My World Went Black

Waking Up In Chains

I groaned, my head pounded into my skull. What was going on? I tried to open my eyes, but the headache was forcing them to stay shut. I tried to bring my hand to head, but something wasn’t allowing it to move. My eyes flashed open, and my limbs were handcuff to each post of the bed.

My chest was hugging my rib cage as tight as it could, forcing my lungs, and heart to beg for oxygen. My heart began picking up speed, my whole body was shaking, and forcing my muscles to lock in place. I began breathing in and out rapidly, my breathe sounded dry, and raspy. My vision was blurry.

“Zacky, baby calm down.” a cooing voice spoke from my side. I shook my head in respond, “Calm down.”

“I can’t!” I spoke in pants.

“I don’t know what your saying, but you need to relax.” he demanded.

My breathing was picking up speed, and my world fated in and out. My heart was pushing against my tightening chest. Everything turned black for a few moments, before my breathing slowed down and my world was beginning to come back.

“Deep breathes Zacky. Come on.” the older man began breathing in and out slowly and deeply wanting me to follow his lead. I followed him. His chocolate eyes were glossy, and his hand found my frozen limbs.

My breathing began to return to normal, I notice a tear fall from Brians’ eye, “Bri? I’m fine.” I explain.

He shook his head and gulped, “Zacky-- I will the last person you will ever see…”

I shook my head quickly, “What do you mean?!”

More tears fell over his rosy cheeks, he wiped his eyes, but more tears followed. He struggled with speaking for a minute, “Zacky-- I love you. I love you more than you would ever know, and I’m sorry-- that I can’t show you how-- much I really love you.”

“Brian?! Are you dying?” he was becoming wreck and I couldn’t tell why. He shook his head at the responds, and he let out a sob, “Is it about Steve?”

He cleared his throat to speak, “It’s about both of you.” my eyes flickered to his flushed face, “Your really going to hate me-- once I tell you this.”

I didn’t know how to feel to those words, but I wanted to hear what Brian had to say before my emotions kick in, “What’s wrong?”

His tears stopped, “It was-- a set-up. The whole-- kidnapping thing was. What he did to you was his own choice. Steve just got out of jail; when I met him.”

Brian’s POV:
Jimmy and I walked into the casino searching for a game to play. We each carried fake Ids with us, “Dude I need a drink.” Jimmy said.

I turned to him and chuckled, “We’ll lets go grab some.”

We walked over to the bar and Jimmy lend over counter, “Two beers please.”

The lady turned around and smiled. Her long, blond hair was tied back into ponytail, her black eyeliner and pink eyes-shadow made he blue eyes pop out, she wore red lip-stick, her skin was light tan, and she wore giant sliver looped-earrings, with a diamond necklace, and a black halter-top reliving some cleavage. “Can I see some ID first?”

“Depends, are you going be here after your shift?” Jimmy flirted.

She flashed her pearls, “Depends, maybe if your over twenty-one or not.”

Jimmy pulled his wallet out from his back pocket and opened it up to her, “Now you know my name. What’s yours?” he ask.

“Megan, and who’s your friend?” she gesture over to me.

“Brian, and I think you be a better match for Jimmy.” I was gay and never denied it once; since my first crush. I was okay with being a homo and no one knew that I was. No one ever asked me if I was, or wasn’t.

She grabbed two glasses and filled it up from the tap, “Got a girl-friend. I get it, but your friend, Jimmy, doesn’t.”

She placed the beer on the bar counter, “You can gimme your number, and I can give you mine.” he grabbed his beer and pushed mine over to me. Megan slipped a piece of paper with numbers on it over. Jimmy grabbed a napkin and pen and scribbled his down, before passing it over to her and smiling at her as we left.

“Did you see that dude?! Jimmy Sullivan scored one in Vegas.” he took a sip of his beer as we walked through the casino.

I nodded, “Jimmy, did you forget? I was there and you know I’m gay.” I explain chugging half of my beer down, “Plus this is Vegas. Sex, parties, drunk weddings, and a lot of betting.”

I bumped into a dude and spilled my beer all over his backside of his black coat, the beer glass hit the floor and fell like ashes in a fire, the man turned around and glared, “Did you just pour that on my new coat?” he growled, his voice was deep.

I shook my head, “I’m sorry sir, I didn’t mean to. See I wasn’t--” he cut me off.

“How old are you?” he raised a brow at me.

“Twenty-one just three months ago.” I lied.

He grinned, “Really? Well Mr.?”

“Brian, and yes.” I pushed my chest out a bit to show him, I don’t take shit.

He nodded, “Well, Brian, challenge me at a game of Texas Hold ‘Em, but lets make this interesting.”

“If its money your getting that shit anyway, unless you lose.”

He shook his head, he crotch down a little and whispered into my ear, “If I win, I want to know some certain things.”

I smirked, “Fine, but if I win, you back off, and leave me alone.”

“Deal.” he held his hand out to me, and I gripped it firmly. We shook for a second, before he let go, “Follow me, and you can take your friend with you if you like.”

I nodded, and motion Jimmy to follow me. The man led us over to a table and talked to the lady standing there. She nodded and glanced at us. I took my seat and glanced at Jimmy, he was fidgeting a little, “What’s the bet?” Jimmy ask.

“Don’t worry about it.” I stated.

The cards were placed on the table and she shuffled the up a good amount of times before she passed them out to us I pick them and glanced at the man before my cards. A king and queen, just need a few more cards and I’ll win with a royal set. Jimmy glanced at my cards and shook his head. The man noticed and raised another raised a card up into hand. I did as well. Tension was building up and Jimmy kept telling me I was going to lose, but he was scared of something.

“Cards on the table.” the lady explained.

I placed my down first, “A royal set.”

The man laugh and threw his down, “A set of aces. You lose my friend. Now if would please follow me.” Jimmy and I began following him before the man turned around, “Leave the tall man behind.”

Jimmy grabbed my arm, “Brian, be smart for once, and don’t do this.”

I shook my head, “A deal is a deal, if something goes wrong, find my parents. I have my knife with me, and my phone.” he nodded and let go.

I followed the man into the hotel area and down the hallway. He opened a door up and gestured me to go inside first. I walked inside, the door closed behind me, “Who are you?” he asked.

“Brian Haner.”

He removed his coat, “Where you from, Brian?”

“Huntington Beach.” I wasn’t really worried about what the point of these questions were, I’m sure Jimmy would have.

He nodded, “Are you really twenty-one or are you really in high school?”

“Are you a cop?” I ask.

He chuckled, “My first month out of jail.”

“Congrats to you then.” I said sarcastically.

“Now your age?” he was changing the subject.

“You tell me yours, I’ll tell you mine.” I smirked.


“Sixteen.” I wasn’t sure what was going on, but next thing I knew he was coming closure to me.

“Tell me, Brian, ever felt the need to fuck someone?” he smirked.

I shook my head, “I fuck when I’m at a party and wasted, but other then that no.”

He chuckled, “I do, and supposedly its against the law.”

I nodded slowly, “So, your going to rape me?”
He chuckled, “Brian, everything is carefully planned out. I planned to come to this casino tonight, and I planned to find a teenage. You happen to be the one, and so I wanted to make a deal with you to see your personality. I must say your pretty laid back, even right now.”

“I get in fights all the time, not too scared of you.” I explain, watching him pace the room.

He nodded, “I have more plans and your going to be part of them. You can not back out and you can not tell anyone. Deal?” he crocked an eyebrow.

I nodded quickly, “Deal, but was is it that you have planned?” I ask.

Zacky’s POV:
My thoughts on, Brian, were slowly changing and I didn’t know what to do. He noticed my expression and stop talking about that night with the man that almost killed me, raped me, and hurt me. Those day seemed to have returned and Brian had something in plan for me, and he wasn’t going to tell me yet. All I knew was my life wasn’t going last much longer, and he knew I’m starting to figure out just who he really is.
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Sorry about no update last week, but I've been busy, still no excuse, but this chapter should make it up to you. Oh I lied to you, there are two more chapters left.

Updates! So I entered a contest, and I won first place with my story, Wait its a Brian and Mikey, and its about an abusive relationship. So check that out. I'm also hosting a writing contest, and I need eight more people to enter here's a link, A7X/MCR contest fanfics check that out. I'm going to update tomorrow as well for another contest I had enter, so look out for that, and I'm going to try and finish up my 'You Can Trust No One' two shot story, and post that sometime this week.

I have finals coming up so if you don't see a update next weekend, I'm really sorry, but I'm barely pasting science, so I need to study hard.

Thank you everyone for reading, subscribing, and commenting. I hope you like this twist I put in this chapter. Enjoy:) Hope you all like the new cover and layout.