blurry, I was shaking uncontrollably, my body was going numb, my chest was hugging me tightly, and I was freezing. Brian could tell I was having another panic attack, “Zacky. Breathe with me again.” he ordered.

He began inhaling and exhaling again slowly. I didn’t want to follow him through. I wanted the panic to spread everywhere to my body. I didn’t want to be here and maybe I wanted to end my life. “Zack. You need to calm down. If he sees you like this. He will only make it worst. I don’t want to see you die.” he held my hand tightly and he was still inhaling and exhaling slowly.

I followed him. My panic attack was coming to an end. I felt sick then before. My stomach hurt, I was still freezing, shaking uncontrollably, and my limbs were numb. I laid on the ground. Hoping I wasn’t gonna have another panic attack.

Brian took off his hoodie and placed it over me. I tried to grip the hoodie, by my fingers were locked in place. “Zacky, listen to me. I’m not trying to scare you in anyway. I just need you to calm down. I know its not easy; since your held against your will, but the more scared you are. The more fun the guy has with you.”

I didn’t want to hear anything more about the fucking guy. Really?! This wasn’t calming me down at all. I was getting ready for the next panic attack. “Brian-- please! Change the topic.” I begged. He didn’t say anymore.

We were silent for a while. We could hear birds, bugs, and dogs. I’m guessing were somewhere away from people, houses, and the city. I was still pretty cold, but I wanted to give Brian his hoodie back. He was in his own thoughts. I could tell.

He looked stronger then me and in the orange glow from the sky, he looked like he worked out a lot. I look like a twig and I’m weak. Brian was a little weird through. Like he acted more calmly about this kidnapping thing. Its like he knew it was gonna happen.

I didn’t know that was gonna be my last walk home from school, my last day of school. Last time I would be with my friend Johnny. I want to see everyone’s face again. I’m sure as hell they’re all worried about me. I wish I knew what was going on. I have to sit now everyday wondering. Everyday I have to make sure I live that day for now. I didn’t like it, but what choice did I have. Really?

“He’s coming.” Brian whispered. His voice had a hint of sadness yet calmest. Me on the other hand had no words to say. I was scared again. I didn’t want to have another panic attack. Not again.

The door flew open and the man stood there. A huge smirk laid nicely on his face. He looked around his late forties. He let an evil laugh escape his lips. I became really pissed about this. My anger was now beginning to rage inside me. I hated him. He ruined my life. The life I thought I had a choice on. Not anymore thanks to him.
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Sorry about the first chapter being boring. This chapter should make up for it. It's going to get more epic from here on out. Please ask me question, or comments. Those are gladly accepted.