My World Went Black


All my anxiety slipped away from me and I glared at him. “I’ve been having a little trouble sleeping Zachary. I was laying in bed wondering what will help me sleep. Then I thought of something.” the man’s voice was deep.

“Your having trouble sleeping cause you’re a fucking asshole who kidnaps people from their families for your own personal needs. I hope you get caught.” I didn’t care if this got me killed. I wanted him to feel guilty.

He shook his head slowly and walked over to me. He placed his foot on my hand shifting all his weight into his right foot. He was crushing my left hand. I howled in pain. He kicked me, hard in the stomach; which knocked the wind out of me. “You will learn to respect me. You will learn that this was for the better. Plus. Your not leaving anytime soon and if I do get caught. You two will die before they save you.” he spoke sternly.

I tried to get up so I could kick him hard in the balls, but he grabbed me and threw me across the shed. My back hit the wall hard. I just rolled on my stomach in pain. Brian sat there by the window watching. He also happen to be sitting by the door, but didn’t move.

Brian glanced over at me then face the dude, “Please don’t hurt him. He’s scare.”

That seem to pissed the dude off some more and he grabbed Brian arm and yanked it hard forcing him to stand up. He walked over to me and did the same to me. I started screaming as loud as I could so someone could hear me and help us. The dude threw Brian to the ground and smash my head against the wall of shed.

“You listen up. You live as long as no one finds me. You die when I’m moments from being caught. Understand.” he said.

I hissed in pain, “Kill me! If I’m gonna die before you get caught then just kill me now!” I ordered.

He laughed, “I want you to feel like that. I love it when people feel like that.” he said grabbing me off the wall and grabbed Brian along the way into his house. He dragged us to a bedroom. He threw Brian in a closet. I was getting scared. Thought race through my head I only caught a glance of what I thinking of.

He threw me on the bed, strapping my hands to the bed and I was feeling sicker by the second. My stomach was ready to blow. He was getting naked in front of me. I kicked and screamed, and I didn’t want this to happen. The man un-strapped my hands for a quick second to pull of my shirt off, and strapped them back on. He worked with my pants now. I was kicking as much as possible.

I thought he gave up with me and walked out of the room. I watch carefully. I was alert and ready for him to come back. He came back in the room. My eyes spotted a syringe in his hand. I scream some more. He wiped something on my arm before jabbing the needle through my thin skin. He slowly slipped the needle in and out. A burning sensation starting where he had injected me; making me wince. He threw it in the trash and slipped on a condom.

I keep my eye on my arm for a second, “What was in that?” I ask quietly.

He laugh and got on top of me, “Barbiturates. I like it when my partner is asleep.” he whisper in my ear.

I froze up. He put a illegal drug in me. That could kill me. Where is he getting this stuff? I know I wanted to die earlier, but not like this. I wanted to be the one to kill myself. Not murdered. I was kicking for a few seconds.

The drug started kicking in. My eyes fell droopy, and I was losing most of my energy. I was fighting with myself to stay awake, but I was losing. The man on top of me was winning. He was laughing in a sinister way, a huge smirk played on his face, and he was waiting. My world once again went black.


I woke up sore as hell, and freezing cold. I wrapped my arms around myself. That’s when I notice the sun was at the top of the sky and I was naked. My eyes searched around to see if he was still here, but he wasn’t. I let out a sighed. I saw Brian sleeping by the door. He was wearing his clothes. Lucky him.

My left hand was placed behind me so I could try and push myself up from the wooden floor. That’s when I felt denim, and cotton. I turned around to see my clothes laying on the floor. I looked around for minute to make sure no one was looking and I slipped on my red boxers, black, Misfits shirt, and black, tight, skinny jeans. I slowly put on my gray converse and white socks back. I really wanted to go home.

A light bulb popped over my head. I went over to the only window of the shed and looked around to see if anyone was around. I saw some joggers across the street. I just need them to hear me so I could go home. I walked over to the door to see if it was open. It was. I thought for second about why he wouldn‘t lock the door, and shrugged the thought away. I opened it quietly and looked around the yard to see if he was around. He wasn’t, but someone behind me grabbed me.

“What the hell are you doing?” Brian ask turning me around. He shut the door quickly.

I starred at him closely, “What do you think I was doing?” I questioned him back.

He just slapped me across the face, “Look Zacky. I know you hate it as much as I do here, but running away is the worst idea in the world. He knows where you live now. Plus you have no idea where we are.” Brian explain.

I shook my head, “Bri, we won’t go home. We would go to the police station and have them take care of this.” I was trying to give Brian hope, but obviously he wasn’t seeing it.

“No. I don’t want to die ‘cause you think you can find a fucking police station.” he spoke sternly.

Brian still had his hands on my shoulders, “You sound like you want to stay here.” I said angrily.

Brian pushed me up against a wall, “Trust me Zack. I want to leave as bad as you do, but if means trying to not to get killed. I’m out. He has things that he could use to kill us. He will see us running and he will run over our bodies till were part of the pavement.”

I decide to drop the subject for now. Brian was scared of leaving and what was I gonna do about it. I’m scare of being here. It like when a child’s abuse, but doesn’t talk about it ‘cause their scare about what may happen. Brian let me go and went to the other side of the shed and sat down on the floor.

I walked over to him and slid down the wall next to him. He seemed depress the way he was looking at the window, “I was suppose to be home to take care of my new puppy. My sister named him Ruffles. That dog was the world to her and I helped her take care of him.” Brian smiled to himself.

“We had a dog name Charlie, but he was put down years ago. My brother, Matt, doesn’t want a dog through. I don’t think were ever getting a new one.” I explain.

Brian looked over at me and smiled, “I’ve been here for a week, and I still feel like I’m missing everything in life.”

I shook my head, “Only thing you’ve missed is that concert, an Angles game, and school. Think your good.”

He laughed, “Who won?” he ask.

“Angles ‘cause they kick ass.” I said excitedly.

Brian chuckled, “So I must ask. How are you in school?”

“Pretty good. I be better if I wasn’t always worrying.”

“Well when he gets caught. Your going to help me ‘cause I fail.”

“Your not book smart, but your smart.”

“That’s true.”

I stood up and looked out the window. I saw a girl with the man this time. “Brian come quick.” I ordered.

He was by my side in seconds and starred out the window, “Why does he have another child?” he ask.

“Bets me.” she looked younger then us. Younger then my sister Zina. Probably thirteen if not twelve.

Brian grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the window into the back of shed. The man open the door and threw her in here. He close the door without a word. The girl was out cold. She had long blond hair. Her skin was a light tan and she was wearing light blue jeans with flowers on it, and a white shirt with flowers on it as well. She wore a cross around her neck.

“Bri. Why is she here? Doesn’t he have enough people already?” I ask,

Brian shrug, “Same reason were here. I don’t know. I’m not a kidnapper.”

The girl started move and we starred at her. She got up and looked around the room. When her eyes landed on us. She ran to the door and tried to open it. “Mommy! Mommy! Help!” the girl cried.

“I guess were scary looking.” Brian joked. I nudged him in the ribs.

“Now is no the time for jokes.” I whispered. I walked over to the girl. She look scared as hell, tears streamed down her face.

“Stay away from me.” she pleaded.

I held my arms in the air, “I’m not gonna hurt you. I’m gonna help you.”

“With what?” she ask starring at me carefully.

“Were gonna run away from here and were gonna find your mommy. “ I told her.

She stepped away from the door, “We are?”

I nodded, “Yea, but first we need to wait a bit ‘cause he’s home and the door is locked.”

“There’s the window.” Brian scratch his head.

I turned around, “So what? You think I’m gonna fit through that window. I’m too fat to fit through that!”

Brian smack his hand on his face, “Zacky, your not fat.”

“What do you call this?” I ask pointing to my belly.

“Um… a stomach.” he said awkwardly.

“Well I call it fat!” I was pretty subconscious about myself. Every time I ate something I would make sure it was a good amount of calories for the day, I may have a little bit of a eating disorder. I jogged a lot it in the evening, but I don’t think that’s gonna happen anymore.

Brian smack his face again, “Okay you want fat. Walk down to Burger King and you tell me what’s fat. ‘Cause your not fat! End of story.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry that took a little longer. I was on a cruise. My laptop was with me, but 70 bucks for a half hour of Internet. Yea... no. Anyway I'm home now and hope you enjoy the story so far. If your wondering when the slashly parts come in its soon.

I want to thank everyone who's leaving comments and subscribing and to everyone who's reading this.

Please comment and subscribe. Chapter Four will be posted next week.