My World Went Black

Short Lived

He’s not going to rape me, but he’s going to kill me. Not sure what’s worst, but I do know neither of them was a happy land unicorn parade. I always wonder how I would die, but now that I know I really wish I had done something stupid before this whole shit happen. Brian kept entering my head; I could hear him yell at me, “Stop thinking like that Zacky!”

I shook my head, “Steve-- do you have to make it painful and slow?” I ask as he was setting up his tools.

He turned around with a huge grin on his face, “There’s no good horror flicks. In fact I think I’ll film your death scene moment.” I yanked on the straps. Steve pulled a camera out and ping echoed through the room, “We all get to do it once, so be picture prefect.”

“You sick fuck! Do you find pleasure in these?” my jaws clutch.

His hand grabbed my jaw and pulled my face into the direction he wanted me to see, “Yes. I have ever murder scene I’ve ever done on tape. I love it.” his tongue licked my face; I turned a different direction so I didn’t have to face…him.

“That a good thing.” it wasn’t, but if the cops found him and the tapes, it would only help me more then it did to him.

I heard him chuckle, I turn my head to see what he was doing. A knife was in his hand; he turned around and made eye contact with me. I could see flames deep in his eyes. I averted my graze to the door, “Let’s play a game.”

“Only if I get to chose.” I commented, hoping he might let me.

He lifted his pale finger and shook it, “But this game is a fun game.”

“What you think is fun is against the law!” I shouted and pulled on the restrains.

He straddled my hips and a huge smirked laid on his aging skin, “It can be our little secret.” he whispered, placing his finger on my lips.

“I don’t keep secrets for people like you.” my voice was the darkest I’ve ever heard it go.

He laid the knife on my stomach, “Only if you were like Brian. I would keep you alive.”

Brian’s not going to die?! But why?! He clearly stated before that he would kill Brian and me. What did Brian have that I didn’t have? I’ve never really seen Brian, when this sort of shit happen. He would tell me about, and I trusted him seeming has we are talking about Steve.

“Why Brian?” I found myself burling out. Sweat erupted on my forehead already knowing I was going to hate the answer.

“Brian is a nice boy. When I tell him to do something he doesn’t give a second thought to it, he does it. Unlike you, where you fight me and argue about everything.” he starred at his reflection in the knife.

I nodded slowly, “What did you do to him?” I ask. I didn’t know why I was suddenly interested in someone else’s life, but I was.

“He knows I can control him with just a needle.” he turn to stare at the door, “Let’s not keep the Ripper waiting for you.”

I froze not knowing what to do; my heart thumped loudly in my ears. What could I do? I was strap to a bed, a knife in front of me, and no one around for miles to save me. I had lost my virginity, my self-respect, my mind, and life to this man and I could do nothing to stop it. I could only wonder what my life could of be like if I wasn’t here. I would be in school, hanging out with friends, and family, and complaining about shit that I used to hate. What was there to complaint about anymore? No one would hear my cry, no one would help me, and no one could stop this man.

I felt him jab the knife in my shoulder and tears began to flow from my eyes, as he would stab me again in another place. I held my cries of pain in my throat. I didn’t want to make my death a big scene like he wanted it to. I just wanted leave from this hell he put me in. My vision began to bury and I doubted it was my tears. I felt him un-strap my limbs and his weight off my weak body.

“I have to go, but when I come back you’ll be buried by Brian already.” I could barely pay attention to what he was saying. My mind was more focus on the pain, then what he had to say to me.

I shut my eyes, for what might be the last time I did so. My body was burning like hell, making me think that’s where my soul was going to wake up. I waited till my world was black and silence took me farther and farther in the darkness till my body felt limp.


Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. It seem to get louder and louder. I could feel myself screaming inside to make it stop. My mouth felt very dry and bright lights seemed to be hitting my eye lids, the world behind my lids made black into orange. I slowly open them starring at a white ceiling.

Where am I? I couldn’t be in the shed, and I couldn’t be in the house, or the basement. Was I dead? Steve had killed me right? Is this hell or am I in heaven? So many questions swarmed in my head.

I turn my head to the side to see Brian sitting on a plastic chair. His elbow placed on the one of the armrest, resting his cheek in his palm. He seem to be sleeping, “Brian?” my voice croaked out.

He moved his arm to the other side of the armrest and opened his lids up. He seem to be wearing new clothes, and his jet black, shoulder length hair, was shiny. His hazel eyes blinked sleep away; he laid his eyes on me, “Zacky…”

“Am I in heaven?” I ask.

Brian shook his quickly, “Your-- alive. Steve thought he-- killed you.”

I laid back down starring at the pale ceiling, “What happen?”

A warm hand gripped mine, “He left to go work I assumed, he told me to bury you, and that you were dead. I didn’t want to believe that you were really dead. I ran inside and notice you were still slightly breathing. Steve kept a working phone in the kitchen and I called nine-one-one. He was arrested and the cops came to get us.”

I slowly nodded, “Where are we?”

“Oregon. Your family here.” his grip let go of my hand, “I’ll be back. I need to get you a nurse.” I nodded as he walked through the door.

I was in shock. Steve was in jail, I was in hospital, and I wasn’t dead. I honestly didn’t know how to feel. Sure I was excited to find out that Steve is where he needs to be. Some part of me still felt like he was near and ready to come after. I had to let that feeling go through knowing he’s far away from me.

The nurse walked in and did some test to make sure I was okay. She told me the cops would come in and talk to me. I really hope this man ends up on death row seeming has he killed Hailey. They came up and I explain all the recent events and they explain to me what the man was possibly facing.

I stayed in the hospital for the next few days. Brian would come in and ask me how I was doing mentally and I could tell he was worried about what I had said before I was almost killed. My mom came in and cried along with Zina telling me they were happy to see me alive. My dad was himself and Matt wouldn’t shut up about Halo. It made me feel more at home.

They send me home after my release. I sat by Brian on the plane and we talked pretty much the whole way home. We got off the plane and collected our luggage. A group of people walked over to us. I recognize two of them.

“Brian sweetie. You okay?” I assumed was Brians’ mom who embraced him warmly.

“I’m fine. Tired.” I heard a chuckle come out of his lips.

A tall, lanky man stood in front of Brian, “You know who I had to take to the concert? My cousin. Don’t get me wrong, but he got really drunk and passed out before the headline bands came out. I left him there. I don’t think my parents were too proud of me.”

Brian hit himself in the face, “You don’t leave people at venues. You could of got someone to help him.”

“I was really drunk myself.” the taller man stared at me.

“Jimmy. Did you drive home?” Brian gave the taller man a look.

“No, I just took a boat home.” he spoke sarcastically, “How was being kidnapped?”

I starred down my arm and frowned, “Let’s see, rape, murder, and abuse. It was a walk through the park.” Brian explain ending with a sarcastic tone.

“Who’s your friend?” now bringing me into the whole meeting.

“Zacky. This is Jimmy. Jimmy this is Zacky.” Brian introduced us. Jimmy held a hand out to me and I shook his back.

“He looks sick.” Jimmy frowned. His blue eyes told me it was going to be okay, but I was beginning to find that hard to believe.

“Dumb-shit gave Zack hell every minute he could.” Brian explain, “Maybe we should go.”

I nodded and knowing I really needed rest before I went back to “normal” life, “Brian?”

His hazel eyes locked with my jade eyes, “You need to call me so we can hang. Here’s my number.” he pulled out a pen from his pocket and scribbled numbers down on my palm, “Don’t worry about Steve any more. Your safe,”

I nodded before my sister grabbed my hand and pulled me away from the scene. I starred at the palm and turn my head around to see Brian going a different way home. My arm throbbed under the cast thanks to Steve messing with it so much. I could only hope I would forget all this soon.
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If you really liked this story I suggest you check out my one-shot, "You Can Trust No One" its about why you never meet anyone over the internet. I've decide it going to to be two-shot too. So please subscribed to that. That update will be up in the next two weeks.

Please comment, and subscribe. Chapter Seven up next weekend.