The Legend of Pageon



All of a sudden, 3 lighting bolts come out from Malus' hands. They land a direct hit on Indean. However when the dust clears up,

Indean: HAAHAHA! You gotta do better than that boy!
Malus: The attack barely scratched him!
Jaco: Your weak attacks can't harm us! We are elite soldiers of our master.

Kivgn: Who is your master?
Jaco: You'll know in time...if you survive this battle that is.

Meanwhile, trapped in the orb...

Sarla: Save us please!
Eevan: Don't worry. They will. Di-load what are u doing?
Di-load: Huh? Oh I found some berries on the ground before the battle, so I decided to eat them while we are stuck in here.
Jimgla: Damnit! Now you know this not the time for eating!

She swats the berries out of Di-loads hands.

Back on the battlefield, Malus and our heroes are trying to figure out why his attack barely hurt Indean.

Ariel: It's my turn again!

She holds out her hands and throws to large fireballs at Jaco.
Again, the attack hits directly but has no effect.

Jaco: MWAHAHAHA! You still haven't grasp the concept of you never beating us!
Kivgn: Shut up! We will win!

All of a sudden, a piece of Jacos face falls off and turns into dust! Jaco quickly covers his broken face with his hand.

Ariel: Ha! I GOT HIM!

She is soon interrupted by Jaco's maniacal laughter.

Jaco: As amusing as it is to see you squirm, I think its time to reveal our secret.

As soon as he says this, hen picks up a piece of earth off the ground, and places it on his broken face. Soon his face is restored to its normal state.

Teey: OH MY GOD! What did you do?!

Indean: HA HA! You see we both possess an elemental trait like you guys. We possess the Earth element. Our bodies are covered in a very hard earth barrier that protects our regular bodies. You see there's no way you can get past this defense force.

Malus: Ha! We will see...
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how y'all like that?