My World Went Black

It's Time

“Zacky! Please don’t talk like that.” Brian explain his voice raising.

“It’s better that way Bri.”

“What’s better?” he pause to study me, “Getting kill? You know that’s not the path. I know where going to make it through this. You and me together.”

“Brian! I’m not going to be the same!” I stood up clutching my good fist.

Brian stood up too, he was much taller then me, “Yes, this event will make you a different person, but listen. That’s how people learn.”

“I know that, but this isn’t the same as being mugged or almost dying or a break up!” I yelled.

Brian push me up against a wall and his warm lips smashed on mine. My mind went blank and I didn’t know what to do. Should I kiss back? Should I pull away? His lips were so inviting. I let out a moan into his mouth and push my lips into his. He rubbed my lips with his tongue. I opened my mouth letting his tongue in.

I pulled away panting, “This-- isn’t right. We shouldn’t-- do this.”

Brian shook his head, “Zacky, it feels right-- didn’t you feel it?”

I’ll adimt making out with Brian was… well amazing. I felt something spark, but there’s a dead body on the floor and Steve could walk in at any given moment. I didn’t want Brian to die ‘cause of me. I would take the bullet for him.

“So I’m guessing you didn’t like it.” Brian tone dropped.

I shook my head quickly, “No! It was--” my cheeks bringing up a blush, “hot, but we can’t do it now.” I use my hands to cover my face.

He turned his face away from me at the moment, “Why not?”

My stomach twisted up inside, “Look around Bri, were in a fucking shed.”

“I see.”

After Brian said that nothing was said. A few hours later, night had fallen and the moon shined through the window. I was getting a pounding headache; probably from lack of food in the past what five, six days. My vision was beginning to blur.

“Zacky?” Brian asked in a tired voice. I was laying on the ground my head pressed against the cold wood boards; “Zack?” his voice grew with more concern. I could feel his warm palms on my shoulders. My eyelids closed letting the dark in.


“Zack! Please wake up!” Brian yelled into my ear. My eyelids fluttered open my head was still pounding.

“Could you keep it down Bri?” I whispered.

“Sorry, but--”

The door swung open and Steve threw a bag at my head before slamming it and leaving. “Fuck!” I hissed.

Brian grabbed the bag and opened it up, “It’s-- food.” he said eagerly pulling out the contents. There were only two cups of rice, water, and a piece of bread.

“Son of a bitch! We get this much food!” I pouted.

“Well think of it this way. He’s a killer, rapist, physco bitch, don’t think he cares enough to give us a fest, but cares enough to not let us parish.”

“Parish my ass! He’s using us as sex toys!” I grabbed a cup of rice and opened it. It smelled funky. Making my appetite good down.

Brian studied the water before drinking it, “You need to eat.”

“What are you? My mother?!” I was getting a lot of mood swings lately.

He shook his head, “No, but your going to die.”

“Brian, I don’t care anymore about myself.” I glared at him.

“I’m fucking worried for you man. Your having a lot of anxiety, stress lately. You haven’t eaten in awhile and your losing yourself. Don’t you think how I feel about this?” his voice sounded so strain.

I shook my head slowly, “I didn’t-- think about how-- you felt.”

“Stop it okay! I don’t want you leave me. I-- love you.” his words held so much life in them. His hazel eyes were signs of hope.

“I love you too.” he smiled and held out the rice to me. I took it, but just starred at it.

“Please eat.” he placed a hand on my lap, forcing my cheeks to give out warmth.

I bought the rice up to my mouth, but for some reason I didn’t want to eat it. I placed it back on the floor, afraid to see Brian expression, “I’m not hungry.”

A hand grabbed my wrist, “Don’t you say that anymore. You need to fucking eat.” I kept my eyes closed.

“I feel fat when I--” he cut me off.

“Do you think your fat? Because I think your quite skinny, even when Steve threw you in here for the first time.”

I opened my eyes to stare at beautiful hazel eyes, “Do you mean that?”

Brian smiled, “I really do Zacky.”

Our lips met and it was a different kiss then from before. It was filled with passion and love and that made me go nuts for more. I push back hungrily. Brian moaned and bit my bottom lip; I could feel his hand rub the small of my back. The kiss didn’t last very long.

He pulled away and got up to look out the window, “He has a shovel and bag.”

I froze, “For what?”

“I’m guessing for the dead body on the floor.”
The door swung open. “You had your meal. Now dig a hole and bury that!” he pointed his pale index finger at Hailey’s corpse. He was about to throw a shovel at me, before Brian moved me to the side. “Get to work you filthy bitches!”

Brian picked up the shovel and bag and studied it for a moment, “Lets get to work.”

“I am not! Shoving a body in that bag and throwing it in a hole.” I respected the dead enough to be nice to their physical forms on earth.

“He’ll notice--”

I cut him off, “People will notice were digging a hole for a human and think we killed her! Then they’ll put me on death row and I’ll be remembered doing something that I didn’t do. “

A hand grabbed my hair from behind yank it so hard. A hiss slipped from my lips. “It’s time.”

Its time for what?! I kicked my legs has hard has I could; to get out of the grip. The hand grabbed my bad arm and I froze in place. Tears beginning to stream down my eyes.

“Brian bury the body. I got some things to do.” he laughed like manic and I thought that only happened in movies.

Brian starred deep into my eyes, “What are you going-- to do with him?”

“The cops are suspious about me.” Steve pinch my bad arm.

“If you kill him, it will only prove their theories right.” Steve grabbed the shovel from Brian and dropped me.

Steve cornered Brian, “You think I’m playing games with you Haner? After all I did for you?” Steve raised the shovel.

“No sir, I’m just--” the shovel collided with Brians’ skull, a loud thump was hear making my breathing speed up.

“You--can’t--do--th--at.” my legs were frozen in place, my chest tighten, and my breathing increasing speed.

“Do what?” he grabbed me from my arm and dragged me to his house.

The end was coming for me and Brian. I was never going to see a faced my loved ones again and neither is Bri, but the only face I want to see is Brians’’. Brian’s fair- tan skin, hazel eyes, black long hair, and his pink lips. I want his arms draped around me; so his warmth can protect me from the world.

Steve threw me on a bed before strapping me to the mattress, “No sex today Zackary.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry about this being a short ch.

So I lied to you guys and myself last week. Ch. 5 was the hardest ch. to write because it was going to be about how their getting out of here. I'll be nice and tell you the ideas I had before. Your probably going to be like "Why didn't you use that idea?" It was really hard.

1. This idea is about the door being unlocked and they ran away when Steve went to work.

2. This idea is about Steve taking them for a joy ride and gets into a car accident.

3. This idea is kindly like the first one, Brian and Zacky are about to run away; but they see Steve come home and they run into the basement and hide there.

4. This idea is about the house being on fire.

Thank you all for reading, subscribing, and commenting! I'll make you all agreement. Seeming as this ch is short Ill update before Sat IF i get comments on this story. If I do their well still be update on Sat for ch.7.

Sorry this is so long , but I just one more thing to say. If you haven't already check out my one-shot, "You Can Trust No One" it's about why you never met anyone on the internet. Its a Brian/Zacky..